Ï The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements

The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements

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The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements
The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements
The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements
The President of Turkmenistan gave monetary prize to Galkynysh Equestrian group for their achievements
In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex where he met members of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group and watched their training.

At the entrance to indoor arena, the Head of the State was greeted by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

As is known, all conditions were made in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex for various equestrian sports, international competitions as well as for breeding of horses according to high modern requirements.

The complex has all capabilities for jockeys’ training including special arena for training of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group.

In addition, comfortable residential estate has been built for horse breeders, jockeys and profile specialists in Kyarizek gengeshlyk, Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat. Horse breeders living in the settlement with their families are grateful to the Head of the State for the conditions made for prosperous life and creative work.

Decision on foundation of profile equestrian institute has made been according to the initiative of the President of the country.

… The Head of the State has come to indoor arena – the training place of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group, which is famous not only in our country but far beyond its borders.

Famous group, which was established in 2007 by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is a numerous winner of international reviews and world festivals of circus art.

Speaking of ahalteke horses, their glory, which is improved these days, it is necessary to mention the uniqueness of this breed of horses. Ahalteke horses, which are thought to be one of the oldest breeds, have character distinguishing features, which indicate the excellence of equestrian traditions and experience of Turkmen horse breeders.

Equipment and facility base of equestrian industry has been completely modernized for the short period and big work has been carried out for improvement of working and living conditions of specialists, who dedicated their life to this profession, under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan.

All of these indicates huge respect, which is paid to sky horses and horse breeders in Turkmen land, which is historical birth place of ahalteke breed, which has not only enriched the world horse breeding sphere but also remained with Turkmens in their pedigree state.

Special attention is paid these days to horse breeding matters, breeding of thoroughbred ahalteke horses, activation of different equestrian sports, which together with improvement of unique beauty of ahalteke horses, supports to further development of national equestrian sport. Active participation of the President of Turkmenistan in this work enhance the glory of Turkmen horses in the world.

In this regard, successful performance of the representatives of national equestrian sport in international competitions are worth to be mentioned.

Having highlighted special role of the Galkynysh National Equestrian Games Group in glorifying of ahalteke horses in the world, Turkmen leader talked to the members of the group.

The Head of the State said that he arrived in equestrian complex intentionally to meet the members of the group and to get acquainted with their work. Having congratulated the group with coming New Year, the President of Turkmenistan stated with delight that Galkynysh makes big work for development of Turkmen horse breeding art and makes complex stunts on excellent ahalteke horses.

From the moment of its foundation, the group has been improving its work; its equipment and facility base has been strengthened. Having noted the merits of the group, which has an honoured title of the winner of international tournaments, the President highlighted that skills of group members, their success play stimulating role in development of horse breeding in the country, cause love of the youth to sports and horses, support the succession of horse breeding traditions of the nation.

Turkmen leader highlighted that the Government pays great attention to development of equestrian sport. Large-scale is carried out in this sphere for improvement of the glory of ahalteke horses, increment of the livestock, popularization of national equestrian sports.

Big celebrations are organized for the glory of Turkmen horses, the President said, having noted that large-scale work would be continued for further development of horse breeding art and the industry in general.

The Galkynysh Equestrian Group has achieved big success in the last several years. In 2019, it was invited to perform in Bahrain and the People’s Republic of China. This fact is a bright evidence of huge interest in the world in Turkmen horses and national school of horse ridign, which has received new impulse for development.

The members of the group expressed gratitude to the President and the youngest jockeys have read the poems.

Having noted the input of the group to glorifying of ahalteke horse in the world, the Head of the State congratulated the members of the Galkynysh on coming New Year, wished them big success in improvement of skills and presented celebration gifts to them.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also expressed interest in life of new family, which formed in the Galkynysh group and which wedding was a memorable event in life of the group. It was informed that the couple has two children. The President has also handed over New Year gifts for them.

After, Turkmen leader presented the Galkynysh group with the award of 50,000 US dollars for their outstanding achievements.

Disc with single Rowach by the Head of the State was an excellent present for the horse riders. As is known, the horse, which was named Rowach by the Head of the State, was born in the beginning of 2019. The President presented the foul to the Galkynysh Natioanl Equestrian Games Group and dedicated his song to the foul.

On behalf of the collective, Head of the Galkynysh Natioanl Equestrian Games Group expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the capabilities made in the country for increment of the livestock of horses and high level of horse breeding works.

After, having introduced new horse in the group with symbolical name of Ak Yol, the Head of the group asked Turkmen leader to ride around the arena on the horse.

Having taken hold the horse of light colour by the reins, the President had a walk with it and then jumped on the back of Ak Yol (Light Way). These moments inspired Turkmen leader for metaphoric lines – the wishes of light way and along white roads to his nation.

The Head of the State made several rounds around the arena, Ak Yol performed several exercises under command of the rider. The music started playing at this moment and the horse started to accelerate its pace demonstrating its skills, natural grace and clear understanding of the jockey.

After, having wished further big success to the members of the group, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.