Ï Free time of the President of Turkmenistan: Succession of music traditions

Free time of the President of Turkmenistan: Succession of music traditions

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On his day off, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov exchanged the opinions on modern art and directions of its development with his grandson Kerimguly as well listened his new and edited music works, options to give them original sounds using digital technologies in the studio.

It is known that the President dedicates his free time to arts. Having written number of poems, the Head of the State puts the lyrics on music and compose excellent songs with his grandson. In addition, Turkmen leader has written several books dedicated to art for wide reading audience.

This weekend, having visited audio record studio, the Head of the state expressed interest in works composed by his grandson Kerimguly.

The President notes that art makes huge effect on development of spiritual world of human being. Based on national traditions, each work has to survive the centuries having its unique character.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also tried some musical instruments. As is known, being a teenager, the Head of the State used to attend music school where he got deeply into the bases of this art during classes.

Having worked on some tunes, Kerim played them on different musical instruments and elaborated on some parts. After, he has started re-arrangements working with sounds and rhythms enriching the style and combining different timbres.

As is known, Kerim composed some bright and melodic tunes on the lyrics of his grandfather. He actively use digital technologies in studio provided with modern equipment and compose new music. Listening to his music, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said to his grandson that each song has to reflect the spirit of epoch while resting of musical tradition of our nation.

The Head of the State was impressed how his grandson combines the traditions with trends of modern music giving an original sound to the music. This is a bright example of the pride of the grandfather with his grandson. This is a symbol of continuation of art traditions, which have been developing through the centuries, on modern level.

Turkmen leader highlights that encouraging people, the art is an important condition of establishment of good relations between them and friendship and peace between the nations

As is known, famous singer, poet and composer, Honoured Artist of Russia Igor Sarukhanov, who was born and brought up in this region, has written popular hit dedicated to the Karakum Desert – the unique ecosystem, natural pearl of Turkmenistan and inexhaustible source of natural reserves.

In the studio, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and his grandson Kerim presented this song in new original edition using digital technologies.

National school of succession continues its traditions in art, the same like in all other spheres. While being engaged in art activity, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov creates new art works, which makes positive effect on artistic improvement of his grandson Kerim.

Example of such useful dialog of the generations is important in the context of harmonic development and aesthetic education of Turkmen youth.