Ï The main objectives of home and foreign policy of the country discussed at the session of the Government

The main objectives of home and foreign policy of the country discussed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held first video conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers this year where priority subjects of the state life have been discussed.

Coming over the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision, in particular on organization of activity of financial, economic and banking spheres.

Work of the ministries and departments is aimed at successful implementation of objectives related to provision of stable macroeconomics and digitization in the country. Big attention is paid to privatization of the state-owned facilities, development of foreign economic activity, attraction of foreign investments and support of private entrepreneurship.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity to hold realization of national and profile programme under control, to correct plans of development of branches, establishment of digital economy as well as international standards in this sphere.

Having noted the importance of acceleration of the privatization process of the state-owned facilities. The President highlighted that this work is to support further economic growth of the country as well as to development of entrepreneurship.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the situation in certain sectors of fuel and energy complex, course of realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of the country until 2030.

Draft Resolution on Approval of volumes of petroleum products for local consumers of Turkmenistan in 2020 has been presented to the Head of the state for review.

Having listened to the report and highlighted important role of fuel and energy complex in Turkmenistan’s economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of steadfast increment of volumes of production and processing of oil and gas, production of petrochemical commodities, which is on demand in the country and world markets as well as expansion of their variety.

The Head of the State requested to activate work for implementation of resource saving technologies, to hold the realization of big infrastructural projects, which are to improve export potential of facilities of energy sphere, under control.

Having signed the above-mentioned Draft Resolution, the President sent it the Vice-premeir by electronic document management system and ordered to provide proper fulfilment of provisions of this document.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the development of national estimate normative framework and improvement of pricing system in construction.

Number of documents, which provide preparation of the state classifier of the construction materials by relative organizations, ministries and departments, monitoring of pricing in construction, methodological documentation, on which base the state register of standards and prices would be established, is under development.

The President highlighted that modern construction complex is oriented to realization of large-scale state programmes of industrialization, establishment of modern transport infrastructure, production of import substitutive goods and expansion of export volumes, construction of living and transformation of the regions.

At the same time, such important objectives as improvement of competiveness of national construction industry, strengthening of its production, scientific and technical potential, expansion of the variety of construction materials made of local resources, introduction of effective management methods are solved, the Head of the State said.

It was mentioned that it is necessary to pursue well-thought pricing policy for support of high rates of development of the sphere, which would allow using available capabilities more productively, increasing profitability of construction facilities.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov who reported on development of the Draft Resolution on Establishment of Interdepartmental Commission for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan.

The Vice-premier informed that number of documents has been developed according to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025. Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication was proposed as an authorized body for development of digital economy in our country.

The provision on Interdepartmental Commission, which composition is proposed to include representatives of ministries, departments, administrations, facilities and organizations regardless of their ownership as well as private entrepreneurs, has been developed.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the Concept of development of digital economy in 2019 – 2025 is aimed at improvement of efficiency of operation of branches of national economy and social sphere by wide implementation of information technologies.

The Head of the State noted that Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and communication makes important part of works for promotion of digitization and provides operation of intellectual networks including elaboration of legal support for regulation and expansion of national network space, spectrum of internet services. It is necessary to study and develop advanced practice focusing on establishment of digital model based not only on import of ready solutions but also on won scientific and technological potential.

In this context, importance of works for strengthening of equipment and facility base and training of profile specialists and increment of their qualification has been noted.

Having signed the Resolution on Establishment of Interdepartmental Commission for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and ordered to hold fulfilment of provisions of this document under control.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on work for improvement of trade sphere, expansion of digital coverage of retail sale of goods.

Draft Rules of distant sale of goods have been developed for implementation of activities provided by the Concept of Development of digital economy on Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 and improvement of trade service to the population on modern level including by work of internet shops.

This project was developed according to the legislation of Turkmenistan in the sphere of protection of consumers’ rights and trade activity as well as legal regulation of development of internet services and coordinated with profile ministries and departments.

Work of internet shops in the system of retail trade will make positive effect on improvement of quality of services rendered to the population, formation of competitive marketing solutions.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that electronic trade is one of important components of modern digital environment.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the activity in the spheres of science and education with implementation of intellectual systems and latest information and communication technologies in the context of reforms for diversification and digitization of national economy.

In particular, information about improvement of work of educational and scientific facilities of the country, training of relative personnel and opening of new directions of specialization in information and communication technologies sphere, study of the best world practice in this sphere has been presented.

Digital economy requires professionals of new level, the Head of the State highlighted.

It was mentioned that successful implementation of any national projects and state programmes implies powerful personnel component including the management. Digital economy is to bring all branches of national economy of the country to high level, to support realization of intellectual potential of the nation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on work for popularization of cultural heritage of Turkmen nation. The Vice-premier informed that it is planned to organize number of international cultural events for introduction of the history and achievements of the country to world community.

Platforms of international forums and reviews, which are held in our country and abroad, are widely used for popularization of national culture. It is planned to have relative programme of events in honour of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of cultural sphere and mass media in covering of modern achievements of the country and importance of work for popularization of the policy of positive neutrality, which is based on the principles of goodwill, respect, equality of interests, expansion of partnership with the states of the planet and big international organizations, consolidation of efforts for peace and sustainable development.

The Head of Turkmenistan has focused on the necessity to give targeted character to this activity as well as to use all capability of mass media for introduction of culture of Turkmen nation to the world community.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier to take all measures for preparation and conduct of coming cultural events on high organizational level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the regions.

It was mentioned that ploughing and irrigation of lands allocated for cotton and other agricultural crops are carried out under preparation to spring sowing campaign. Agricultural equipment is also prepared for coming season. Preparation of seeds is carried out at cotton facilities. At the same time, care of winter crops is ongoing.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave assignments to the Vice-premier to pay maximum attention to productivity of wheat and cotton, timely and qualitative agro technical activities, improvement of soil conditions of the fields and provision with water for irrigation.

The Head of the State has also addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments for introduction of advanced management methods to agrarian sector, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship initiative.

Continuing the session, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on proposals of joining of Turkmenistan to international conventions and other acts this year.

The Foreign Minister carries out relative systematic work for provision of active participation of Turkmenistan in international conventions and other documents. At present time, our country is a member of 152 multilateral international documents. It includes 133 Conventions adopted by the UN and its specialized agencies.

In the last few years, Turkmenistan, resting on its neutral status and support of the Head of the State, has joined international conventions and treaties on priority directions of foreign policy including on energy, transport, environment protection and other subjects.

Large-scale work related to realization of these documents is carried out in the country these days. Turkmenistan has modern legislation base, which takes into account advanced achievements of the world practice and serving to the purposes of political and legal, social and economic, cultural and humanitarian development of the country.

As is known, the country will celebrate the 25th anniversary of international recognition of neutral status of Turkmenistan this year. 2020 is held in the country under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”.

The Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from December 6, 2019 approved large-scale programme of events and activities in the country and abroad on occasion of the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality. At present time, relative work is carried out.

The Vice-premier, Head of the foreign Ministry presented proposals on joining of Turkmenistan to international conventions and multilateral documents in number of directions in 2020.

This is the United Nations Convention on international world agreements, which are instruments of support of international trade and encouragement of mediation as alternative and effective method of settling of trade disputes in the economic sphere.

In transport sphere, this is European Treaty on International Motor Roads, which provides establishment of international road system in the region where the UN European Economic Commission is carried out its activity.

In environment protection sphere, this is Stockholm Convention on stable organic pollutant, which provides cessation of use of stable toxic substances – organic pesticides. This is also the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol on Substances Depleting Ozone Layer, which is aimed at gradual reduction of production and use of substances that harm environment.

In cultural and humanitarian sphere, this is the Convention of protection and encouragement of variety of forms of cultural self-expression, which is to create conditions for free collaboration of various cultures and improvement of international cooperation in this direction.

In intellectual direction, this is the Agreement on patent law, which provides improvement of process of review of national patent appeals and patents.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of further participation of Turkmenistan in solution of global issues. It was mentioned that Turkmenistan makes constructive initiatives on the subjects of global agenda, especially in such actual directions as politics and diplomacy, provision of peace, security and stability, achievement of the SDGs, establishment of actual mechanisms of regional and global energy security, formation of the system of sustainable transport, promotion of economic, humanitarian an ecological projects.

For the past period, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted more than dozen of Resolutions on this subjects by the initiatives of Turkmenistan. According to proposal of our country, 2021 was declared as International Year of Peace and Trust by the special Resolution of the UN General Assembly.

Having approved presented proposals of joining of Turkmenistan to international conventions and other acts this year, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister together with the government institutions and international organizations to carry out relative work in this direction according to the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about activity of the Parliament for modernization of legal and regulatory framework of the country.

Deputy corps carries out activity for development of new and improvement of existing legal and regulatory acts. The Mejlis works close with relative structures for strengthening of legal base of reforms in the country and realization of programmes of social and economic development. At the same time, special attention is paid to compliance of new laws with universal standards of international law, strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations.

Measures for legal support of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan as well as digital education, which are the main factors of progress of the state.

The Head of the State highlighted the necessity of further work of National Parliament for legal provision of reformation processes, development of spheres of economy, science and culture, systematic improvement of social and living conditions of the population, protection of human rights and freedoms.

Importance of expansion of international cooperation and inter-parliamentary relations has also been noted.

Summing up the outcomes of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused the attention of the members of the Government on the utmost objectives.

Having requested to provide high organizational level of preparation of events timed to the 25th anniversary of neutral and legal status of Turkmenistan, the President noted that celebration events have to reflect the achievements of our country, constructive international cooperation, which is based on good neighbouring relations, principles of peace-loving and positive neutrality.

Having highlighted the main objectives for implementation of the Concepts of development of digital economy and distant education in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State demanded to pay more attention to improvement of activity of branches of national economy, acceleration of the transit to digital system.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.