Ï Session of the Government: Preparation to international forums, economic integration, digitization

Session of the Government: Preparation to international forums, economic integration, digitization

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where important subjects of the state life and some draft documents have been reviewed.

Coming over to the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov. The Vice-premier reported on measures for preparation to comprehensive population and housing census of Turkmenistan in 2022.

Following approved plan, proper work is carried out in this direction. In particular, subjects of technical and special programme software of coming campaign, procurement of necessary equipment are studied and exercise of relative tender by the State Statistical Committee is carried out.

Summing up the report, the President noted that comprehensive population and housing census is an important source of full and trustful information about number, age categories, structure of the population in combination with social and economic characteristics and other important factors. Received statistical data will serve as reliable base for development of profile and integrated programmes of further steadfast development of Turkmen state and society.

At the same time, 2022 campaign is in line with the goals of the Resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council adopted in 2015, which is another evidence of commitment of our country to strategic partnership with the UN and its largest structures.

Having highlighted necessity to provide high organizational level of coming census with efficient implementation of latest digital technologies, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov address the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments. At the same time, the Head of the State noted importance of study of advanced world practice in this sphere, active explanatory work among the population with attraction of mass media.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy complex and measures for successful realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030.

Information about progress of some big investment projects aimed at strengthening of material base of the industry, increment of production potential and export capabilities has been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused attention of the Vice-premier that improvement of efficiency of oil and gas complex, which is to make significant contribution to social and economic development of the country, is an important objective today.

Having noted that further diversification of oil and gas sector, modernization of its infrastructure on innovative base are among priorities of successful solution of objectives of this sphere, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions.

In this context, relative assignments have been given for attraction of foreign investors to fuel and energy complex, expansion of beneficial cooperation with big foreign oil and gas companies, which have advanced technologies and significant experience of work in energy sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on work of the Ministry of Energy for use of renewable sources of energy.

The Vice-premier informed that scientific and production centre of the State Energy Institute carry our relative studies for use of solar and wind energy in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake. Plan of activities has been developed in the result of researches.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that natural and climate conditions of our country are favourable for wide use of renewable energy. In this regard, it was noted that potential existing in this sphere has to be increased taking into account economic and social feasibility of ecologically safe energy installations.

National specialists have big experience for implementation of modern energy installations, the Head of the State said, having made special mention that realization of this large-scale project would provide uninterrupted supply to remote settlements of the country.

The President of Turkmenistan approved presented proposals, having demanded to provide thorough technical expertise of these projects and comprehensive analysis from ecological point of view. Having noted that creation of favourable living environment, which meets high ecological and safety standards, is a priority of the State policy, the President gave number of assignments for implementation of plans to the Vice-premier.

During the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov singed the Resolution on construction of Turkmen part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power line and sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having ordered to hold fulfilment of planned work under control.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on measures for construction of passenger bus stations in Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary Velayats.

It was informed that the Ministry of Construction and Architecture has exercised international tender, which resulted in selection of project of passenger bus stations of Muhammet-Balkan Business Entity. According to commercial specification, construction of facilities is planned with shared participation of the Ministry of Industry and Communication and business entity.

The Vice-premier has also informed about measures taken on regular basis for solution of objectives outlined in the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 as well as in the context of the strategy of industrialization of the state and transit to digital economy until 2030.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that it is important to continue work for implementation of latest scientific achievements and transit to digital technologies for modernization of passenger transportation and enhancement of services. It is necessary to use modern materials for construction of bus stations. The buildings have to be comfortable for the passenger, the Head of the state highlighted.

Having focused on enhancement of the level of services in industrial and communication complexes, the President pointed out the importance of development of digital system and electronic document management system in these spheres.

For this purpose, it is necessary to approach creation of technological platforms for practical implementation of innovative policy and provision of compliance with the world trends of transport infrastructure facilities. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed the Vice-premier with relative assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister Ch. Gylyjov reported on activity of trade sector under his supervision, measures of the government support of small and medium business in the country, further steps for expansion of import substitutive and export oriented production facilities with involvement of capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs.

Composition of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Turkish Commission for economic cooperation from Turkmenistan side has been presented to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for review.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader noted growing role of entrepreneurship in the sphere of import substitution and improvement of export potential of the country, development of competitive industry, having highlighted importance of support of investment projects in agricultural complex and saturation of internal market with quality agricultural production.

The Head of the State has also given assignments for activation of foreign trade relations and search for new foreign channels for sale of excess of food production made in the country.

In addition, the President pointed out importance of systematic study of market conditions and permanent analysis of demands of local consumers, implementation of advanced practice and innovative technologies to production of quality goods of Turkmen entrepreneurs.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution, having approved composition of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Turkish Commission for economic cooperation from Turkmen side and sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, having given relative instructions.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on activity of in science and education sphere in relation with implementation of information and communication technologies.

In particular, the Vice-premier reported on fulfilment of assignment for improvement and modernization of activity of the Academy of Government Service under the President of Turkmenistan, improvement of quality of education in this institute and level of training of management personnel.

These subjects including introduction of new directions of specializations to educational programme of the Academy, organization of training for improvement of qualification and magistrate have been analysed together with the Mejlis by relevant ministries and departments. Draft document has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Having listened to the report and focused that digital economy requires new level of personnel training, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to rely on the best practice in this field.

Modern industrial facilities, which have been built and are still under construction, new branches require qualified specialists who know digital technologies, the Head of the State said point out importance of improvement of all system of training of professional personnel.

Successful realization of major national projects and state programmes implies strong personnel component including the management, the Head of the State highlighted, having noted that organization of courses for managers on the bases of digital economy in the Academy is to increase potential in all branches of national economy.

Having signed the Resolution aimed at modernization of activity of the Academy of the Government Service under the President of Turkmenistan and sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, the President ordered to hold realization of planned measures and changes related to this under strict control.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva reported on the Plan of activities on occasion of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, which was developed according to the objectives outlined by the Head of the State in his speech at International Conference “Turkmenistan and International Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development” on January 14.

Various events including meeting, educational activities, conferences, briefings, media forums and other are planned in this context.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted importance of humanitarian component in assertion of principles of neutrality on global level.

Having approved presented proposals, the Head of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with assignments on provision of high organizational level of all planned programme events and preparation to the 25th anniversary of neutrality in general.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on reforms in agricultural complex and seasonal field works in the regions.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the subjects of improvement of production f wheat, cotton and other agricultural crops, improvement of soil conditions of lands and provision of water for irrigation.

The Head of the State highlighted importance of comprehensive improvement of food section of national economy, satisfaction of the population demand on quality food products of won make.

In this context, the Vice-premier was ordered to pay special attention to effective development of agricultural fields, which were given to tenants from special land funds established in the regions. Specific assignments have also been given for introduction of advanced agricultural methods in plant production sphere of agricultural complex and further development of hothouse farming.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on preparation to International conference “Green Central Asia”, which would be held in Berlin on January 28of foreign ministers level of the countries of the region, Afghanistan and Germany. The purpose of the forum is to review improvement of regional cooperation in such current spheres as combating against climate change and its consequences.

Relative initiative of the Government of Germany, which provides realization of the projects in such important directions as environment protection and biodiversity, management of water resources, combating of desertification, foresting, renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency, agriculture and management of land resources, which are priorities of the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, would be presented at the conference.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister, reported on preparation to regular meeting on ministers level in C5+1 format between central Asian countries and Untied States of America, which would be held in Tashkent on February 3.

As is known, this format presents multilateral mechanism of cooperation between five states of the region and USA. Proposals for cooperation in such spheres as strengthening of security and stability, development of trade and economic relations, environment protection and ecology are systematically reviewed under its framework.

The agenda of coming meeting in the capital of Uzbekistan will include subjects of development of regional partnership in number of priority directions. It includes economy and energy, counteraction of modern dangerous threats and challenges such as terrorism, illegal drag and human trafficking and transboundary crime.

Consolidation of efforts for support of regulation of situation in Afghanistan, its social and economic revival, connection to energy, transport and trade systems of Central Asia will be subject of interesting discussion. It is planned to adopt relative joint document by the outcomes of the meeting.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of traditional friendly and neighbouring relations with Central Asian states, with peoples of which Turkmen nation is united by centuries-old historical and cultural relations, are the main vectors of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

At the same time, our country stands for further intensification of constructive regional and interregional cooperation and actively cooperates with neighbouring countries in multilateral formats.

Speaking of the agenda of coming international conference in Berlin, the President made special mention that ecological aspect is outlined among the main directions of the government policy.

Taking initiative position in subjects of the climate change, environment protection, rational water and nature management, provision of ecological safety, our country demonstrates responsible approach to development of optimum solutions and fulfilment of undertaken obligations.

The Head of the State said that implementation of ‘green technologies’ are closely related to large-scale reform programmes and infrastructural projects implemented in Turkmenistan and proving the willingness for multilateral cooperation for achievement of global Sustainable development goals.

Continuing the subject of regional partnership, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted the importance of meeting in C5+1 format in the beginning of February, having highlighted the necessity of realization of all capabilities for strengthening and expansion of fruitful cooperation between Central Asian countries and USA, which meets common interests.

Regarding Turkmen – American relations, it was highlighted that interstate dialog has traditional constructive and steadfast character and has big potential for further successful development.

Having highlighted that neutral Turkmenistan would continue implementing creative peace-loving foreign strategy meeting the goals of prosperity and progress in regional and global scales, the Head of the State gave specific instructions for provision of high organizational level of preparation to International Conference “Green Central Asia” and ministerial level meeting in C5+1 format to the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about current activity of National Parliament for strengthening and improvement of legal base of social and economic reforms in the country.

At present time, development of new bills is carried out, legal acts requiring amendments and addendums are analysed. Discussion of the Draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan is carried out.

Measures for propaganda of important events carried out in the country under the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality” are taken with big public organizations.

The President highlighted importance of further activation of work of the Mejlis for improvement of national legislation for the interests of dynamic promotion of social and economic reforms, democratization of Turkmen society.

We have to follow the best world practice, international standards and aim at the fundamental standards of international law in reformation of legal system of Turkmenistan and improvement of the main Law, the President stated.

Speaking of the work of Constitutional Commission, the Head of the State demanded to prepare to discuss the Draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan during the next session.

Summing up the outcomes of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers and addressing the members of the Government, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the necessity of effective measures and new proposals for acceleration of reforms including plans of transit to digital economy as well as activation of market mechanisms of management, which effectiveness is proven by growing role of private sector in different spheres.

The Head of the State has also noted importance of aspects of rational water use and ecological wealth. Further improvement of scientific and educational sphere is among the utmost objectives, the President highlighted. Speaking of expansion of spectrum of international relations, the Head of the State has focused on practical implementation of TAPI and TAP projects.

The Head of the State has requested to hold Motherland Defender Day on high level with participation of public organizations. Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all participants.