Ï The President of Turkmenistan attends New Year events

The President of Turkmenistan attends New Year events

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited New Year show at the Main New Year tree of the country, having shared the joy of the event, which has been expanded at the square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre, with young participants of the celebration event.

Turkmen capital welcomes New Year wearing a dress of illumination and bright decorations, which changed the streets, squares, parks and alleys of the city. As soon as the lights and millions of stars of decorative lighting of the facades and trees are on, organized activities, which bring together many participants like children with their parents, youth and representatives of older generation, start on concert stages and in the open.

Traditionally, the Älem camp becomes the main centre place of these joyful events. Magic kingdom of flashing lights, bright glass balls, giant snowflakes, shining arches has spread around huge tree. Magic labyrinth shining with colours of rainbow immerses into atmosphere of new year wonder and expectation of surprises, bright emotions and magic adventures in the company with favourite characters of cartoons.

These days, the main New Year tree become the place of attraction of numerous children including those who came from different parts of the country. best schools students, winners of discipline contests, sport and art competitions as well as fosters of orphanages received an invitation to take part in New Year celebrations in the capital.

Today, the children welcomed long-awaited characters of the celebration – the good patron of winter Ayaz Baba and his assistant Garpamyk. Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, the hyakim of Ashgabat have come to the children.

Everybody expecting for arrival of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with joyful excitement as this is a great honour to take part with the President in the celebration, which symbolize a beginning of new stage in life.

Turkmen leader participates in the events at the main New Year tree of the country every year coming to celebrate the kids and school students personally.

Vehicle of the Head of the State stops next to the square. Turkemn leader warmly greet the participants of New Year celebration and follows to the New Year tree. On behalf of growing generation and all countrymen, Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk express gratitude to the President for care of children, making of favourable conditions for their comprehensive harmonic development, qualitative education, physical and spiritual fostering.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is invited to see art performances of young artists, who prepared concert programme with songs and dances for this day.

Celebration events is spread – talented vocalists, musicians, children choreographic ensembles demonstrate their abilities. Snow-white costumes of children make impression that finery snow laid down on the square around the New year tree this morning and bright eyes and cheerful smiles were shining brighter than decorations on the branches of New year tree.

Children dressed in costumes of the character of the eastern horoscope including cute piggy – the symbol of 2019 and handsome mice – the talisman of coming 2020.

The Head of the State watched with great interest the children performance, who shone with a firework of emotions. In the end of bright performance, the children have asked Head of the State to take part in the dance around the New Year tree.

Turkmen leader thanked young artists for wonderful performance and joined traditional dance around New Year tree, which symbolizes friendship, peace, harmony, solidarity and prosperity.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the children on New Year and wished them success in study and life, excellent winter holidays, all dreams to come true, after which the participants of New Year celebration were expected the gifts from the Head of the State.

A photo, which pictured the President and young Turkmenistan citizens under the main New Year tree of the country, has been made for a memory of current event.

Having wished Happy New Year to all again, the Head of the State expressed confidence that boys and girls would grow up as deserving successor of the best national traditions and wise advises of the ancestors.

From Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the Trade and Industrial Chamber where celebration marathon was continued with New Year show with participation of children collectives as well as circus and popular artists.

In the Chamber, the Head of the State and his grandchildren took part in New Year celebration.

Turkmen leader addressed the participants with warm congratulations and best wishes. The President noted that integrated programmes are implemented in the country for provision of happy childhood and in the sphere of youth affairs. Coming year also promises to be rich with important events in this sphere.

Deservingly finishing the Year of Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity, we undertake new major projects in different spheres with belief in beautiful future of the country and growing generation. We set big objectives and are full of power to achieve them relying on our youth, the Head of the State highlighted.

Cheerful New year music started playing and young participants of the celebration together with Ayaz Baba, Garpamyk, characters of favourite fairy tales and Chinese calendar went to New Year tree decorated with colour garlands and toys.

Grandiose performance with music, songs, dances and poems dedicated to New Year has expanded in a big hall neatly decorated with New year attributes.

Ayaz Baba invited children to line around the New Year tree and started the contest where children sign, read poems and dance. They are replaced by children choir and dance ensembles. Young performers are assisted by the artists of the State Circus of Turkmenistan.

The youngest participants of the celebration liked original medley from Turkmen folk fairy tales and children cartoons. They were able to dance round the tree with famous characters. There was no limit to the joy of the kids – they were playing , laughing and jumping. Children of representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan has also taken part in the event. The kids greeted Turkmen leader and congratulated him on New Year in their own languages.

The concert programme was continued with new Year song, which was sung on Turkmen, Russian and English languages by children choir and energetic young dancers provided choreographic accompaniment.

Artists of Turkmen State Puppet Theatre presented their performance to the spectators, having demonstrated fragment of popular plays adapted to New Year theme. Mukam violin ensemble, which is famous beyond Turkmenistan, presented stirring melody to all participants. Continuing the celebration, the best children art collectives as well as singer and folk performers have demonstrated their art.

Bright festival colours were brought to the event with the costumes of theatre and circus artists who engaged the public in joyful stage plays and raising friendly applauses.

Music, song, dance performances made a bright wrath of celebration concert where young participants have shown their talents. Folk songs, modern popular performances have united all participants of the wave of joy.

Original Turkmen motifs, which are filled with character ethnographic features, unique vocal methods and shaded with choreographic picture, sounded vividly.

By the results of the contest, the winners received prizes in various nominations. Huge cake was presented to all participants of the event, after which they were invited to Turkmen traditional ‘toy’.

Turkmen wedding with its traditional ceremony has expanded in front of the participant. Today as centuries ago, original traditions are an integral part of life of Turkmen nation. Substantive content of ancient traditions has been transformed in the course oftime, however, the emotional tone has remained the same.

The Head of the State notes that traditions captured spiritual programme of generation, philosophy of deep belief in moral power of human being, call for creation and unification. Coming through millenniums, national traditions kept life asserting meaning and optimistic mood until our days.

The wedding was finished with the most popular dance in the country – kushtdepdy. Its special position in rich folklore heritage of Turkmens is provided not only by ancient roots of origin but also by strong spiritual energy. Therefore, it is so popular until our days among people as well as recognized as a part of human intangible heritage.

Having said warm goodbye to the participants of event, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.

Celebration marathon of New year events has entered finish line. Turkmenistan welcomes 2020 as one big and friendly family with good hopes and readiness to new achievements.