Ï Briefing in the Foreign Ministry: Aral and Caspian Seas in the focus of Turkmenistan

Briefing in the Foreign Ministry: Aral and Caspian Seas in the focus of Turkmenistan

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The Foreign Ministry hosted a briefing dedicated to the outcomes of Turkmenistan’s chairing of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea in 2017 – 2019 and to the first Caspian Economic Forum, which was held last August in Avaza National tourist zone.

Ambassadors of our country to foreign countries, representatives of national and foreign mass media as well as students of journalism departments on the universities have been invited to the briefing.

It was highlighted that while taking an active position in solution of current modern objectives, Turkmenistan stands for intensification and expansion of fruitful partnership in the format of the UN, International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, other big competent organizations and structures trying to support the optimization of cooperation on the subjects, which worry entire humankind today.

Principles uttered by Turkmen leader at the UN Sustainable Development Conference Rio+20, the UN Summit on Sustainable Development after 2015 under the 70th session of the UN General Assembly and other international forums are aimed at this.

Proposals on opening of the Regional Centre of Technologies related to the climate change in Central Asia as well as on development of the UN Special Programme for Saving of Aral Sea and the UN Water Strategy are among these initiatives.

Constructive position of the President of Turkmenistan in this direction is widely supported by the world community. This is visually indicated by the Resolutions on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, first of which was unanimously adopted at the 82nd session of the 72nd UN General Assembly in April 2018 and the second one at the 8th session of the 73rd UN General Assembly.

These documents, which were developed on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, were significant step to the formation of legal base for cooperation between the UN and IFAS on systematic base.

Chairing this international structure from 2017 to 2019, Turkmenistan has organized and held number of important events aimed at realization of goals and objectives of the Fund. First of all, the Summit of the heads of the states - founders of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea held in Turkmenbashy on August 24, 2018 is worth to be mentioned.

Joint activities of these states for improvement of ecological situation and integrated use of water resources of the Aral Sea basin in the conditions of the climate change, further strengthening of partnership in solution of water management, ecological, social and economic issues, cooperation with international organizations were the subjects of detailed discussion of the Presidents of five states of Central Asia during the Summit.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes the fact that leaders of five countries have confirmed the commitment to previous decisions on joint management and rational use of water resources and environment protection in Aral Sea basin taking into account the interests of all sides on the principles of goodwill and respect is one of the main results of the high-level meeting.

In particular, the willingness for further improvement of organizational structures and regulatory and legal framework of the IFAS for establishment of effective and stable institutional mechanism, which is able to respond timely to new challenges, has been expressed.

In addition, the consensus on realization of regional projects and programmes aimed at saving of Aral Sea, ecological improvement of Aral region and Aral Sea basin as well as in the sphere of integrated use and protection of water resources of transboundary waterways, water management, energy and social and economic development has been reached.

It has been reflected in the Joint Communique adopted by the outcomes of the Summit.

According to the decisions taken at the sessions of the Board of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea in January and August 2018, Regional working groups for development of the Aral Sea Basin Programme (ASBP – 4) and Improvement of Institutional and Legal Mechanisms of the IFAS have been made.

Three sessions of the above-mentioned groups have been held in 2018 – 2019; draft ASBP – 4 has been developed and sent for agreements to the countries – founders of the IFAS with participation of national experts and international partners.

Multilateral consultations for development of the UN Special Programme for the countries of Aral Sea region, which were organized by the IFAS Executive Committee together with the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan, have been held. Representatives of agencies and specialised institutions of the UN, other international organizations, specialists and experts of profile structures of Central Asian countries took part in the consultations.

At the same time, the IFAS Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development adopted Regional Programme of Environment Protection for Sustainable Development of Central Asia (CARPEPSD), which is aimed at realization of the Sustainable Development Goals and natural protection conventions of the UN, implementation of the principles of ‘green’ economy and adaptation to the climate change.

In general, new impulse has been given to the cooperation of the Central Asian countries in all spectrum of natural protection subjects based on developed practice, activation of cooperation of the states of the region with big international organizations, first of all with the UN and its specialized agencies and institutes, during the chairing of Turkmenistan in IFAS.

In this regard, the gratitude has been expressed to international partners for support in realization of events of the IFAS Executive Committee.

Improvement of constructive cooperation in Caspian Sea is among the priority vectors of foreign course of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of positive neutrality, goodwill and open doors. Our country makes considerable input to the realization of significant multidimensional potential of ancient Hazar comprehensively supporting the strengthening of its status of the sea of peace, friendship and harmony.

Turkmenistan was repeatedly a place of different international conferences, talks, meetings, seminars on Caspian Sea issues.

So-called profile agreements have been developed together with the basic document – the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea.

The Head of the State highlights that Turkmenistan would always take an active position in the subjects of Caspian Sea for provision of peace, security and stability in the region, strengthening of friendship, goodwill and wide cooperation between coastal states and their people who are united by centuries-old historical and cultural relations.

The fact that this was initiative of Head of Turkmen state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov based on which important documents on partnership in Caspian Sea have been developed and adopted is a bright indication of practical measures in this direction.

It includes the Agreements on cooperation in protection and ratioanl use of aquatic biological resources of Caspian Sea, preventions and response to emergency situations as well as in trade, economic and transport spheres.

The work on relative agreement has been accomplished during the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CASPCOM – regional committee for hydrometeorology.

At present time, our country hosts expert meetings on coordination of the draft agreements, which were initiated by the President of Turkmenistan at the Fifth Caspian Summit, in the sphere of scientific studies and in search and rescue works in Caspian Sea.

In addition, Turkmenistan presents negotiation platform for development of two protocols to the Agreement in the security sphere in Caspian Sea – in the sphere of illegal production of biological resources (poaching) and for provision of safe navigation.

Starting from 2013, training course Caspian Sea – Sustainable Development and Management is held in Avaza national tourist zone every year. This event, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was organized by Turkmen side with International Ocean Institute, which is a partner of the UN for all countries of Caspian Region.

Special issues of news bulletins dedicated to the chairing of Turkmenistan in International Fund of Saving of Aral Sea and first Caspian Economic Forums have been presented to the participants of the briefing.