Ï Positions on application of the IMO conventions and protocols agreed in Ashgabat

Positions on application of the IMO conventions and protocols agreed in Ashgabat

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The sixth meeting of authorized representatives of Caspian state on discussion of the Draft Protocol on Cooperation in provision of safe navigation in Caspian Sea has finished in the capital.

This event with participation of delegations from Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan was organized by the Foreign Ministry, Institute of Caspian Sea and Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication.

Strengthening of constructive cooperation in Caspian Sea is one of priority vectors of foreign policy of our country, which is based on principles of positive neutrality, good neighbourhood and opens doors.

Regulatory and legal framework, which is formed up by the coastal states, is to support to realization of multidimensional potential of Caspian region, which is one of recognized dynamically developing geopolitical and economic centres of Eurasia.

The necessity to complete harmonization of documents as well as to prepare an agreement on cooperation in the sphere of maritime transport in Caspian Sea, to establish five-side cooperation of maritime administrations have been mentioned in the Communique, which was adopted by the heads of Caspian Sea by the outcomes of the V Caspian Summit.

Favourable geographic location between Europe and Asia is special feature of our countries, which opens big perspectives in the sphere of transit transportation, logistic services and providing effective operation of trade corridors in the East – West and North – South directions.

Today, every country implements big projects for creation of modern infrastructure of multimodal – sea, road, railway and air cargo and passenger transportation.

Activation of existing transcontinental routes and formation of new international corridors running across Caspian Sea will provide conditions for further dynamic social and economic development of neighbouring states, will increase their investment attractiveness, will support improvement of regional and interregional trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian and tourist relations.

In general, all of these provides the relevance of the Draft Protocol on cooperation in the sphere of safe navigation in Caspian Sea, which was developed by Turkmenistan. Regular meetings of authorised representatives of Caspian sea, three of which were held in Ashgabat and two in Teheran (IRI), have been dedicated to the agreement on the text of the Protocol.

This document covers wide spectrum of issues related to such fundamental aspects as prevention of accidents of marine vessels, protection of life and health of crews and passengers, provision of safety of maritime transport and cargo.

Application of the main conventions and protocols of International Maritime Organizations (IMO) was the main subject of discussion of experts at current round of three-days talks.

Being specialized institution of the UN, IMO is responsible for improvement of reliability and safety of international commercial shipping, provides mechanisms for cooperation between the governments in formation of standards and rules related to technical subjects of this sphere and environment protection during international maritime transportation.

Exchanging the opinions, members of delegations have spoken for adaptation of the above-mentioned documents according to special legal status of Caspian Sea and made specific proposals on this account.

Summing up the conversation, the participants of the session noted progress achieved in he process of harmonization of positions on the draft Protocol and its Appendix.