Ï Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania is accredited in Turkmenistan

Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania is accredited in Turkmenistan

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On the instruction of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammedova receives credentials from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Turkmenistan.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the Chairperson of the national parliament congratulated the guest on the appointment to the high diplomatic post and wished him success in strengthening friendship and enhancing cooperation between Turkmenistan and Lithuania.

The diplomat conveyed the congratulations and best wishes to the President and people of Turkmenistan on behalf of the President of the Republic of Lithuania on occasion of the International Day of Neutrality, underlining that it is an honor for him to represent his country in the state widely recognized as a peacemaking centre of the region.

During the meeting, the Ambassador was acquainted with the key priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the important aspect of which is development of cooperation with various world countries and large international organizations in the interest of the global peace, security and sustainable development.

The diplomat learned more about the structure and work of the Turkmen Parliament.

The exchange of views on the important issues of the international agenda, including in the format Turkmenistan – the European Union took place during the meeting. Cooperation in the spheres of trade, economy, transport and other areas of the national economy were specified among the priority vectors of cooperation.

The opportunities for enhancing the cultural dialogue and developing interparliamentary relations were considered during the meeting.