Ï Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019

Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019

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Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
Artistic component is an integral part of events in 2019
2019 was marked with major events in cultural sphere, which highlighted priority of humanitarian component of the strategy of national development.

Opening ceremony of 2019 events, which was held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” was held in the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre with participation of the members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, high educational institutes, art masters and cultural personnel, representatives of public organizations and mass media on January 9. Similar events were held in all velayat centres as well.

Support to work for restoration and careful protection of cultural heritage of the nation, its spiritual values were highlighted by the Head of Turkmenistan on February 14 at the meeting with representatives of political and public organization and cultural sphere. The President proposed to perpetuate names of some prominent characters of Turkmen art and literature.

In this regard, it is worth reminding that by initiative of Turkmen leader from March 2019 and according to the Mejlis Resolution, national conservatory was given the name of the legend of Turkmen opera, National Artist of the USSR, Hero of Turkmenistan Maya Kuliyeva and the museum dedicated to life and work of this singer was opened in this educational facility on November 1.

Different cultural events like conferences, meetings, exhibitions and contests, theatre performances, music festival and other, which were provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, have been organized throughout the year.

Subject of protection of national heritage and its popularization were highlighted at the meeting “Museum values and cultural relations”, which was held in the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre and dedicated to archaeological exhibition “Margiana – the Kingdom of Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” organized in Germany.

The expiation took place from April 25, 2018 to June 13, 2019 in New Museum of Berlin, Hamburg Archaeological Museum, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum Mannheim. The exposition was composed of 220 rarities from the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre, Historical Museum of Mary Velayat and Museum of Visual Arts of Turkmenistan. More than 416,000 people have visited the exhibition.

Representatives of scientific circles of friendly state made reports on importance of the Silk Road, historical cultural relations of Turkmenistan with countries of Arabian Peninsula in Magtumguly Turkmen State University during the Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan.

Days of Turkmenistan Culture in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Turkey, Tatarstan (Russian Federation) and the Republic of Belarus 9in Mins and Mogilev) supported popularization of spiritual heritage of the nation, success and achievements of the country.

Personnel of national cultural sphere took part in various events in Germany, Austria, Japan, UAE, Switzerland, Iran, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, the Republic of Korea, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tatarstan, Armenia, Bangladesh and other.

Participation of art masters of our country in Sabantuy Celebration, which was visited by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who came to Kazan on official visit, and by President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, was an important event.

International and national holidays were marked with thematic conferences, art and book exhibitions, concerts, theatre releases, opening ceremonies of social and cultural facilities.

Riches and original character of traditions of our people and modern art were reflected in the events of International Nowruz Day – National Spring Holiday, which is observed on March 21.

Concerts , literature and music performance, scientific and practical conferences, contests, exhibitions, circus performances, theatre plays and other have been organized on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Holiday on April 24 – 28. Guests from numerous countries have come to Turkmenistan for participation in these events.

XIV Forum of cultural and scientific personnel of the CIS countries in Ashgabat on May 14 – 17 under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019 was another evidence of important role of cultural diplomacy in strengthening of friendship relations and fruitful cooperation.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that successful events under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS in 2019, including in cultural sphere, was highly appreciated by Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member states (IFHC). On October 12, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded with the IFHC Medal for the Merits in Development of Humanitarian Cooperation.

Subject of international partnership in cultural and humanitarian sphere has received its development during cultural events organized in Ashgabat and in the velayats together with diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Turkmenistan.

It included a tour of American jazz quartet of Ari Roland, performance of prize winner of international contests, Professor, Honoured Artist of Russia, pianist Yuri Bogdanov, Romanian trio “Zemphiresku”, vocalists Adrian Noir, “Berlioz – 150 years of memory” Programme, Turkmen – Turkish concert of opera masters as well as traditional Korean Week.

Days of Armenian Culture with the concert of Erevan State Chamber Choir, exhibition of the items of National Gallery of Armenia, meeting with specialists of Teryan Cultural Centre as well as demonstration of movies from friendly country are in this rank.

Days of Russian Movie took place in Ashgabat and Balkan Velayat where new movies of different genres of friendly country have been presented. Cultural meetings with famous movies producers and actors have also been organized. Demonstration of movies, documentaries and cartoons were held in cinemas of Turkmen capital and Mary under the III Festival of Japanese Movies.

The fourth Vienna Ball, which was timed to celebration of the anniversary of Turkmen – Austrian Symphonic Orchestra Galkynysh has been aimed at the expansion of relations in cultural sphere.

Number of events of the last year was dedicated to the Day of Cultrual and Art Personnel, which is observed on June 27, as well as to the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry. Traditionally, Cultural Week, which was held in Magtumguly etrap, Balkan Velayat, was timed to this day.

Outlining objectives of national culture at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 5, the Head of the state highlighted that it is necessary to look for new solutions for their realization.

The President named the necessity to use effectively equipment and facility base of this sphere, which has been established for the recent years, among the utmost measures. It is necessary to involve profile infrastructure, including capabilities of national satellite, digital television, libraries, theatres and museums, the Head of the State noted.

Protection and study of historical and cultural monuments and intangible heritage are priorities of the Government policy aimed at improvement of spiritual and intellectual potential of the society.

In this context, it is worth to note that according to the State Programme of archaeological excavations at historical and cultural monuments located along thee Silk Road in Turkmenistan, study and popularization of cultural heritage, national scientists carried out archaeological researches at these facilities. Number of valuable findings was the result of the researches.

Personnel of the Abiverd State Historical and Cultural Reserve has discovered 91 silver coins of XIII century during excavations at Myane-baba Masoleum. Numerous other discoveries and unique findings have been made during excavations at such ancient settlements like Abiverd, Paryz-depe and Shehrislam in Ahal Velayat during the year.

Artefact, which have been discovered by specialists of Natioanl Department of Protection, Study and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments and the Institute of History and Archaeology, were handed over to Ak Bugday National Museum, Ahal Velayat, historical museums of Lebap and Mary Velayats after study and relative restoration. The events on this occasion took place on the threshold of International Neutrality Day.

Number of profile international forums and exhibitions, which exposition reflected cultural sphere together with achievements of different spheres, was held in 2019. Gala concertn of national and foreign art masters, which has become a bright final of the First Caspian Economic Forum, was held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 13.

Final tour and gala concert of the «Ýaňlan, Diýarym!» TV contest of young singers were held in the last decade of August in the capital Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre. This art review is annually organized in the country under «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» contest initiated by the President of Turkmenistan. It unites popular singers and young artists.

September has also been marked with variety of events. Performance of talented children in the final round of «Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri» contest was an excellent foreplay to these events.

Objectives of popularization of historical heritage, in particular the role of mass media in this direction, were reviewed at the conference in the capital Museum of Visual Arts on September 3.

Heads of the state historical and cultural reserves, representatives of scientific and research facilities, members of numerous archaeological expeditions, students of universities, personnel of various mass media took part in the event.

Reports on restoration works at historical monuments have been made, presentation of developed projects have taken place and processes of archaeological excavations have been illustrated during the conference.

Results of annual art contest of the President of Turkmenistan «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» have been summed up, award ceremony of the winners as well as concert have taken place in the Mukams Palace on September 7.

The state concert of art masters has taken place on the threshold of the 28th anniversary of independence of the country and bright theatre performance have been held at multifunctional Ashgabat Stadium. Celebration day on September 27 was marked with ceremonial parade in front of the Government Tribune, concert and fire work. According to the tradition, celebration events and horse races at International Equestrian Complex have been timed to this date.

New book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Türkmen alabaýy» was a celebration present to the countrymen. The work of the Head of the State, which opens another edge of national historical and cultural heritage, does not only speaks of origin and development of this famous breed, which is one of the rarest in the world, but also reveals cultural phenomenon of alabay, which is in the same rank with national symbols like ahalteke horse, carpet and melon.

«Türkmen alabaýy» has also been presented at the XIII International book fair and exhibition and scientific conference “Book – the Wat to Cooperation and Progress”. Representatives of publishing houses and companies, business and literature circles, scientific and educational centres, famous literature personnel, scientists, translators, library specialists, IT personnel from different countries have come to participate in the forum.

III International Theatre Festival “Theatre Art of the Epoch of Happiness” was one of major cultural events held in the country in 2019. Bright scene works of 14 collectives from 12 world countries including puppet shows, shadow theatre, musical, drama plays, opera, comedy, experimental stage plays were demonstrated at the stages of leading theatres of Turkmen capital.

Various art meetings and master classes have also taken place. Directions of development of stage art and international cooperation in this sphere have been reviewed at the working session of the heads of collectives and theatre personnel of the country members of the forum.

“Glorious Margiana” exhibition took place for the first time in the State Oriental Museum in Russia. The event has been timed to the 90th birth anniversary of outstanding archaeologist, Honoured Academic of Turkmenistan Victor Sarianidi (1929 – 2013).

Separate display with photos was dedicated to work of Russian restoration personnel, who together with their colleagues from the Museu of Visual Arts of Turkmenistan and Mary Historical Museum work on restoration and preservation of unique mosaics from Gonur-depe, the capital settlement of ancient Margiana for several years.

Another exhibition, which was organized in Russia, has been timed to International Neutrality Day. Exposition “Turkmenistan – Oasis of Inspiration” in the House of Nationalities of Saint Petersburg has demonstrated paintings, decorative and applied art items, books about cultural heritage and traditions of Turkmen nation and important events of the latest history of Turkmenistan.

Traditionally, final round of young song contest “Star of the Year 2019” was held on the threshold of New Year in the capital. The idea of this popular contest in the country is to attract not only famous singers and choose the best but also to find new talents.

Inclusion of traditions of Turkmen carpet art into the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage was a remarkable event of the year. This decision was taken on December 12 during the XIV session of the Intergovernmental Committee for protection in intangible cultural heritage of the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization in Bogota, the capital of the Republic of Columbia.

Ceremonial event in the capital National Museum of Turkmen Carpet was dedicated to this event on December 16. It was mentioned that recognition of traditions of Turkmen carpet making as a part of great cultural heritage of the world by the UNESCO expert will support the promotion of this national brand in foreign countries and its large-scale popularization.

It is remarkable that the Head of the State has met with the members of Galkynysh Natioanl Equestrian Games group in the beginning and end of 2019. Famous collective, which was founded in 2007 by initiative of Turkmen leader, is a numerous winner of international reviews and world festivals of circus art.

The horsemen have distinguished themselves last year, having proven their high skills at the tour to Changchun, Jilin Province of China and performing at the opening ceremony of annual international livestock exhibition in Manama, the capital of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Bright performance of Turkmen riders in the presence of the King of Bahrain and guests from Arabic states was the top event of the exhibition.

Having met with the members of Galkynysh Group in International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex before New Year, the President highly appreciated their contribution to development of Turkmen equestrian art.

Finishing the review, it is worth to mention that events of cultural life of 2019 have reflected the view of achievements and dynamics of steadfast development of our country, supported to wide popularization of historical and cultural heritage and traditions of Turkmen people.