Ï Digitization of the regions: Ahal Velayat

Digitization of the regions: Ahal Velayat

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Ahal Velayat has become the first region in the country, which introduced digital information technologies, including electronic document management system into the system of government administration. It was reported to the President of Turkmenistan by Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov at video conference working session today.

It was mentioned that programme work for practical implementation of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, which is aimed at strengthening of competiveness of all branches of national economy and giving innovative character to them, is carried out in the country at present time.

Digitization of the regions is an important aspect of this comprehensive work. Specialists of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication have introduced electronic document management system in the administration of Ahal Velayat, having installed necessary equipment and software.

At present time, similar work is continued for connection of facilities and organizations under the administration of Ahal Velayat to the electronic document management system.

Installation, setup and launch of this system between velayat and etrap administrations and their branches – the department of major construction has been made during the first stage of the project.

Introduction of electronic document management system in velayats and etraps will support the enhancement of efficiency of interdepartmental cooperation, will give opportunity to take decisions faster on etrap level, to implement control of fulfilment of government, profile and regional programmes.

It will save time used for delivery of documents to relative structures, will exclude necessity of assigning of special transport and fuel for this purpose. In addition to economic benefit, it is directly effects the improvement of work efficiency.

In this context, it is necessary to mention big significance of electronic document management system in solution of objectives outlined in the programme of social and economic development of the regions, successful implementation of national rural programme. At present time, specialists of the administration of the velayat actively use advantages of new technologies in this direction.