Ï Turkmen leader and Head of Rönesans Holding discuss perspective project

Turkmen leader and Head of Rönesans Holding discuss perspective project

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Board Chairman of Turkish Rönesans Holding Erman Ylycak.

Having expressed gratitude for time spared for the meeting, the businessmen congratulated the Head of the State on International Neutrality Day, having wished happiness, prosperity and further progress to Turkmen people.

Having expressed delight with large-scale changes, which happened in the country in the last years and added strong impulse to social and economic development of independent neutral Turkmenistan, growth of its authority in international arena, Erman Ylycak highlighted that he is proud of successful cooperation, having confirmed the interest of his company in continuation of productive partnership.

Having stated with delight an initiative approach of Rönesans Holding, which recommended itself as reliable and responsible partner, to cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our state make a bet of attraction of innovative developments of famous foreign companies including from the Republic of Turkey in its economic development.

It was noted that cooperation with business circles of the world receive new merit these days, having embodied in major joint projects in urban construction and industrial spheres.

Modernization and diversification of leading branches of national economy, opening of new high technology production facilities opens opportunities for expansion of cooperation with foreign business communities. Opening of the plant for production of synthetic gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat, which has been built with participation of Rönesans Holding, is a bright example of it.

During the meeting, Turkmen leader and his guest discussed perspective of partnership, which is based on the principles of mutual benefit. Erman Ylycak informed the Head of the State on the progress of the projects entrusted to his company, which are related to construction of various infrastructural facilities.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of provision of high quality of construction and fulfilment of all works in the timeline set by the contract.

Having highlighted again that it is a great honour for his company to develop constructive and fruitful cooperation with Turkmenistan, which has wide opportunities for efficient activity of representatives of foreign business circles, the businessman assured the Head of the State that Rönesans Holding would follow the obligations strictly.