Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of Çalik Holding

The President of Turkmenistan receives the Head of Çalik Holding

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Board Director of Çalik Holding Ahmet Çalik.

Having expressed gratitude to the Head of the State for the opportunity of personal meeting, the businessman congratulated Turkmen leader on coming International Neutrality Day and wished him strong health and success in his large-scale activity for the sake of Turkmen nation.

The Head of the Holding noted that favourable investment climate in the country provides growing interest of international business circles in Turkmenistan where reformation programmes, which are aimed at modernization of national economy and formation of powerful industrial infrastructure, are implemented.

Having expressed gratitude for congratulations, the Head of the State highlighted special character of relations with Turkey, which are connected with our country by strong friendship, fraternity, historical and cultural commonality. Implementing ‘open door’ policy, Turkmenistan stands for establishment of long-term partnership with leading foreign companies, the Head of the State said, having stated with delight that Turkish companies, which have significant production potential, have been working successfully in the country.

In this context, Turkmen leader focused on improvement of efficiency of participation of the Holding in big beneficial projects of construction of new industrial and social facilities, in transport sphere, energy and health protection.

Having noted that production of cement becomes the key direction of building material industry, the Head of the State suggested the head of the Holding to participate in the tender for provision of construction of three cement plants.

In the context of the course toward rapid industrialization, development of metallurgic industry has an important role, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having stated the necessity of construction of metallurgic plant.

Having highlighted the importance of one of the largest energy route of the continent – Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line as well as the TAP powerline, which construction is given to Çalik Holding, the President of the country requested the Head of the holding to perform all works on high quality level and as per planned schedule.

Having noted that this is a great honour for his company to continue old cooperation participating in realization of large-scale reformation programmes in the country, Turkish businessman informed the Head of the State about fulfilment of assignments given earlier and works at the facilities as well as made new proposals.

In particular, it was informed about works for construction of important medical facilities – International Burning Centre and International Medical and Aesthetic Centre, their provision with modern medical equipment and advanced technologies.

Having listened to the information, the President focused again that high quality of construction works and timely commissioning of facilities as per contract schedule have always been and remain to be a mandatory requirement.

Interested exchange of views on the projects of use of renewable sources of energy took place during the meeting.

In the end, Ahmet Calik assured the Head of the State that his Holding would always consider the wishes of Turkmen customers during realization of entrusted projects and fulfil undertaken obligations.