Ï Informal summit of the leaders of the CIS countries: Historical facts, vectors of integration

Informal summit of the leaders of the CIS countries: Historical facts, vectors of integration

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has left on the working visit for Russian Federation for participation in informal meeting of the CIS country members. The Head of the State has been seen off in Ashgabat International Airport by officials.

Being a chairing country of the CIS in 2019, our country has approached this mission in the most responsible manner trying to support the expansion of multidimensional cooperation and giving new stimulus to it on the CIS space.

Sessions of the heads of the Governments of the CIS and Summit of the Heads of the Commonwealth states, which resulted in adoption of the Declaration on Strategic Economic Cooperation of the CIS Country members initiated by Turkmen side, have been held on high level in Ashgabat.

Our country always confirms that is willing to be a platform for important integrational processes. Big events related to activity of the CIS, which includes those related to profile and humanitarian cooperation, are held regularly in Turkmenistan.

Pursuing the policy, which is based on the principles of peace-loving and goodwill, taking into account national and common interests, equal beneficial partnership, Turkmenistan big considerable contribution to strengthening of peace and stability, development of wide fruitful cooperation on bilateral and multilateral base in the CIS.

Turkmen leader proposed new ideas and initiatives for intensification of relations at the session of the CIS Heads of the States in Ashgabat on October 11.

Strategy of economic cooperation under the CIS has to be adequate with the changes happening in global economy, the Head of Turkmenistan said at the forum.

It is necessary to respond promptly to these trends, take into account their content and direction, use existing competitive advantages for the formation and promotion of economic agenda of the CIS in the context of the global economic processes.

First, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined such strategic directions as energy, industry, transport and trade, having spoken for implementation of large-scale and long-term projects in these fields.

Efficient cooperation of the CIS countries under important international organizations has also been continued in 2019. The Commonwealth countries steadily upheld the principles of equality and respect in interstate relations, stood for the assertion of the culture of peace and dialog in the global agenda, strengthening of stability and security and were making significant contribution to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In this context, it is worth to mention the established practice of mutual support of the CIS countries during review and adoption of important resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, voting for candidacies in the UN electoral bodies.

For example, on September 12 this year, the UN General Assembly has unanimously adopted the Resolution on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the co-authorship of 73 member states. All CIS countries expressed their support and solidarity in realization of this proposal, which is important for strengthening of peace and security, in willingness to work to achieve the goals set out in this document.

Further development of interstate humanitarian dialog is an important objective in the activity of the CIS. In this aspect, it is worth to mention a success of the XIV Forum of Cultural personnel of the CIS countries in Ashgabat last May. Number of other important social and cultural events has been held in the Commonwealth countries.

Turkmenistan aims at wide and comprehensive development of relations in scientific and educations, cultural, sport, tourism and other spheres of humanitarian partnership, which is absolute factor of strengthening of relations of friendship and understanding between the nations of our countries.

…After few hours, the President’s aircraft has landed in Saint Petersburg’s Pulkovo International Airport where President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was met by officials as well as by the members of Turkmen delegation.

From the airport, the motorcade of the President of Turkmenistan went to the place of current meeting of the Heads of the CIS member states.

Upon arrival, Turkmen leader was cordially greeted by Russian Leader Vladimir Putin.

President of the Republic of Azerbainjan Ilham Aliyev, Prime Ministers of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashimyan, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, First President of te Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov, President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon took part in the summit as well.

Informal summit of the Heads of the CIS countries in narrow format took place after mutual greetings.

Such informal meetings of the CIS leaders on the threshold of New Year have become a tradition. This is another opportunity to sum up the outcomes of joint work and to exchange plans for coming period.

In general, this year was very fruitful and effective for the Commonwealth of Independent States. All events planned under chairing of Turkmenistan, which resulted in important agreements on cooperation in political, trade, economic and humanitarian sphere, have been held.

Signing of the Declaration on Strategic Economic Cooperation as well as adoption of the Action Programme for activation of partnership between foreign ministries of the CIS country members, which would give strong impulse to development of comprehensive cooperation between our countries, are among significant achievements. In addition, cultural agenda of the Commonwealth has also been very sufficient.

Opening the meeting, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that the heads of the states have made a decision of joint work for preparation to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War.

During informal meeting, the President of Russian Federation told to his colleagues about archive materials related to the beginning of the World War II and offered to see special exhibition of these documents. The presented archive materials, newsreels, photos speak of the events lead to the major world conflict. The exposition covers the period of 1938 – 1939.

The 75th anniversary of the Great Victory is very important for all nations of the Commonwealth states. Many things are done in our countries for protection of historical memory about soldiers and officers as well as about those who made significant contribution to the victory over fascism by their hard work.

As is known, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to hold flower laying ceremonies to the Victory memorials and to organize celebration fireworks dedicated to the anniversary in all CIS countries on May 9, 2020.

Turkmenistan is also ready to provide comprehensive support and assistance in organization of the main events for preparation and celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic War, the Head of the State said at the Summit of the CIS leaders in Ashgabat on October.

At the same time, the Message of the Heads of the CIS country members to the people of the Commonwealth and the world community in relation with the 75th anniversary of the Victory of Soviet people in the 1941 – 1945 Great Patriotic War has been adopted.

It is worth reminding that this year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded with the Medal for the Merits in development of humanitarian cooperation for personal contribution to expansion of the dialog between the nations, cooperation in science, education, culture and sports from International Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS country members.

Being of the CIS chairing country, Turkmenistan felt invariable support of its work in the status from other states of the Commonwealth. There is big joint work ahead including for expansion and diversification of economic relations between the countries, increment of trade, implementation of innovative methods and model into management practice, entry to new infrastructural projects.

Next year, Turkmenistan will celebrate the 25th anniversary of international recognition of the permanent neutrality of the country. It is necessary to mention that all countries of the CIS supported the UN General Assembly Resolution on permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan on December 12, 1995.

Completion its mission of the CIS chairing country, Turkmenistan aims at comprehensive realization of all goals declared at the high-level forums held this year including for strengthening of trust and understanding between the CIS countries, support of initiatives aimed at stability and security in the Commonwealth, improvement of level of its cooperation with international organizations, enhancement of political and diplomatic collaboration by activation of partnership between foreign departments of the CIS countries.

Speaking of giving of relevant impulses to the activity of the CIS, the Head of Turkmenistan highlights that new modern structures and models of partnership, both within the Commonwealth as well as in cooperation with other states and international economic institutions, are required today.

They have to match ever-changing realities of the global economy, formation of new economic centres, comprehensive implementation of innovations, digital technologies. All of these requires certain rethinking of the character of our cooperation, entry to new perspective directions in addition to traditional ones, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Important factor of the CIS activity is that it follows the goals and fundamental principles, which are laid in the base of modern international partnership. For the year of its existence, the CIS protected its directions as a format of cooperation, which is based on good will of the members, equality, understanding and respect.

Following these principles provides resilience and flexibility to the Commonwealth of Independent States, opens new edges and perspectives of partnership, provides existence of the CIS as an integral element of the system of international stability and security.

Current informal high-level meeting can be considered as another evidence of mutual intent and resolution to bring traditional partnership to new level, to give constructive character to it taking into account gained positive practice of cooperation, huge economic and resource potential.