Ï The President of Turkmenistan visits equestrian complex and Olympic village

The President of Turkmenistan visits equestrian complex and Olympic village

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The President of Turkmenistan visits equestrian complex and Olympic village
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited Ahalteke Equestrian Complex and met with his horse Shapolat.

The Head of the State had a walk with the horse, saddle it and went to the track, having made the horse to choose his step. After, Shapolat has changed to a jog trot.

There is no place in the world where the horse is honoured and connected with the highest ideals, imaginations and strives line in our country. All of these is described in the book of the President of Turkmenistan “The Horse – Symbol of Loyalty and Happiness”, which was published this year, through the prism of unbreakable tie between modern time, the past and the future.

Turkmen people have carefully preserved and brought to our days numerous of catch phrases and sayings dedicated to Ahalteke horses, which were irreplaceable helpers of the ancestors in achievement of great goals throughout times and centuries, having become our national pride and heritage of entire humanity.

It is remarkable that wonderful relation of human and horse has not lost its significance in the era of scientific and technical progress. Not without reason, trying to describe super high speed of positive changes in life, we often use usual saying “with the speed of Ahalteke horse”.

Having finished a ride, the Head of the State went the place of event.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to sport complex of the Olympic village where the Head of the State had a training exercise.

Care of health of the nation, creation of all conditions for happy life of people are the priority of the policy of the President of the country. All reforms, national programmes and grandiose projects in Turkmenistan are based on the main value of our state – the human being. Sports and healthy life style help to reveal his potential.

In the gym of the Olympic village, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his associates made cycle of power exercises. Sport equipment of the gym from the best world producers of sport gears fully meets its designation – to support improvement of health of people and increment of his activity.

Our common goal is to protect and improve health of the nation, to popularize healthy lifestyle in the society, the Head of the State highlights. Significant investments are sent to the development of mass physical training and sport.

Large-scale activity for strengthening of health of the nation and popularization of mass physical training among the population, especially among growing generation, gives positive results. Turkmen leader notes that physical exercises are very important in the age of development of modern technologies, computers and other electronic equipment.

Having touched upon the subject of sedentary lifestyle, which leads to different health problems at the session of the Government on December 13, the President highlighted the importance of formation of healthy environment for growth and comprehensive development of young Turkmenistan citizens starting from the bases of healthy nutrition to sport exercises.

The President of Turkmenistan has visited bowling in the sport complex of the Olympic village. After, the Head of the State had a training in the gym of the sport complex, having made a cycle of power exercises.

As is known, the Olympic village meets international standards and modern requirements of similar facilities by all parameters. The established conditions allow organizing international competitions and world tournaments in various sports. Sport complexes of the Olympic village are provided with various modern equipment; multifunctional sport simulators provides effective training for professional sportsmen and amateurs.

Numerous sports including martial arts and cycling are developed in the country in close collaboration with International Olympic Committee and International Sport Federations. Thus, it is planned to conduct the World Sambo Championship in 2020 and the World Track Cycling Championship in 2021.

The Olympic village has also become the base for training of national team for participation in Summer Olympics 2020 in Tokyo.

Having finished the training, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.