Ï Security forces of the country receives objectives for 2020 at the session of the State Security Council

Security forces of the country receives objectives for 2020 at the session of the State Security Council

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the State Security Council where outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies of the country for 2019 have been summed up. Priority objectives of these structures in 2020 have also been outlined.

Coming over the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor for reports to the heads of military and law enforcement agencies who reported on work in the last year, which includes improvement of personnel potential, solution of social issues of military staff.

Report on activities carried out by the Ministry of National Security for the period under review, in particular on improvement of personnel potential, solution of social issues of military personnel and workers of military and law enforcement agencies, has been presented.

Having listened to the report and speaking of the main role of the Ministry in protection of vitally important interests of individuals, society and state in all spheres of activity from different threats, provision of sustainable development of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to take integrated measures for strengthening of the foundations of peaceful and creative life of society, unity and solidarity of the nation.

Having outlined priority directions of work of this structure, the Head of the State highlighted that successful solution of set objectives depends on ideological education of personnel, which is aimed at the formation of active life position, professional activity and legal knowledge, their ability to know modern sciences and technologies.

During the session, the President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has signed document on demotion of the Minister of National Security, Colonel General Ya.Berdiyev to the rank of Major General and on release him from the post of the Secretary of the State Security Council for improper performance of his duties as well as on reprimand with the last warning to correct admitted failures as soon as possible.

Report on multifaceted work carried out in the Armed Forces of the country during 2019, in particular on promotion of integrated military reform and fundamental changes related to the reform, has been presented.

Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to take practical measures for training of personnel, education of young soldiers in the best traditions of patriotism and loyalty to the sacred duty. In this regard, the orders on acceleration of implementation of advanced technologies and digitization in military establishment of the country have been given.

Speaking of coming Motherland Defender Day, the President ordered to organize events timed to professional holiday of military personnel on the highest level.

The President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country has reprimanded Minister of Defence B. Gundogdiyev for improper fulfilment of his duties and failures admitted in his work with the last warning to correct admitted failures as soon as possible.

Report on activity of the Ministry of Interior in 2019, in particular on the measures taken for support of public order and prevention of crimes, road and transport accidents on roads, provision of fire safety in all regions of the country, has been presented.

Having noted the necessity of enhancement of efficiency of work of this authority, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed out importance of further improvement of legal and organizational foundations of its activity. Special emphasis has been laid on provision of strict control of prevention of crime.

The President highlighted importance of fulfilment of objectives on implementation of the concept of digitization and introduction of electronic document management system.

Report on work for improvement of judicial system of the country has been presented during the session. Information that principles of law and justice are improved of according to the objectives outlined at the Conference of Judges of Turkmenistan has been presented.

The President has ordered to hold compliance with law under permanent attention. Strengthening of the bases of effective jurisdiction, enhancement of qualification of judges are among the utmost objectives. Training with use of modern digital technologies is one of the main requirements, the Head of the State noted, having addressed number of specific assignments.

The President has also listened to the report on work carried out by prosecution authorities, which included the results of inspections. Turkmen leader highlighted that prosecution authorities has to arrange their activity following objectives for protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens, interests of society and state.

Report on work carried out by the State Border Guard Service last year has been listened during the session. Report on practical measures taken for protection of borders of the country and improvement of equipment and facility base of the department has been presented.

Summing up the report, the President pointed out the necessity of provision of security of the borders and said that work for provision of frontier outpost with advanced equipment, construction of new modern outposts and comfortable living for personnel would be continued.

The Head of the State highlighted that measures for modernization of equipment and facility base of Border guard troops has to have systematic character, having given specific assignments on this account.

Report on measures taken last year for improvement of legal base, in particular on development of new laws, has been presented.

Having focused on improvement of quality of works carried out in the structures of the Ministry of Justice, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of development of digital system and electronic document management system in these spheres.

Report on work performed by the State Customs Service in 2019 has been listened.

Having noted significant contribution of Customs personnel in protection of economic interests of the country and prosperity of the population, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to continue paying utmost attention to improvement of quality of customs services.

The Head of the State has also noted importance of application of digital technologies in control of cargo and transport crossing the border and ordered to analyse the dynamics of cargo traffic.

Report on work carried out for provision of effective activity of the State Migration Service has been presented.

The Head of the State has focused on the main vectors of coming work. Active implementation of digital technologies and training of competent personnel have been defined among the utmost objectives.

Further, addressing the participants of extended session of the State Security Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted about the celebration of the Motherland Defender Day on December 27.

Having expressed firm confidence that performing their military duty with honour and resting on such noble traditions of ancestors as patriotism, bravery and courage, soldiers and officers would demonstrate examples of honest service to the Motherland, the President congratulated the participants with coming Motherland Defender Day.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State highlighted that following provisions of defensive Military Doctrine, which adopted according to peace-loving state policy, practical measure would continue to be taken for steadfast improvement of equipment and facility base of security forces.

Care of military personnel and their families is one of priority aspects, Turkmen leader noted, having highlighted that complex of works for improvement of their wellbeing, social and living conditions, creation of wide capabilities for service and rest is carried out.

The Government would continue taking targeted measures in this direction, the Head of Turkmenistan said.

During the session, the President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country has signed the Orders on assignment of military and class ranks to military personnel and workers of military and law enforcement structures of the country as well as on assignment of rank Police Lieutenant General to Director of the Institute of the Ministry of Interior, Major General Ch. Amanov.

Other subject, on which relative decisions have been made, were reviewed at the offsite extended session of the State Security Council.

In the end of the session, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in responsible work to all participants.