Ï The President of Turkmenistan inspects construction of big facilities in the capital

The President of Turkmenistan inspects construction of big facilities in the capital

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip around Ashgabat, having inspected the situation at construction sites of some big facilities. In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has come to construction site of new medical facility – International Burn Centre for 130 patients, which erection has been entrusted to old business partner of our country – Turkish Gap Inssat.

Head of contractor company Ahmet Calik reported on the course of construction of medical complex, which would provide all conditions for high quality medical service to patients. Sketches and drawings giving visual imagination of the facility, its architectural design, interior planning and provision have been presented to the attention of the President.

Five-storey building of Burning Centre, which will be built on Bekreve street, will accommodate comfortable two-bed rooms for patients with all necessary equipment, profile departments including emergency and intensive care, clinic, laboratory, administration section, conference hall, canteen and relative auxiliary premises. Developed territory will accommodate car parking.

Drawings of International Treatment and Aesthetic Centre, which is built by Gap Insaat, have been also presented to the Head of the State. It will also have all conditions for provision of high quality treatment, cosmetology and other relative medical services to patients.

At the same time, projects of multi-level car parking for 240 vehicles, Medical College for 700 students, Training and Clinical Centre of the State Medical University of Turkmenistan, Scientific and Clinical Physiology Centre have been presented to the President for review.

Projects of construction of new chemical complex for production of mineral fertilizers in Mary, increment of production capacity of Baherden and Lebap Cement Plants, construction of the first phase of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (TAP) power line, construction of new power stations in Balkan Velayat and Bahereden etrap, Ahal Velayat are among the proposals developed by Turkish partners.

Having expressed keen interest in the situation at construction site of the Burning Centre, the President noted that completion of this and other profile projects is to support the improvement of national health protection system, development of specialized directions of medicine based on implementation of latest including digital technologies, advanced methods of prevention and treatment of diseases, study of the best world practice.

Fundamental reforms are carried out, profile infrastructure is steadily modernized and special attention is paid to stimulation of medical science and training of qualified personnel under the Health State Programme. Today, Turkmenistan citizens have an access to wide range of medical services on the level of international standards due to reforms in this sphere.

With regards to International Medical and Aesthetic Centre, it is necessary to implement international practice and advanced technologies actively, the Head of the State said. Summing up what was said, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the necessity of provision of excellent quality and compliance with timeline of work completion at these important facilities, which have to be provided with the latest medical equipment.

The Head of the State noted that many people including children spend most of the time at computers, smartphones and tabs, which leads to sedentary lifestyle, deterioration of sight, overweight and other health problems.

It may lead to different chronicle diseases including endocrine system disruption. This tendency is observed all over the world.

In this regard, as well as continuing the subject of further development of national medicine and medical practice, the President ordered the Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan to increase the level of explanation and education work and effectiveness of preventive measures for prevention of endocrine diseases, especially pancreatic diabetes, which is one of most spread diseases on the planet.

In addition, the President noted the appropriateness to build specialized centre for prevention and treatment of pancreatic diabetes. For activation of scientific studies in this direction and implementation of effective treatment methods of these diseases.

Having focused on the necessity of systematic propaganda of health and active lifestyle among younger generation of Turkmenistan, attraction of youth to regular physical training and sports, the Head of the State gave specific assignments to relative officials.

At the same place, Head of NC “Vozrojdeniye” Group of Project and Construction Companies (Russian Federation) Igor Bukato presented the project and drawings of the complex of storm water diversion facilities, which are planned to be built in the southern part of Ashgabat.

Having studies technical characteristics of the project, the President noted the importance of this engineering facility for provision of uninterrupted operation of all systems of life support of the city and its ecological wealth.

It was highlighted that requirements for such facilities have to be strictly complied with during project design and construction of storm water diversion system and accurate calculation of all parameters has to be made.

Having continued working trip, the Head of the state inspected the construction site of the Garagum Hotel with multifunctional business centre. New hotel complex in the northwest part of the capital at the intersection of A. Niyazov Avenue and Hoja Ahmet Yasavi is built by Turkish Rönesans Holding.

Board Director of contracting company Erman Ylycak has informed the President about the works on facility.

The hotel is designated for 87 comfortable rooms including standard, suit, lux and super lux rooms. In addition, the project provides relative infrastructure for leisure and sports. Restaurants banquet hall, indoor swimming pool, fitness centre with different exercise machines would be available at the guests’ disposal. Business centre will have proper conditions for business meetings.

Having studied presented drawings and sketches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Garagum Hotel has to meet international standards and requirements by all parameters including equipment and high-class service provision.

The Head of Turkmenistan has focused that elements of national decoration and other exclusive details have to be reflected in interior design. Every nuance including colour gamma and style have to be considered in development of interior design. Operational characteristics, natural and climate conditions of Turkmenistan have to be considered while choosing construction and decoration materials.

Today, Ashgabat is a centre of regional and international cooperation, which provides necessity to create optimum conditions for organization of different events and deserved reception of foreign guests and tourists, which number grows every year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Responsible approach to development of surrounding territory of the hotel is responsible together with high quality of construction, the Head of the State pointed out, having given specific assignments on this account.

Boards with project sketches of new hotel, which were presented to the Head of the State by Deputy Board Director of VINCI Group Yves-Thibault de Silguy, have been installed at the place.

In this regard, it is worth reminding that earlier, the President of Turkmenistan has initiated the construction of hotel complex, special colours to which have to be given by the elements embodying the world famous historical monuments of Nisa, Ancient Kunyaurgench, Gyzgala Stronghold located in Turkmenistan.

Architectural design of the hotel has to be made in the shape of the palace of Parthian kings, which will symbolize the construction of new Nisa by the sample of legendary historical monuments, Turkmen leader thinks. New complex, which design will also reflects the outlines of gold sand dunes of the Karakum Desert, is planned to build next to the State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Nisa.

Having studied in details the project, the Head of the State addressed the authors with number of recommendations and proposals on design and provision of the hotel. The President of Turkmenistan has also made special mention that new hotel complex has to match local natural landscape and to become an integral part of it.

Course of works on the second phase of construction of Nusay Hotel of the capital, which is located in the heart of Ashgabat, was a subject of close attention of the Head of the state. New five-storey building of the hotel, which is built along Turkmenbashy Avenue, will accommodate 131 rooms including standard, lux and VIP rooms.

It will have all conditions for comfortable stay and cultural leisure of the guests. The project was also awarded to Rönesans Holding, which director reported to the President on the situation at construction site.

Sketches of the hotel and interior design, general drawings and site maps of facilities of the hotel complex have been presented to the President of Turkmenistan for review.

Speaking of the necessity and attraction of the best practice and advanced developments to hotel business for realization of its significant potential, the Head of the State noted that national colours have to be reflected in exterior and interior design of profile facilities.

At the same time, it was highlighted that high quality of works and comprehensive approach to their execution including aesthetic and ecological aspects, timely completion of construction are the main and mandatory requirements for contractors and custodians of new facilities.

Specialists of Turkish company have also prepared the project of new industrial facilities, which were presented to the Head of the State.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev presented samples of mosaic panels, which would be used for decoration of high-rise residential buildings, which are erected under the 16th phase of urban development, to the President for review.

Having looked at drawings and sketches of placement of mosaic panels, the President highlighted that these panels would bring new original features to architectural ensemble of Ashgabat.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan noted that purpose and operation of the buildings, formation of integrated social and living, engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructures have to be considered during construction of new buildings and facilities.

Turkmen leader continued that special attention has to be paid to harmonic combination of urban and natural landscape, formation of green zones as an important factor of provision of ecological wealth of the capital and optimum conditions for life of people.

Summing up the outcomes of working trip, the Head of the State highlighted that all facilities built in Ashgabat has to meet its high status of the capital of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

During working trip, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Board Chairman of Çalik Holding Ahmet Calik, Deputy Board Director of VINCI Group Yves-Thibault de Silguy and Board Director of Rönesans Holding Erman Ylycak.