Ï Electrical equipment handed over to Afghanistan as humanitarian aid

Electrical equipment handed over to Afghanistan as humanitarian aid

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Handover ceremony of powerful electrical equipment for the need of the economy of friendly country took place in Turgundy, Herat Province, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

According to the document signed by the President of Turkmenistan in November this year, 220/110/10 KV 125 Mega Watt transformer and auxiliary equipment was to be handed over to Afghan side as humanitarian aid. It is very important both in establishment of reliable electricity provision in neighbouring state and in increment of volumes of electricity supplied by our country.

Supply of energy on beneficial cost, construction of social facilities by Turkmen specialists, including medical and educational facilities, first shipment of eco-friendly gasoline made of natural gas at the plant in Ahal Velayat are bright evidence of goodwill and humane government policy of our neutral state.

In addition, being a neighbouring state with Afghanistan, Turkmenistan actively participates in realization of large-scale economic projects aimed at strengthening of energy, transport, communication and industrial branches of Afghan economy.

For these purposes, our country and its partners implements number of international projects. important place among them is occupied by Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – India power and fibre optic lines.

Construction of railroads on the territory of Afghanistan is also continued, which will allow connecting friendly state with vast geo-economic space of Eurasian continent via Turkmenistan.

Therefore, our country move toward the stabilization of the situation in neighbouring country, its integration to the system of world economic relations, provision of stable development in the region.

The participants of the ceremony in Turgundy made special mention that Turkmenistan makes colossal contribution to social and economic development of Afghanistan and support of stability.

Representatives of friendly state expressed gratitude to the President and people of Turkmenistan for support in establishment of peaceful life in Afghanistan.