Ï Working trip of the Head of the State around the capital: Energy provision, comfort and aesthetic of urban environment

Working trip of the Head of the State around the capital: Energy provision, comfort and aesthetic of urban environment

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made working trip around the capital, during which he looked around number of facilities as well as studied planned works for modernization of the energy system of the city at the request of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov.

The Vice-premier reported on the work for energy provision of new facilities, which are under construction in Ashgabat, as well as presented proposals on bringing of the electricity supply system to new level for improvement of its reliability and satisfaction of growing demands taking into account new facilities, which are built in the capital.

Having listened to the report and stated that energy provision is among the utmost objectives during construction of facilities, the Head of the State noted that it is also necessary to provide additional autonomous electrical systems. It makes sense to take into account this principle while solving perspective subjects all over the capital, the President of Turkmenistan said.

It is worth to mention that effective measures are taken these days for fundamental modernization and strengthening of equipment and facility base of national electrical energy industry, training of qualified profile specialists.

New energy systems have multiple power capacity taking into account dynamic development of the capital and velayats, increment of potential of electrical energy industry of the country.

First, the measures provided for stable operation of social and cultural facilities include their reliable and uninterrupted electricity provision.

Speaking of enormous potential of national power energy industry, the Head of the state highlighted that by energy resources, Turkmenistan is one of the richest states and production of electricity is one of the most profitable in the world. Following this, volumes of investments to this industry are always increasing. In the result, Turkmen electrical energy industry demonstrates stable high rates of development.

The President noted that the country pays special attention to this important branch of eco-friendly technologies, which allows reducing consumption of fuel and at the same time, increasing production volumes of electricity.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has listened to the report of Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the tender for provision of construction of tunnel and pedestrian crossing at the intersection of S. Turkmenbashy and A. Niyazov Avenue as well as a stela on the roundabout at this intersection, having informed that the tender is at the final stage.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State ordered to build the facilities taking into account advanced achievements in this field and to put them into operation as per the set timeline.

As is known, subjects of development of the main city of the country are under permanent and unremitting attention of Turkmen leader. The image of the capital visually reflects social and economic level of its development, its intellectual potential, history, cultural traditions and customs of Turkmen nation including its hospitality.

Today, Ashgabat has turned into the centre of regional and global cooperation, which provides the importance of making of all conditions for organization of big international events as well as for deserving reception of foreign guests, which number grows every year. In this regards, the Hyakim received number of specific assignment.

The Head of the State holds under control the subjects of construction of various facilities, studies in detail projects of new residential buildings, administration buildings, industrial complexes, road, transport and social infrastructure.

Such close attention of the President to strategic directions of long-term development of Ashgabat is aimed at more efficient involvement of its territorial capabilities, qualitative realization of the programmes of urban development, making of optimum conditions for comfortable life of people, support of ecological stability.

The Head of the State repeatedly highlighted that it is necessary to take natural landscape into account during construction of facilities in the capital. Picturesque landscapes and modern buildings have to match. This is important requirement sets complex creative objectives, which solution will support further transformation of the city, to architects and project designers.

In this context, the President of Turkmenistan has focused not only on aesthetic component but also on other urgent issues of functioning of rapidly developing megacity.

In the end of the working trip, the Head of the State gave relative assignments for realization of urban construction programme, coordinated work of life support systems of the city.

Having noted that establishment of the most favourable conditions for life of Turkmenistan citizens, construction of reliable and goo-looking buildings are the utmost requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in solution of the set objectives and left the place of event.