Ï First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan

First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan

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First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan
First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan
First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan
First cochlear implant surgery made in Turkmenistan
Group of qualified specialists from Germany are on working visit in Ashgabat under growing cooperation in health protection sphere.

German professors, otolaryngologist Johannes Zenk and anaesthesiologist Claus Chaikovsy together with Turkmen specialists made first successful cochlear implant surgery in the country in International Diagnostics and Treatment Centre of Head and Neck Diseases. This operation is a modern method of surgical treatment of neurosensory hearing loss.

- Cochlear implant surgery is the most effective treatment method of the patients with heavy hearing loss and full deafness, which helps to bring hearing back when hearing aids are not able to help, - Johannes Zenk, the Doctor of Medicine, Director of University Otolaryngology Clinic of Augsburg says. – Special electronic device catches sounds and transforms it to electrical impulses, which are directed to inner ear, which gives patient an opportunity to hear.

The device is made of two parts: external and internal. External part is fastened on the head behind the year. It includes a microphone, sound processor and external coil. During the surgery, special electrode is placed from external part of the device to inner ear through the cochlea.

Sounds are caught up by the microphone, transformed by external audio processor into audio signals and transmitted to the inner ear by electrode stimulating auricular nerves. In their term, the nerves transmit received signals to the brain, which transforms signals to sounds. The patient hears sounds as they appear.

Same as many other German specialists in medical sphere, Johannes Zenk has visited Turkmenistan several times exchanging practice with local doctors owing to support of Turkmen – German cooperation, which has systematic character, by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Another serious step has been made in promotion of Turkmen health protection, in particular the otolaryngology, to new level and in expansion of its capabilities.

- Various diseases of ear, nose and throat can result in disability in future. Rehabilitation therapy will be required in this case. Due to hearing, we are in contact and respond to external stimuli, - Dr Zenk says. – Disability to hear surrounding world make people feel themselves alienated from what takes place around them, which in certain extent makes impact of life quality.

Cochlear implant surgery allows bringing hearing back to patient, which means make he be more independent, open new capability, receive pleasure from communication and from surrounding world. This is not a magic but high technologies, which receive wide development in Turkmen medicine.

Johannes Zenk made special mention of the conditions that were made in International Diagnostics and Treatment Centre of Head and Neck Diseases where doctors have advanced hardware and equipment form leading producers of medical equipment. He expressed his delight with that attention that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays to establishment of innovative medical infrastructure in the country personally supervising the construction and provision of all major profile facilities.

- Taking this opportunity, I would like to express gratitude to the Head of the State for support and stimulation of development of our dialog with Turkmen colleagues. It is a great honour for me to work with true professionals of your country and to contribute a part of my work to undisputable success, which health protection of Turkmenistan achieves, - Dr Johannes Zenk said.

His view was totally supported by Claus Chaikovsky, the anaesthesiologist, Professor, Doctor of Medicine, Deputy Chief Physician of University Anaesthesiology Clinic of Erlangen, who is also permanent member of intensive process of exchange of practice and knowledge between German and Turkmen doctors.

He added that cochlear implant surgery that has been made is very complicated but also is very important for further life of child, who would have hearing now. Post-surgery rehabilitation, during which adaptation, hearing and speech learning take place, is necessary part of the treatment.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that high theoretical and practical training of Turkmen doctors as well as rich experience of German specialists and excellent technical base of our medical centres, which includes equipment from Germany, help achieving best results in treatment of patients.

At the same time, Claus Chaikovsky noted that International Diagnostic and Treatment Centre of Head and Neck Diseases has excellent conditions for medical personnel and patients including young ones.

- This is visual form of expression of true care of Turkmen leader of health of the nation, formation of favourable environment for equal and free access to high-technology modern medical services, - German Professor highlighted.

Germany is a recognized leader in European medicine. Having initiated bilateral dialog with this country in health protection sphere, the President of Turkmenistan directs it to implementation of innovations to national practice, latest methods of diagnostics, clinical and surgical interventions and post-surgical rehabilitation.

- It is obvious that the main merit in such rapid development of medicine in Turkmenistan belongs to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, - German specialists said, having expressed their respect to the Head of the state who pays priority attention to the system of Turkmen health protection and medical science.