Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds working session on development of electrical energy sphere

The President of Turkmenistan holds working session on development of electrical energy sphere

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov and Minister of energy M. Artykov.

Improvement of efficiency of energy sphere as well as measures for successful fulfilment of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 and objectives of this sphere have been discussed at the session.

Establishment of wide network of energy infrastructure in Turkmenistan, modernization of its activity as the main factor of social and economic development of the country are priority directions of the government policy, the Leader of the nation noted. It is necessary to implement major projects initiated in this sphere, including those, which are aimed at strengthening of equipment and facility base, the Head of the State highlighted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the situation in the sphere as well as on near-term plans of fulfilment of objectives of development of energy industry outlined by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

According to the request of the Head of the State, relative work is carried out for implementation of the latest scientific and technical achievements in energy sphere. At present, infrastructure of the industry has been supplemented with gas turbine power stations, which were built in Ashgabat and velayats.

At the same time, formation of energy rings between Dashoguz and Balkan Velayat and Balkan and Ahal Velayats will increase reliability of provision of electricity of internal consumers.

Dozens of distribution substations are built, energy provision and lighting systems of the capital, other cities and towns of the country are renewed these days.

Opening of the first in Turkmenistan combined steam and gas power station, which works based on coordinated operation from Mary State Power Station, plays important role n improvement of export potential of the country.

In this regard, it is worth to mention that while implementing major projects of regioanla nd international significance in energy sphere, Turkmenistan demonstrates responsible approach in environment protection.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on improvement of activity of energy system of the country and introduction of advanced practice and digital technologies.

In this context, importance of training of qualified specialists has been noted. At the same time, importance of compliance of work of existing and new production facilities with environmental requirements has been highlighted.

According to the Concept of development of power energy industry, the Head of the State gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on imp mentation of control of construction of gas turbine power station in Lebap Velayat, timely commissioning of this important facility with output capacity of 432 MW, which would be provided with high-technology equipment.

Minister of Energy M. Artykov reported on realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (TAP) powerline.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of energy of Turkmenistan and Turkish Çalik Holding A.Ş on cooperation in construction of power line along Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan gas line has been signed in January 2018.

Ground-breaking ceremony of new energy bridge took place in February 2018 with participation of the Heads of the states and governments of Turkmenistan, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Republic of India. At the same time, signing of the Agreement on Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan between the governments of country members of the project has taken place.

The Agreement between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the project of TAP power line has been signed in October 2018.

The document coordinates subjects related to construction of transnational energy main across neighbouring states. In particular, the Agreement defines volumes of electricity, which will be supplied to Afghanistan by new powerline.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that power energy complex occupies leading position in the economy of the country. therefore, it is necessary to intensify work for fulfilment of programmes of development of the energy sphere, the Head of the State demanded, having outlined number of important objectives related to energy policy.

It was highlighted that Turkmenistan is among the riches states by availability of energy resources and production of electricity is one of the most profitable in the world.

Following this, it is necessary to increase volume of investments to this important sphere all the time. In this result, Turkmen energy industry demonstrates stable high rates of development and is able to increase export of energy, which is required in foreign countries.

Enhancement of potential of the industry will support further growth of volumes of export of Turkmen energy, especially to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Formation of relative infrastructure will allow opening of new work places, will make contribution to sustainable development and stabilization of situation in friendly country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

For many years, Turkmenistan renders comprehensive support to fraternal Afghan people in construction of peaceful life. Implementing such big projects as construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line and Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line is very important not only for participation countries but for the region in general.

The President highlighted that all objectives of this sphere have to be solved by use of latest technologies, creation of innovative production structures. According to the Concept of development of power energy industry of Turkmenistan, different engineering and technical developments of new generation, which are distinguished with innovativeness, economic efficiency and ecological safety, have to be implemented.

Continuing working session, the Vice-premier presented proposal on establishment of the Department of international power energy projects in Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan direction and successful construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan powerline as well as further development of implementation of other international projects in the sphere to the Head of the State for review.

Having highlighted that TAP project is very important not only for the region but also for the world, the President of the country approved the proposal. Having noted that M. Artykov has done a big work for development of national energy industry, in particular have made big contribution to implementation of major projects in Afghanistan and gained big experience in this field, the Head of the State made a decision to appoint him as the Head of the above-mentioned department, having released from the post of the Minister of Energy.

Having noted that attraction of the members of the UIET would be appropriate for arrangement of relative activity of new Department, the President ordered to form up the staff of new structure from qualified personnel and immediate start of work, having wished success in fulfilment of set objectives.

The Head of the State has also informed on decision to appoint Vice-premier Ch. Purchekov as Acting Minister of Energy and signed relative document.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered relative offiicials to put maximum efforts in implementation of plans and wished success in work to all participants.