Ï Turkmen leader inspects preparation to sport tournaments in Ashgabat

Turkmen leader inspects preparation to sport tournaments in Ashgabat

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Turkmen leader inspects preparation to sport tournaments in Ashgabat
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the Olympic village of the capital where three big international sport events would take place in 2020. These are the World Sambo Championship, the Asian Futsal Championship and the Davis Cup Tournament (Asia/Oceania zone, Group IV).

The Head of the State personally supervises preparation to large-scale sport events, which mainly provides their big success. This is indicated by the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 2017 and the World Weightlifting Championship 2018.

These are other representative competitions, which were hosted by Ashgabat with generosity of cordial guest and with all responsibility, have not only strengthened sport prestige of Turkmenistan but also improve authority of the state as important centre of international life.

The competitions gave an opportunity to show the potential of the country, its commitment to wide partnership, strengthening of friendly and business contacts, establishment of the atmosphere of trust and understanding in the region and on the planet to the world as well as to stimulate development of mass sports and tourism industry.

That is why the subjects of conduct of such prestige events are under close attention of the Head of the State.

Mega project of construction of the largest in the region multifunctional sport complex – the Olympic village, in Ashgabat was also under close personal supervision of the Head of State on each stage of its realization, making corrections and inspecting literally each part of grandiose construction.

On Saturday, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has come again to the Olympic village of Turkmen capital in order to inspect the course of preparation of facilities for important international tournaments.

The President of Turkmenistan was met by Vice-premier P. Agamyradov, Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev as well as Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs of the country D. Gulgeldiyev.

The President has started the conversation right away expressing interest in the situation and asking specific questions on various directions of activities expanded in the Olympic village.

Having noticed a row of sport bicycles, the Head of the State paid attention on differences in their modifications and said that quality and the best technical characteristics are the main requirements for sport equipment, which is procured for our athletes.

Having given instructions, the Head of the State entered the Complex of Gaming Sports. Different design of sport uniform for members of National team, which would represent Turkmenistan at the Olympic games 2020 in Tokyo , has been presented to the President. The full set includes sport accessories and uniform.

Minister of Sports and Youth Affiars D. Guldiyev reported that on the fabrics, which is used for sport equipment, features of construction and purpose for use.

The Head of the State checked with attention the samples of outfit for sportsmen from practicality and comfort point of view, compared colour gamma and design in traditional national decoration style and pointed out the best ones.

The President clarified that sport uniform of the Olympic sportsmen has to match natural and climate conditions of Japan and to reflect brightly expressed elements of Turkmen culture. However, the main thing is that it has to be comfortable for the athletes taking into account the length of physical activity and load.

The Head of the State has made remarks on certain moments of making of sport uniform for National team, has given his recommendations and noted that the set of the Olympic outfit has to be made in single style, to be functional, nice and be of a high quality.

Sketches of decoration of interior and facades of buildings, which would host international competitions, were presented to the attention of Turkmen leader. Sport complexes of the Olympic village have all conditions for conducting of high-level tournaments, organization of effective training process. Using given opportunities of modern infrastructure, Turkmen athletes improve their skills and participate in offsite training camps and competitions.

It is also supported by the attraction of experienced foreign specialists to coaching, who unanimously note high level of provision of Turkmen sport facilities, especially the Olympic village.

However, the holiday is a holiday, and this is the way the competitions of the best sportsmen from many countries of the world are held in our country and it is a standard practice to prepare in all directions including the design.

Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the readiness of the complexes of the Olympic village for international competitions and its decoration as well as presented the projects for development of the avenues, which sport complexes are facing.

The President has studied the projects in details, made some remarks and corrections. In particular, it was mentioned that it is necessary to divert traffic through the tunnel at the intersection of two adjacent avenues in order to give free access to pedestrians to the Olympic village from this side.

The Head of the State has also expressed the thought to install a column in the centre of the intersection, in order to, having decorated this part of the capital, make it more substantial. All of these has to match beautiful architectural look of Ashgabat, the President noted.

It is necessary to envisage that all planned works, which are carried out in the city for its development and development of road and transport network, would support creation of the best conditions for sportsmen, who would come for international competitions and numerous guests of the capital, the Head of the State said and gave specific assignments to the Hyakim of the city for solution of these objectives together with preparation to coming major events.

Having exited the Complex of Gaming Sports, the President went by bicycle to the building, which would host the Asian Futsal Championship. Upon arrival, the Head of the State looked around the field for the futsal, inspected the location of equipment and arrangements of visitors’ stands.

The principles of healthy life style are strengthened in the country these days, the Head of the State said, having stated with delight that more people, especially the youth, are being involved in physical training and sports.

At the same time, construction of sport complexes and stadiums is continued in all regions and the capital. It also requires to pay attention to their provision with state-of-the-art equipment and to take care of qualified coaches and other sport specialists.

It was mentioned that football is a team game; it educates team spirit and aim for result, unites sportsmen and learn to work in team, develops personal and social merits of people as well as spatial thinking and reaction, ability to foresee and respond quickly. Undoubtedly, all these skills would be useful for achievement of high results not only in sports but also in life, the Head of the State said.

After, the President went to the Martial Arts Complex, which would host the World Sambo Championship next year. The Head of the State has looked around visitors’ stands, and battleground, having checked the conditions made for sportsmen, referees and fans as well as has paid attention to the interior decoration.

Speaking of the importance of the World Sambo Championship, the Head of the State highlighted that martial arts are traditionally very popular sport direction in Turkmenistan. This is related to national gyoresh wrestling and big interest in oriental martial arts, different types of which have sections and Federation in our country.

With regard to sambo, this is not just a sports but also a big educational work. It is not occasionally that the coaches set up the sportsmen to confident and at the same time safe wrestling. First, this wrestling develops a personality – restrain, fortitude, resilience, fortitude and courage. As is known, Turkmen sportsmen successfully compete at the world martial art championships.

The President has ordered profile officials to provide high organizational level of coming competitions. The emphasis has been laid on the necessity to use effectively all facilities of the Olympic village and its conditions. It was highlighted that it is necessary in order for Turkmen sportsmen would be able to achieve high results in 2020 competitions – the World Sambo Championship and International tennis competitions. In this regard, number of assignments has been given.

By the way, relative committee of the International Tennis Federation made a proposal on conducting of the round of International Tennis Davis Cup in Ashgabat on 2020. It is expected that sport delegations from 17 countries will participate in this tournament. The sportsmen who would successfully compete in Ashgabat round will be qualified for participation in the 3rd Group of qualification tournament of the Davis Cup in 2021.

Having went to the indoor tennis court, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that organization of International tennis Davis Cup is a convincing evidence of growing authority of Turkmenistan in international sport arena and excellent opportunity for further wide popularization of sports, including tennis, in our country.

According to the Resolution of the Head of the State, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs was allowed to conduct the round of the Davis Cup (Asia/Oceania Zones, IV Group) together with Turkmenistan Tennis Federation and International Tennis Federation in the Tennis Complex of the Olympic village of Ashgabat on June 8 – 15, 2020.

In this context, special attention has to be paid to good training of student of relative university and sportsmen of the country to these competitions. The indoor tennis court of the complex is equipped according to all modern requirements. The Head of the State expressed interest in preparation work in the complex, having focused on the necessity to consider all factors.

Capabilities of the indoor tennis court fully meet international standards together with sambo, kickboxing, judo, boxing, taekwondo, karate facilities. All technical specifications of International Olympic Committee have been considered and implemented during project design and construction of the court.

At present time, this is the biggest sport facility in Central Asia, which is used for organization of big competitions, training of sportsmen, conduct of health improving classes. It is also worth mentioning that national Turkmenistan team, which will participate in Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo has training in the complex. The preparation to international competitions in 2020 is also carried out on the highest level.

The head of the State noted that organization of the round of the Davis Cup in our country would be very important for development of various sports in our country. It means that it is necessary to take measures for provision of high organizational level of these competitions.

Having expressed the confidence that Turkmen sportsmen will have higher results at the coming Davis Cup tournament in Ashgabat, the Head of the State noted high activity of Turkmen citizens in engagement to mass physical training and sports and expressed confidence that there would be many visitors on the stands who would support their compatriots on the court.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted that high level of international meetings is provided in the facilities of the Olympic village, all conditions for sportsmen and fans were made and that these subjects are addressed with full responsibilities. Having expressed satisfaction with the results of inspection of the facilities of the Olympic village, the President gave assignments for control of preparation works to relative officials.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to put all efforts for use of the world practice and implementation of digital technologies during relative works.

Our main goal is to develop physical training and sports, strengthen principles of healthy life style and Olympic movement. The government makes big investment to these goals, the Head of the State noted.

Having requested profile managers to use sport infrastructure of the country and practice of organization of international competitions effectively, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success to all participants and left the place of event.