Ï The Head of the State inspect the construction of shopping and entertainment centre and Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway

The Head of the State inspect the construction of shopping and entertainment centre and Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip around the capital, having inspected course of works for further development of urban infrastructure, projects of different facilities as well as situation at Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, which is under construction.

In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has come to the shopping and entertainment centre, which is built under another phase of urban development of Ashgabat, where some Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of certain ministries and departments, Hyakim of Ashgabat as well as Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country have gathered.

Level of construction of new complex, which meets quality standards and requirements for similar facilities by all parameters, was a subject of special attention of the Head of the State. The facilities is built by «Beýik-Bina» Private Company along Tehran Street.

On the site, exposition, which is visually demonstrates huge potential of national construction industry, innovative component of its production base, has been presented to the President.

Having looked around the presented exhibits, the Head of the State noted that only production that meets high requirements has to be used during construction of facilities in our country. In this context, Vice-premier Ch. Purchekov, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev, Minister of Construction and Architecture S. Selimov received certain instructions.

The Head of Turkmenistan continued that for achievement of set objectives, it is necessary to take actual measures for successful implementation of the programmes aimed at the formation of infrastructure of import substitutive production of construction material, increment of volumes of export oriented production, expansion of its variety based on local raw materials, opening of new work places, implementation of digital technologies.

The President addressed Vice-premier B. Ovezov with number of relative assignments and ordered to pay special attention to expansion of partnership with the leading business circles of foreign countries.

After, the Head of the State studied the drawings of the shopping and entertainment centre, which is planned to be built soon.

Having studied each project, the President made remarks related to planning solutions of architectural appearance and interior design of the buildings. All these details have to be reviewed at the stage of development of future projects, which have to meet modern standards both in design and in quality of construction aspects together with ecological requirements, the Head of the State highlighted.

Discussing the projects, the President noted that self-sufficiency of organization of urban environment has to be the main principle of further development of the capital. It is necessary that the population would have an opportunity to work, study, rest, go in for sports, art, use modern services of shopping, entertainments and health improvement service, which is in a walking distance. In this context, Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov received instructions for organisation of activity of the establishments under his supervision.

The Head of the State assigned number of assignments for financing of different facilities to the Chairman of the Central Bank.

Continuing studying the project, the President noted that this and many other projects visually demonstrate impressive expansion of construction works in the main city of the country.

It was highlighted that it is important not only to build but also to provide wise operation of the facilities, their targeted and rational use, professional service and management. In this regard, Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country A. Dadayev was addressed with relative assignments.

In general, having expressed satisfaction with the course of construction works, the Head of the State focused that new complex has reflect the most advanced solutions for organizations of activity of big shopping centres and modern design ideas.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued working trip around Ashgabat, having went to the place of construction of new Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway.

According to the project, high speed motorway is to accelerate and increase volume of cargo traffic across the territory of Turkmenistan. In this regard, big perspectives are opened in the sphere of transport cooperation with Uzbekistan.

After connection with Ashgabat – Turkmenbashy road, the highway connecting the eastern region of the country with its centre will provide direct exit to Turkmenbashy International Port to cargo vehicles and further to Caucasus, to the south of Russian, to the north of Iran, to Persian Gulf and Oman Gulf by sea.

At one of the part of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, the Head of the State was met by some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of certain ministries and departments, hyakims of Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat as well as the Chairman of the Unon of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Modern construction equipment has been lined up on the both sides of the road. Various samples of rollers, bulldozers, excavation machines, graders and other equipment were among the exhibits.

Having looked around samples of equipment, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to special tent put on the territory of construction site where clipboards with drawings and maps of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, which give visual impression about its scale, stages and special features of construction, have been set up.

The project is planned to be implemented in three phases, the first part of the highway – Ashgabat – Tejen, is planned to be opened in December 2020, the second – Tejen – Mary, in December 2022 and the third part – Mary – Turkmenabat, in December 2023.

The highway will have three main lane and one additional lane on each side. The width of the road will be 34.5 meters. The highway will start from the intersection, which will be built on the 24th kilometre of Ashgabat – Dashoguz highway. Payment terminal, which will accept electronic payment, traffic control station, recreation facility will also be located at this place.

It is planned to build different bridges along the route of the highway. In addition, special passage for animals, underpasses, water collection points, intersections and other facilities will be provided.

It is also planned to build stations for proper technical maintenance of the highway. Automatic system, which collects, keep and transmit all data on transport flow to the traffic control service, will control the road traffic. Forecasts including such information as humidity visibility and other will be transmitted to the same service.

Special telephone booths connected with emergency services and ambulance will be located along the highway.

Works for construction of the highway with development of surrounding territories are carried out by private companies Nusaýýollary and Hyzmat merkezi, business entities Edermen and Altyn nesil by the work order of Türkmen Awtoban CJSV, which is the general contractor of the project.

Investment of 2,300,000,000 US dollars to this project by the government indicates huge attention that is paid in the country to the formation of competitive and social responsible business, to creation of the most favourable environment for its development.

The Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs informed the Head of the state about features of this big project as well as about construction material and special equipment used for construction.

Having expressed detailed interest in each of presented drawings of the project, the President made number of relative remarks and corrections. Video about technological process of construction of the highway has been demonstrated to the Head of Turkmenistan.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is important to use advanced practice in this sphere during construction of the highway. Strict provision of quality of works and their compliance with international standards are the main requirements of the construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway.

It was mentioned that the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 pays great attention to the partnership between the government and private sector, wide implementation of efficient management methods. Special place in the document is given to attraction of entrepreneurs as a driving force in conditions of marketing relations to this process.

Continuing, the President highlighted that development of entrepreneurship, increment of export volumes of local production, expansion of foreign economic relations with all interested partners are the priority vectors of national economy.

In this context, the necessity of activation of works for opening of modern production complexes producing large variety of construction materials from local resources, including metal constructions and cement, has been noted.

The President highlighted that implementing advanced technologies, national business has to participate actively in realization of big urban construction projects, having said that the government would continue rendering comprehensive support and pay attention to development of entrepreneurship.

At the same time, it was mentioned that special attention would be paid to improvement of existing laws, stimulation of investment activity of Turkmen companies and making of the most favourable conditions for development of business.

Control of construction of production, social and cultural facilities in the capital and regions of the country, which opening is planned on the 25th anniversary of neutrality and 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan was named among the main objectives.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the course of construction works, quality of construction materials used to build the road.

Having taken the seat of one of the rollers, which was procured specially for realization of this project, the Head of the State expressed interest in technical and operational characteristics of the vehicle. This roller was made by one of the leading German companies and is a new generation of such equipment. It is in the first ranks by fuel consumption and eco-friendliness. It has special system, which turn on automatic measuring and control of the work process.

The President noted that use of modern road and construction equipment, qualification of personnel of this sphere, smart approach to organization of work at the facilities will allow fulfil all planned works on time and with high quality.

After, Turkmen leader learned the technology of asphalt laying on Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, construction materials used in building of the road and specialized measuring equipment. Samples of lighting system, construction of dividing lane and side fencing of the highway were presented to the President.

The Head of the State addressed Vice-premier Ch. Purchekov, Hyakims of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev and Ahal Velayat S. Berdimuhamedov, Minister of Construction and Archiecture S. Selimov, having requested to hold under control timely completion of construction of facilities, which opening is planned on occasion of remarkable dates.

The efficiency of construction works depends on uninterrupted provision of the industry with necessary materials. This objectives is solved by opening of new and reconstruction of existing facilities for production of import substitutive production, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed Vice-premier B. Ovezov with number of assignments.

Addressing Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov, the Head of the State ordered to take under control the location of markets, shops and other services, having focused on the necessity of provision of residents of new districts with an access to food and other necessary production in walking distance.

Having noted the importance of the project, in realization of which local companies participate, the President ordered the Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to use the capabilities given by the government effectively.

Having wished success in solution of set objectives to the participants, the Head of the State left the place of event.