Ï Media Turkmen News Agency has its own VR - code

Media Turkmen News Agency has its own VR - code

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Chinese VR Code Technology made official presentation of the sample of the first VR – Code, which has to replace completely usual QR- code in future, in 2010.

It is translated as “visual recognition code” from English. Comparing with QR – code, new code includes enormous amount of information, having become an irreplaceable in such spheres as exhibitions, promotion of trademarks, advertisement, tourism, product certification, medicine, agriculture, mass media and many other. New VR-code is easy to identify by eye, which is reflected in its name and is scanned much faster by special devices.

ORIENT website of Media Turkmen News Agency was one of the first companies of Turkmenistan, which has received its own VR-code, few days ago. New code has been already placed on the main page of news portal. Using this code, mobile application of ORIENT.TM can be easily installed on smartphone or tab.

New technologies are rapidly spread in Turkmenistan recently; rapid growth of digitization of the economy is observed mainly in such spheres as e-trade, financial technologies, production sphere. Elements of digital economy become more common in daily life of every citizen.

Cooperation with China in use of innovations such as VR-code will be another important step for development of information and communication technologies.