Ï Session of the Government: Realization of President’s initiatives, strategy of growth and spiritual values

Session of the Government: Realization of President’s initiatives, strategy of growth and spiritual values

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where realization of national programme of social and economic development has been reviewed.

First, the President called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov. The Vice-premier reported o development of the Draft Resolution on approval of structure of Central Balance Commission under the Ministry of Finances and Economy of Turkmenistan as well as on work for introduction of E-tax into the document rotation of the Tax Department and organizations of the Ministry of Finances and Economy.

Informing on activity of the Balance Commission, the Vice-premier reported on relative work for provision of financial stability and improvement of solvency.

According to the Resolution of the Head of the State from November 3, 2019, the corrections have been made in the Provision about the Central Banking Commission. Composition of this commission has been amended due to the changes of the structure of some ministries and profile departments and relative Draft Resolution has been developed.

Having listened to the report and highlighted importance of improvement of this structure, the Head of the State signed presented document and sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system.

Further, the Vice-premier informed the President about planned introduction of E-tax system, which was developed according to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 and for optimization of activity in taxation sphere.

Having highlighted that the government pays special attention to acceleration of the process of digitization of the branches, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments for activation of works in this direction.

The session was continued with report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov who reported on the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex. Information about work carried out for further improvement of activity of the branches, increment of volumes of petrochemical production, implementation of advanced word practice in these spheres has been presented.

Draft document, according to which Türkmengaz State Concern would enter into contract with Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd for provision of consulting services on management of Ahal Plan for production of gasoline from natural gas, has bee presented to the Head of the State for review.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the main aspects of the state economic policy, according to which big investements are used for development of the main braches of the industry including fuel and energy complex.

Having highlighted that Turkmenistan took the course to industrialization and intends to continue emphasise on opening of production facilities working on modern high-effective technologies, advanced developments and know-hows, the Head of the State spoke for further study and practical implementation of practice of foreign partners in this sphere.

Opening of the first plant for production of eco-friendly synthetic motor fuel in Ahal Velayat is a specific example of productive cooperation in this case. Realization of this project has become an important milestone in diversification of not only national economy but also entire world oil and gas industry, which is indicated by certificates and prestige awards of international organizations.

This super modern complex is provided with latest technologies and equipment from the world famous producers from USA, Great Britain, France, Holland, Sweden, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and other countries. The facility is designed to process 1,785,000,000 cubic meters of gas and production of 600,000 tons of ECO-93 gasoline, which meets EURO 5 standard, as well as diesel fuel and liquefied gas per year.

Use of unique technology for production of motor fuel from natural gas, which was developed by Danish Haldor Topsoe, allows making high-quality production with less energy consumption and minimum environment impact.

Having signed the Resolution on Contract of the State Concern Türkmengaz for provision of consulting services, the President sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and requested to hold fulfilment of provisions of this document under control.

The Head of the State has also requested to take relative measures for acceleration of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which is to give new impulse to social and economic development of the countries in the region as well as to solution of the issues of environment protection by use of eco-friendly gas.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on work completed by interdepartmental commission for inspection of technical condition of motor and railway bridges of the state importance in Turkmenistan.

The Vice-premier informed that there are 582 facilities of the state importance in the country. Information on results of study of their operational condition as well as inspection of bridges of local importance has been presented under the report.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted that in the last few years, Turkmenistan reached high rates of progress in construction and opening of unique engineering and transport communication, which meet the highest international standards, together with other goals of social and economic development.

All measures directly support to promotion of Turkmenistan initiative in the sphere of global partnership in sustainable transport and strengthening of international cooperation in this sphere.

The Head of the State focused on importance of projects for enhancement of transport and logistic capabilities of the country, construction of motor and railway bridges and other infrastructural facilities.

Modern structures and progressive technologies have to be used during their construction and they have to comply with international bridge construction standard by their enfineerign, technical and operational parameters. Complex of study and research, geophysical, geological, construction and installation works have to be carried out during their construction, the President noted.

Continuing, the Head of the State has focused on fulfilment of the programmes of development of power energy sphere and outlined number of important objectives related to pursue of energy policy of the country, in particular to realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (TAP) power line.

In this context, Turkmen leader pointed out that special attention has to be paid to attraction of investments and to hold deadline and quality of works under strict control, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on activity for opening of new facilities in textile industry as well as on the outcomes of session of Interdepartmental commission for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan.

Increment of volumes of production of import substitutive products of wide variety, strengthening of export potential of the country are the objectives set for the leading branches of national economy, which are successfully solved by the facilities of textile industry.

In this regard, the Vice-premier informed that it is planned to open new spinning facility for processing of camel and goat wool as well as facility for processing of textile and wool, cotton and reed wastes. Information that these facilities would be provided with modern innovative equipment has also been presented.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier informed that decision on establishment of Work Group and relative action plan has been made at the session of Interdepartmental commission for development of digital economy in the country.

Summing up the report, the President highlighted that textile industry has important objectives for increment of production, formation of new high technology complexes, opening of processing facilities for production of various competitive items based on efficient use of local material resources.

Having reminded of importance of the programmes of industrialization and digitization of the country, production of local import substitutive and export goods, opening of hew work places, the President highlighted that it has to meet all quality and ecological standards. For this purpose, textile facilities have to be equipped with advanced high-technology equipment, the Head of the State noted, having addressed the Vice-premier with assignments on this account.

The process of digitization of the economy of the country also provides achievement of success on regional levels of the country, the President noted, having given assignment to continue implementation of National programme of fundamental improvement of social and living conditions of rural population in new edition.

Having highlighted the main objectives of Interdepartmental commission for implementation of adopted Concepts of development of digital economy and system of distant education in Turkmenistan, the Head of the State demanded to pay more attention to acceleration to transit to digital system.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also focused on work of Türkmendemirýollary Agency of the Ministry Industry and Communication, having highlighted the necessity of modernization and further strengthening of equipment and facility base of this sphere and gave number of specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on work of the structures under his supervision including the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and organization of trade activity in the context of development of foreign economic relations of Turkmenistan, expansion of markets of sale of local production.

In this context, Draft Strategy of improvement of activity of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

The Strategy is aimed at growth of export potential by making of favourable conditions for participation of Turkmen producers in international trade. Its implementation will also support to effective commercial activity of facilities by use of digital system and information networks, principles of ‘single window’, implementation of new exchange instruments. The main objective of the Strategy is to improve competiveness of the SCRMET in the region and world.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted importance of modernization of organizational approaches in work of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange and other facilities of trade complex of the country, improvement of export and import procedures based on digitization. The Head of the State has also focused on necessity of searching for new directions and forms of entrepreneurship.

National business plays important role in diversification of industrial sector of the country and its foreign economic contacts, the President said, having given number of specific assignments for further development of marketing mechanisms, creation of conditions for active participants of entrepreneurs in the state programme and major projects.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on activity in science and education spheres, work for realization of complex of events aimed at solution of objectives of digital development set out by the Head of the State.

In particular, he reported on fulfilment of assignments for building of effective model of digital education and establishment of electronic platform for development of national research projects, enhancement of scientific and technical potential of the country.

Digitization is a strategic direction of development of our economy and social sphere, the President said noting that formation and expansion of relative infrastructure, equipment, facility and informational base have to be the main tool.

The Head of the State has also pointed out the necessity of study of the best world practices including management of protection of digital networks, having emphasized the importance of training of personnel – qualified specialists in different directions of digital economy.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on organizations of expeditions for collection of national cultural values and their thorough study, which are to be carried out in the first half of 2020 in the velayats of the country.

It was reported that participants of planned expeditions would collect information about customs, traditions and rites of Turkmen nations, songs and other intangible cultural values.

Having listened to the report, the President noted importance of unique evidence of rich history and cultural originality of Turkmens. Therefore, the participants of the expeditions have to pay special attention to collection and systematization of proverbs and sayings, catch phrases as well as words that are not used longer. All of these is our priceless heritage, Turkmen leader highlighted.

It is necessary to collect and study samples of oral traditions and to prepare received information for publication. This is very important in educational aspect, Turkmen leader highlighted.

It is also important to continue education activity on dissemination of information about such national values as ahalteke horse, Turkmen alabay, hand-made carpet. Archaeological monuments belonging to different epochs, which remained in our country, are very important for historical science.

In this regard, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments on preparation and conduct of coming expeditions to velayats of the country on high organizational level.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on course of reforms in agricultural complex and seasonal field works in the regions. At present time, preparation to spring sowing campaign is carried out. Ploughing , levelling irrigation as well as maintenance of equipment are carried out at the fields for the cotton.

At the same time, care of winter crops is carried out. Draft Resolution on Procurement of chemicals and micro fertilizers for agricultural crops has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Summing up the review, Turkmen leader focused on the importance of large-scale changes in agrarian sector, which are to increase efficiency agricultural production including by wide implementation of advanced methods in this sphere.

At the same time, the President gave specific assignments for acceleration of rates of work for care of winter crops and preparation to spring sowing. Speaking of this, the Head of the State demanded to take relative measures for receiving of good production of wheat, cotton, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops in every velayat this year.

Having signed the Resolution of procurement of chemicals for protection plants and their fertilization, the Head of Turkmenistan sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and ordered to take under control the contracts and their execution.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on realization of initiatives of the Head of the State proposed at International Conference “ Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development”

It was mentioned that all directions of cooperation of our country with international organizations have been captured in the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the forum in Ashgabat on January 14, which was dedicated to celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutrality. At present time, Plan of realization of the President’s initiatives and programme of events of year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality” have been developed.

Meeting with participation of ambassadors of foreign states is planned soon in political and diplomatic direction in the UN Headquarter in New York. Proposal on elaboration of the Code of Practice for implementation of the principles of neutrality in provision of peace and security as well as for establishment of international group of friends of neutrality is to be brought up for discussion.

Draft Programme of Humanitarian aid to Afghanistan by Turkmenistan has been developed in the context of peaceful development of Afghanistan.

Relative work is carried out for activation of dialog with such international financial institutes as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Islamic development Bank and other.

Speaking of the issues of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN and highlighted in the speech of the President, the Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Minister noted that 12 Annual Plans have been signed in this direction by the outcome of international conference.

At present time, relative government establishments and public organizations together with foreign partners carry out their practical implementation. Taking direct participation in this process, the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan performs coordinating functions.

Development of the Framework Programme of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN for sustainable development in 2021 – 2025 has been started. The Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan has also started fulfilment of objectives for expansion of cooperation with specialized UN agencies. In particular, work for bringing of relations with the UN Food and Agricultural Organizations to new level is carried out.

Joint activity for further development of customs and statistics system of Turkmenistan is planned for intensification of relations with such international structures as the UN Industrial Development Organization and the UN Conference for Trade and Development.

The Vice-premier, Foreign Ministers noted the importance of development of the UN Special Programme of Aral Sea basin, development of relative draft resolution of the Economic and Social Commission for Asian and Pacific countries in direction of realization of objectives outlined in ecological and environment spheres. This document is proposed to be reviewed at regular session of the above-mentioned commission, which will be held in Bangkok this year.

After, the Vice-premier, Head of the foreign Ministry stopped at initiatives of the President in humanitarian direction, in particular for further development of versatile cooperation of Turkmenistan with relative international organizations for improvement of democratic institutes in the country, effective fulfilment of obligation in human rights sphere.

In this regard, the proposal in regular session of Interdepartmental Commission for provision of fulfilment of international obligations of Turkmenistan in human rights and international humanitarian law sphere with participation of representatives of competent organizations carrying out their activity in this direction in Turkmenistan and Central Asia has been given.

The Vice-premier informed that work plan has been developed by this time between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and European Regional Bureau of the WHO for 2020 – 2021.

It was also mentioned that subjects of activation of work with the UNESCO, one of the main partners of our country in development of international social and cultural relations, have been reviewed during the conference. It was highlighted that improvement of the Chapter and structure of National Commission for UNESCO as well as formation of new compositions are required.

In the context, resting on international practice, taking into account new directions of cooperation with the UNESCO, which are digital technologies, statistics, management of water resources, work on draft documents is carried out and shortly, specific proposals would be presented to the President for review.

In case of their approval, the government authorities together with international organizations will carry out relative work according to legislation of Turkmenistan and international standards.

Having approved presented proposals, the Head of the State gave relative assignments for provision of high organizational level of all planned events.

In this regard, the President was delighted with the information about opening of special website of the Foreign Ministry, which is dedicated to anniversary date and highlighting of events carried out on occasion of remarkable celebration.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on activity of National Parliament.

It was informed that deputy corps carried out steady work for modernization of legal bases of Turkmenistan, legal support of reforms aimed at successful implementation of the programmes of social and economic development of the country, strengthening of its democratic institutes.

The Mejlis of Turkmenistan takes relative measures for activation of international cooperation including inter-parliamentary multilateral dialog.

The President highlighted that legal activity is the main instrument in realization of large-scale government programmes and is to support to improvement of life level of the nation, strengthening of civic institutes and assertion of democratic values in the society.

Summing up the outcomes of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers and addressing all members of the Cabinet of Ministers, Turkmen leader noted that control of fulfilment of the state programmes and development strategies is direct responsibility of high officials.

Speaking of the utmost objectives in activity of the Government, the President highlighted necessity to tale effective measures for fulfilment of plans for transit to digital economy and establishment of the system of electronic services, privatization of the state owned facilities, their reorganization to joint stock ventures for implementation of available reserves of growth in different branches.

The Head of the State noted the requirement of new approaches to management, active implementation of market mechanisms of management, use of effective foreign developments in this sphere as well as to diversification of national economy.

It is necessary to carry out systematic work for improvement of labour occupancy of the population, industrialization, arrangement of new varieties of import substitutive production, opening of high-technology, innovative production facilities, the Head of the state continued.

The President has also focused on organization of events dedicated to year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality”. Pursuing ‘open door policy’, multilateral economic diplomacy, our country is opened to the world as a state with rich cultural and historical heritage, which we have to popularize widely. Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all participants.