Ï The world mass media: Neutrality of Turkmenistan – effective tool of international cooperation

The world mass media: Neutrality of Turkmenistan – effective tool of international cooperation

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Attention of foreign mass media is captured by the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan these days. On occasion of the anniversary of foreign political status, our and foreign countries to host series of various events, which were opened with conference “ Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Progress” held with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Ashgabat.

Informing about this, leading international news agencies and popular interment sites note that the United Nations General Assembly has unanimously adopted Special Resolution on Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan on December 12, 1995, which gave a unique international legal status to the country – the first in the world practice.

For the last 25 years, Turkmenistan’s neutrality has recommended itself as an actual mechanism of establishment of fruitful cooperation in solution of current objectives, strengthening of friendly and neighbouring relations between the states and nations.

This was visually indicated by unanimous adoption of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly in 2015, which expressed support of neutral status of our country, recognition of its important role in the region and in the world arena as well as by the fact of declaration of December 12 as International Neutrality Day by the UN General Assembly by initiative of Turkmenistan.

“Today, Turkmen neutrality is an important factor of regional security. Fundamental principles of neutrality meet strategic directives of the UN in Central Asia, which are aimed at turning of the region into zone of peace and cooperation, solid link of continental stability”, - Russian news agency Interfax, Azerbaijan independent new agency Trend, Rhythm of Eurasia website and other news portal cited the worlds of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Peace-loving, non-interference to affairs of other states, respect of their sovereignty, non-involvement in international military organizations and treaties, equal beneficial partnership are the main provisions of the policy of positive neutrality, which is steadily pursued by Turkmen leader.

Having recommended itself as responsible long-term partner of the UN, which is committed to strict fulfilment of undertaken obligations, Turkmenistan take active part in international efforts for strengthening of peace, security and cooperation in Central Asia.

In this sphere, our country has considerable peace-making experience, which is indicated by the talks on political solution of Tajikistan and Afghanistan conflicts in Ashgabat under the UN aegis in the middle of the 90s of the last century.

This practice is also on demand in the region these days and the President of Turkmenistan says about willingness to be a reliable partner of the UN in such important subjects as peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan, support to regional disarmament processes, balanced solution of water and energy problems, provision of ecological safety, counteraction of dangerous modern threats and challenges. It was highlighted in the releases of mass media of Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Pakistan and many other countries.

Publications of Tajik News Agency Avesta, Kyrgyz Kabar and other media noted that throughout many years, Turkmenistan renders specific targeted economic and humanitarian support to Afghanistan. It is expressed in construction of medical and educational facilities in neighbouring country, beneficial supplies of electricity, study of afghan students in Turkmen educational institutes, regular humanitarian convoys to Afghanistan.

“The main term of political stabilization, economic and social rehabilitation of Afghanistan, its successful integration to regional and world economic process is a realization of big infrastructural project with participation of Afghanistan, first in such important spheres as energy, transport and communications”, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted in his speech at the conference.

Opening of the UN Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in 2007 was a new milestone in fruitfully developing cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations. Work of the Centre supports to establishment of stability and strengthening of effective relations in the region.

Partnership with the UN allows Turkmenistan implementing its neutral status as an important factor of stability and security and adoption of the Resolution on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust confirms the recognition of practice of our country in this aspect as useful experience for broader dissemination.

In their reviews of the conference in Ashgabat, many foreign mass media have mentioned that during current conference, Turkmenistan proposed initiative on development of Code of Practice for implementation of the principles of neutrality in provision of peace and security.

The Head of the state highlighted that this document could be used by international community as effective instrument for prevention of possible confrontations, non-admission of their escalations to war, for bringing of conflict processes to peaceful negotiation stream.

“Turkmenistan has been and remains to be an active participant of international efforts for combating of modern challenges and tthreats, which highlights firm position of our country in counteraction of terrorism, combat against illegal drug and human trafficking”, - these words of Turkmen leader are cited by International Life Magazine of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Armenian News Agency Arm Info and Belarusian Belta in their publications.

Kiev media portal Fashion Diplomacy, Russian informational and analytical magazine Info SHOS, Chinese News Agency Singhua, Azerbaijan Newspaper Azernews and other mentioned that big potential of legal status of neutrality as effective instrument not only for strengthening of universal peace and security but also for development of wide international cooperation in different spheres like trade and economic, energy, transport and communication, humanitarian and cultural spheres is obvious.

In this regard, it is noted that Turkmenistan has become the first country in the Eastern Europe and the CIS that outlined its priorities of sustainable development for implementation within next 15 years. Today, the most important parameters of the Sustainable Development Goals have been organically integrated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.

Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan has bright social orientation. This is about such important aspects as provision of food abundance and improvement of nutrition of the population, widespread assertion of the healthy life style, provision of full gender equality, creation of conditions for comprehensive, fair and qualitative education.

It was highlighted in the comments that initiatives proposed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on establishment of international transit and transport corridors, development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea basin, provision of equal and fair access to water resources have special currency today for sustainable development of the countries and regions.

Literally citing extracts from the speech of the Head of Turkmen state, many foreign mass media inclduign indian website Diplomacy Today, Azrbaijan Internent portal Caspiy Online, Chinese site CRL Online paid attention to important proposals for further development of neutrality phenomenon, in particular on establishment of the Group of friends of neutrality for peace and security.

Wide reviews published by Azerbaijan new agency QHT, Georgian internet portal News Day noted that policy of neutrality of Turkmenistan and constructive international proposals of the President were highly appraised by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, head of the Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya Gherman, the UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd, Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the European Union Representative Office in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort, Head of the Regional Office of the UN Department for Drugs and Crime Ashita Mittal, Head of the UNESCO Cluster Office resided in Tehran Svetan Svetkovsky, Director of the Regional Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugee Yasuko Oda.

Numerous foreign news portals informed that Working Plans for 2020 on cooperation of the Mejlis, ministries and departments of Turkmenistan with the UN representative offices during the Conference. The sides aim to expand cooperation in development of legal base on children rights, gender equality, reproductive health of youth and in other directions.

Announcing International high-level conference “Policy of Neutrality and its Importance in Provision of International Peace, Security and Sustainable Development”, which is planned to be held in Ashgabat on December 12 this year and initiated by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, mass media noted that the 25th anniversary of neutrality of Turkmenistan is symbolically falls on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Organization.

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