Ï Session of the Government: Innovations, growth of export potential and preparation to New Year

Session of the Government: Innovations, growth of export potential and preparation to New Year

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current subjects of the state life have been discussed.

Coming over the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision.

In the report, it was informed about results of work carried out accordion to the Laws of Turkmenistan on Trademarks and on Appellation of Origin of Goods.

According to provisions of these legal acts, the Cabinet of Ministers is to approve number of regulatory documents including Regulation of Fees for Activity Related to Trademarks, List of Activities to Collect Fees related to Trademarks and Amount of Fees, Regulation of Payment of Fees for Activity related to Appellation of Origin of Goods, List of Activities to Collect Fees related to Appellation of Origin of Goods and Amounts of Fees.

Draft Resolution on Fees related to Trademarks and Appellation of Origin of Goods has been presented to the President.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that important role in reformation processes in the country is given to modernization of national legislation including the laws regulating economic sphere.

Speaking of important of legal act adopted in the last years and developed taking into account time realities and international standards in this field, the President ordered to carry out work in the direction according to the standard of international law.

Having signed the Resolution on Fees related to Trademarks and Appellation of Origin of Goods, the Head of the State sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and ordered to hold proper fulfilment of provisions of this document under control.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier informed about integrated measures for improvement of legal base of activity of small and medium business. It was informed that share of private section is growing in different spheres of the economy these days. National entrepreneurs participate in projects of service sphere, production complex and many other directions.

In its turn, it requires the improvement of the system of beneficial taxation of private entrepreneurs and development of relative documents, the Vice-premier noted and presented proposals on amendments and addendums of the Tax Code of Turkmenistan to the Head of the State for review.

Opening of new production facilities and creation of various entrepreneurship activities expanded taxation base and increased income to the State budget, the Head of the state noted.

At present time, necessity of further reformation of taxation system of the country is growing, the President continued, having requested the Vice-premier to introduce modern methods in this sphere more actively, to work on improvement of elative regulatory and legal acts as well as to explain the provisions of existing legislation in this field.

Video conference session was continued with the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who informed about the situation in different spheres of fuel and energy complex.

Information about the measures for expansion of geological survey works aimed at finding of new hydrocarbon deposits, acceleration of industrial development of oil and gas field as well as increment of production and processing volumes of oil and gas has been presented.

Draft Resolution providing the contract with Sumitomo Corporation Europe Ltd (UK) for procurement of various size pipes and other materials required for drilling of wells at Galkynysh gas deposit has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that enhancement of efficiency of fuel and energy complex, which is to make big input to social and economic development of the country, is an important objective these days.

The Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of certain assignments for further diversification of oil and gas sector, modernization of its infrastructure on innovative base, having focused on importance of permanent control of the completion dates of investment projects including construction of the TAPI transnational gas line.

Relative assignments have been given for attraction of foreign investors to fuel and energy sector, expansion of beneficial cooperation with big foreign oil and gas companies, which has experience in energy sphere and advanced technologies.

Having signed the Resolution, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and gave relative assignments on its fulfilment.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the measures for implementation of the project of circular energy system in the country, which s aimed at effective use of energy capacities, reliable and uninterrupted provision of consumers with power, increment of export volumes and expansion of routes of supply.

In particular, it was informed about the results of international tender, which was held by the Ministry of Energy for provision of this work. Having reported on the results of analysis of this subject, the Vice-premier presented proposal, according to which it is planned to sign additional agreement with winners of the tender, to the President of Turkmenistan for review.

Information about preparation of the sixth session of Turkmen – Turkish Intergovernmental Commission for economic cooperation has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that government energy policy is aimed at full satisfaction of requirements of all branches of national economy.

After completion of this grandiose by scales project, the system of energy supply would be completely renewed in the country, which would provide guaranteed and uninterrupted supply of electricity to rapidly developing regions, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having ordered the Vice-premier to hold all relative subjects under control.

Steadfast dynamics of Turkmen – Turkish partnership has been stated. This is visually indicated by the growth of volumes of bilateral trade, activity of Turkish companies, which make contribution to realization of large-scale reformation programmes in the country, in Turkmen market.

Having highlighted that active role in development of interstate relation is given to Intergovernmental Commission, the Head of Turkmenistan said about the necessity of maximum involvement of potential of this structure.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported about measures for solution of objectives of establishment of facilities for production of import substitutive goods. It was reported that Türkmensenagat Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication works on development of electronic production on innovative base in the country. Measures for opening facilities, which are specialized in production of various electronic equipment and goods oriented to local consumers, as well as relative small joint ventures are taken.

Aýdyň gijeler Business Entity, which is a joint venture of Türkmensenagat Agency, plans to arrange production of smart TVs with 32, 42 and 55” displays. They will be equipped with built-in IP-receivers based on software developed by the Centre of Young Scientists of the Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technology. For provision of high quality of this production, number of specialists of Aýdyň gijeler Business Entity had special training abroad.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that having rich resources and intellectual potential, Turkmenistan has good perspectives for development of modern production including in the sphere of electronic industry for opening o joint ventures and noted that it is necessary to attract local private sector to work in this direction.

In general, having approved the idea of production of local smart TVs, the Head of the State gave relative assignments to the Vice –premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the measures taken by the structures under his supervision for increment of export potential of the country and improvement of work of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange.

In this context, new edition of the Regulation of Exchange Trades for sale of production of petroleum, agricultural, industrial and communication complexes has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

The amendments of the Document are aimed at diversification of sales markets, organization of rules of transactions, creation of conditions for electronic trades, improvement of control of business processes, formation of beneficial price for goods and growth of export volumes.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of modernization of organizational approaches to work of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange as the main authority for regulation of export and import relations in the country. having approved the presented project, the Head of the State signed relative Resolution, having approved new regulation of exchange trades and sent to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system.

The Head of the State noted that improvement of work of the SCRMET would support activation of trade and entrepreneurship activity, foreign contacts, promotion of national production in foreign markets, having given specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on work for acceleration of reforms in education and sciences, health protection, sports and youth affairs. It was also reported about measures for development of the programme of improvement of activity of children pre-school facilities in 2020 – 2025 in the context of early child development and enhancement of level of its preparation to school.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused that preparation and adoption of the above-mentioned programme would support comprehensive early development of child and in this context, on importance of effective cooperation with international organizations, especially with the UN Children Fund, in this sphere.

In this aspect, it is appropriate to involve the capabilities of public and scientific organizations, various establishments and sport and recreation facilities. Multidimensional approach, which supports consolidation of resources, experience and knowledge for the sake of the future, is required for stable progress, the Head of the State said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on preparation of cultural events dedicated to coming celebrations and remarkable events as well as on development of international cooperation in cultural sphere.

Large-scale events are planned for New Year celebration. It includes conferences, exhibitions, contests, concerts, theatre plays and other.

The President highlighted that cultural and mass events and international art activities in the country have to represent national art ad rich heritage of Turkmen nation in full diversity. New Year is coming and bright events, interesting stage plays have to be prepared for children and adults, the Head of the state said.

In this regard, the Vice-premier received number of assignments for proper organization of New Year celebrations in the atmosphere of joy and happiness, which is typical for this favourite holiday.

Having signed the Resolution on approval of roles and responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers for culture, list of ministries and departments under his supervision, provision, structure and org chart as well as positions desorption of personnel of lower departments, the President of Turkmenistan sent to the Vice-premier by the system of electronic document management system.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the course of reforms in agriculture and seasonal field works in the regions.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity to accelerate realization of programmes of development of agricultural complex in certain directions, which are aimed at increment of volumes of agricultural production, provision of food abundance in the country and improvement of export potential of agrarian sphere.

The Vice-premier received the instructions for implementation of advanced technologies and scientific achievements, improvement of land fertility and rational use of water resources.

The Head of the State has also pointed out the importance of strict compliance with agrotechnical requirements while taking care of winter crops and integrated preparation to spring sowing campaign.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the preparation to Regional Conference for Water Affairs planned to be held in Ashgabat on December 17 – 18.

In this regard, it was mentioned that development of friendly, good neighbour and constructive relations with Central Asia countries is one of priorities vectors of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan implemented by the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Specific and effective measures are taken for development of solutions of current regional issues including measures related to management and rational use of water resources. Activity in the world arena in this direction has steadfast character.

It is planned that experts from the countries of the region and international organizations specialized in this sphere as well as in such fields as natural protection and climate change will participate in the coming forum, which will take place in the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.

Review of capabilities for foundation of the Targeted Working Group under the UN coordination for systematic implementation of water and energy cooperation in Central Asia, discussion of subjects related to mechanisms of cooperation between the states of the region in this direction, development of relative regulatory and legal framework,, active implementation of innovative water technologies and other are the main goals of the conference.

On December 18, the Foreign Ministry will host multilateral consultations for development of the UN Special Programme for the countries of Aral Sea region. They will be organized according to the final Joint Communique of the Summit of the heads of the states founders of the IFAS, which was held in our country in the august last year, as with the Resolution on Construction between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea adopted by the UN General Assembly by initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2018 and 2019.

Specialists and experts of profile government organization, the IFAS Executive Committee, specialized UN structures and Central Asian countries as well as representatives of foreign embassies and international organizations in Turkmenistan will take part in the events.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted that Turkmenistan invariable stands for review and solution of water issues in Central Asia based on recognized standards of international law taking into account interests of all countries of the region with participation of competent international organizations. It is undisputable fact that it is only regional consensus is an acceptable form for effective interstate cooperation.

Speaking of this, the President focused on specific initiatives of our country, including for promotion of water diplomacy as new format of multilateral diplomatic communication on this problem. Turkmenistan see the opportunity of systematic dialog aimed at review all of subjects related to management of water resources, their protection and rational use in this.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State noted the currency of initiative of our country for development of the UN Special Programme for the countries of Aral Sea region, which could become the platform for development of multilateral documents of the Unite Nations Organization for problems of internal seas.

Summing up what was said above, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave assignments for provision of high organizational level of coming events to the Vice-premeir, the Foreign Minister, which are t support further development of constructive partnership on this matters.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about activity of legislation body of the country.

It was mentioned that work for improvement of laws of Turkmenistan is carried out according to integrated programme for modernization of national legal and regulatory framework.

Session of Working Group of the Constitutional Commission for study and compilation of amendments and addendums of the Constitution of the country took place. Proper work for review of received proposals as well as development of drafts of Constitutional Law, draft laws of Turkmenistan on amendments and addendums of relative existing legal acts is continued.

Analytical work related to development and fulfilment of regulatory and legal acts has been completed with participation of specialists of profile branches. Draft National Anti-corruption Programme has been developed together with the State Security Council.

At present time, the Plan of Law making activity of National Parliament is under development. For cooperation with foreign representatives and international organizations, the deputies of the Mejlis participated in the conferences organized by different departments together with the Organizations for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Ashgabat Centre of the World Health Organization.

Summing up the session, the Head of the State has focused on preparation to celebration of New Year, having noted that all celebration events and cultural and mass activities have to be held on high organizational level.

Having touched the subject of sedentary life style, which leads to different health problems as well as some diseases, which is very important for young generation, the President highlighted the importance of formation of healthy environment and comprehensive development of young Turkmenistan citizens starting from the bases of correct nutrition to sport and ecology.

Continuing the subject, the Head of Turkmenistan stated the appropriateness to have physical training lessons three times a week or the day of sport every Saturday, having given the order to review this proposal together with the scientists of the Academy of Science and to develop relative programme.

Such lessons have to be introduced to secondary and high educational institutes of the country from the next year, the Head of the State noted, having addressed the Vice-premier P. Agamyradov with specific assignments.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished good health, family happiness and big success to all participants of the session.