Ï The President of Turkmenistan hold working video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan hold working video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov hold first video conference working session in new year with participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, who is in charge of agricultural sphere, hyakims of the velayats and capital.

Situation of the capital and regions has been analysed, objectives requiring utmost solution have been outlined and organizational issues have been reviewed at the session.

First, the President called Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on work in the capital.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State expressed interest in measures taken for proper heating of residential buildings, schools, kindergartens and power supply.

The emphasis has been laid on subjects of constructions of underground road and pedestrian crossing at the intersection of S. Turkmenbashy and A. Niyazov Avenues of the capital. The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to pay attention to design of the stela, which would be built at the roundabout on top of the tunnel.

Having requested to announce a tender on construction of underground road and pedestrian crossing, the President highlighted that this facility has to be built as per set schedule taking into account advanced achievements in this field.

Coming over to organizational issues, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on appointment of D. Jumayev as Deputy Hyakim of Byuzmeyin etrap of the capital and sent it to the Hyakim by electronic document management system.

Having focused on reforms in the capital, the President gave number of assignments on modernization of urban municipality and development of digital system.

After, the President called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat S. Berdimuhamedov who reported on the work in the region as well as measures for improvement of life level of the population.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that all work in agricultural and livestock farms has to comply with time requirements.

Continuing, the Head of the State has focused that some of the velayats were not able to fulfil objectives for realization of National rural programme last year.

The Head of the State signed relative documents on release of Ya. Gurbanov from the post of the Hyakim of Gyoktepe etrap due to transfer to another work as well as on appointment of Ch. Charliyev as the Hyakim of Gyoktepe etrap, having released him from the post of the Hyakim of Darganata etrap, Lebap Velayat.

The President has released K. Kurtov from the post of the Hyakim of Kaahka etrap for deficiencies admitted in work. Deputy Hyakim A. Gurbanov was assigned as the Acting Hyakim.

The Head of the State appointed G. Yazguliyev was appointed to the post of the Hyakim of Serakhs etrap. Deputy Hyakim of Serakhs etrap, Ahal Velayat K. Kichiyev was released from the post of the Acting Hyakim of Serakhs Velayat.

Having signed relative documents, the President of Turkmenistan sent them to the Head of the regional administration by the electronic document management system.

Turkmen leader gave assignments related to coming agricultural works as well as heating and energy provision of residential buildings, schools, kindergartens. Speaking of the situation at the facilities under construction in the region, the Head of the State ordered to hold the construction of new administration centre of the velayat under strict control.

After, the Head of the State has listened to the report of Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on the measures for improvement of life level of the population and the situation at the agricultural fields of the region.

Having listened to the report and noted that heads of number of etraps have not fulfilled objectives outlined in National rural programme and admitted deficiencies in agricultural production, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced decision on release them from the posts.

In this regard, the Head of the State signed the Orders on release of B. Annagurbanov from the post of the Hyakim of Etrek etrap and appointment of R. Nuriyev to this post. The President has also terminated S. Amandurdiyev from the post of the Hyakim of Serdar etrap, having appointed M. Bayramguliyev to this position. H. Gochmyradov was relased from the post of the Hyakim of Serdar and H. Hojayev was appointed to this position.

Having signed the documents, the President sent them to the Hyakim by electronic document management system.

Continuing, the Head of the State has focused on the condition of agricultural fields of the region. The Hyakim of the velayat was ordered to provide high organizational level of spring sowing campaign and to prepare agricultural equipment and lands to coming season.

Working session was continued with the report of Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov who reported on the situation in the region.

Summing up the report, the President noted that provision of prosperous life of the people is a priority of the government policy, having highlighted the necessity of systematic work in this direction.

In this regard, the President stated that heads of certain etraps have admitted violations in fulfilment of set objectives last year. The Head of the State has released D. Myradov from the post of Hyakim of Gurbansoltan eje etrap for deficiencies in his work, having appointed O. Amanov to this post.

In addition, Hyakim of Ruhubelent etrap A. Dushemov was relased from his post and D. Gujikov was appointed to this place.

The Head of the State signed the Resolution on termination of H. Nepesov from the post of the Deputy Hyakim for Construction of Gyorogly etrap and appointement of S. Hanmedov to this position.

The Head of the State has also released A. Bayramgeldiyeva from the duties of the Deputy Hyakim of Gubdag etrap, having appointed L. Akbayeva to this post. Relative document on appointment of M. Chariyev on the post of Deputy Hyakim for Construction of Saparmurat Turkmenbashy etrap has been signed.

Having sent singed documents to the Hyakim by electronic document management system, the President addressed him with number of assignments for seasonal field works.

In his turn, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on work that has been carried out and on the situation in agricultural complex of the region, measures for preparation of equipment to sowing campaign.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State said that despite success achieved in 2019, some deficiencies, which have to be treated with special attention, were admitted.

Turkmen leader appointed A. Amandurdiyev as the Hyakim of Darganata etrap, having released him from the post of the Deputy Hyakim of this etrap. The Head of the State released Deputy Hyakim for Construction of Dyanew etrap N. Myradov, having appointed A. Cherkezov to this position. Having signed relative documents, the Head of the State sent it to the Hyakim by electronic document management system.

The President addressed the Hyakim with assignments for improvement of efficiency of agricultural works, rational use of land and water resources, implementation of advanced farming methods.

The Head of the State demanded to hold the situation at the fields under crops under strict control. Necessity of provision of high quality of agricultural activities has also been noted.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on works in the region as well as on preparation of lands and agricultural equipment to coming sowing campaign.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that despite success achieved last year, certain deficiencies have taken place. Coming over to organizational issues, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a decision on release of A. Allamyradov from the post of the Hyakim of Mary etrap and on appointment of A. Durdiyev to this post.

M. Gandymov was released from the post of the Hyakim of Oguzkhan etrap for admitted deficiencies and Deputy Hyakim of Construction of Turkmenkala etrap B. Ovezov was appointed to this position. The Head of the State has signed relative Orders.

By the Resolution of the President, M. Yakubov was appointed as the Hyakim of Turkmenkala etrap. A. Soltanov was released from the post of the Deputy Hyakim for Construction of Murgab etrap, having appointed M. Chotanov to this post.

J. Muhammedov was released from the post of the Hyakim Turkmenkala etrap and G. Nuryagdiyev was appointed to this place. The President sent relative documents by electronic document management system.

Continuing, the Head of the State ordered to take immediate measures for fundamental improvement of soil condition of arable lands and improvement of technical level of water supply systems of the velayat.

Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the country. It was mentioned that care of the winter crops and mineral fertilization are carried out. Ploughing and planning of lands are carried out at the fields allocated for spring sowing. At the same time, agricultural equipment is prepared for the cotton sowing.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined improvement of wheat and cotton production, enhancement of soil conditions of lands by provision with water among the main objectives.

This year, we have to start solving all important objectives with full force and only then, we will be able to achieve success, the Head of the State said. Finishing working video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all.