Ï New issue of Miras Magazine: Pearls of medieval literature and historical studies

New issue of Miras Magazine: Pearls of medieval literature and historical studies

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Regular issue of quarterly popular scientific Miras Magazine of the Magtumguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Science was published.

Addressed to wide reading circle, the magazine, which is published in Turkmen, Russian and English languages, continue series of articles of Turkmen and foreign scientists on results of studies of historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of our nation including hand-written manuscripts.

The “Discoveries and New Developments” section speaks of Merv – Herat literatury school and its special role in the history of Turkmen literature of XV – XVI centuries.

Prominent representatives of this school including Zahyreddin Muhammet Babyr, Hussein Baygara, Abdurahman Jami, Alisher Navoyi and Lutfi wrote their works in different genres and in two languages – Turkmen and Persian. Work of these authors left irreplaceable trace in development of the culture, in particular, in literature direction of Central Asia.

Author of publication suggest new look at the art heritage of Baba Syovdai and Ruhy Yazyr, study of philosophic foundations and narrative traditions of their works, which are valuable written sources.

The same section has an article of researcher from Uzbekistan “Originality in the art of the poets of Yasavi School”. The founder of the school put the bases of ‘Hikmet’(Exortations) genre, his poetic tradition has become a model of expression of wise sayings. In addition, the poets of Yasavi School were honing their skills in the genres of ‘Kasydy’ and poetic stories, the author notes.

The article dedicated to the 90th anniversary of publication of the first Turkmen grammar and dictionary will raise interest of specialists. The article speaks about life and work of prominent Turkmen scientists of XX century, who were at the beginning of Turkmen linguistics. Publication of the dictionary was very important for further enrichment of lexicology of Turkmen literature language.

Article “Horse in the History of Turkmens” in the section “Collaboration of Cultures, Nations and Civilizations” reviews current issues of protection, study and popularization of national heritage in the world.

Based on written sources and archaeological artefacts, author of the article gives interesting information on the history of horse breeding, proverbs and sayings on this subject.

The magazine also has an article about restoration of different leather bindings of ancient Central Asian manuscripts, which remained until our days, about work of specialists for collection, compilation, translation and publication of hand-written documents. Special attention in the study has been to special binding of hand-written books

As per tradition, regular issue of the magazine is finished with review of events of social, scientific and cultural life of our country. Readers will be able to have some information about new books. Printed in high quality, the magazine is provided with bright photos.