Ï Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development

Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development

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Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
Construction and power energy sphere: Strategy of innovative development
These days, construction complex of Turkmenistan is targeted to realization of grandiose government programmes of industrialization, establishment of modern transport and social infrastructure, new import substitutive and export production facilities, construction of living and comprehensive development of the regions.

Numerous industrial, social and cultural facilities are built, cities and villages are developed under these programmes and projects.

White-marble Ashgabat impresses with splendour of its architectural ensemble, which was supplemented with dozens of original buildings and facilities including big residential complexes.

Micro district Mir 7 in the southeast of the capital where thousands of Ashgabat residents received new apartments is one of examples of this.

Mir 7/3 residential complex, which occupies more than 30 hectares between Yunus Emre, Alty Carliyev, Baba Ananov and 10 ýyl Abadançylyk Streets, has been built as a part of major development of the micro district.

In addition to existing, it is planned to build another 23 high-raise buildings, which foundations have ben already laid in May 2019, on occasion of the Day of Ashgabat.

New living estates receive relative infrastructure like children and sport grounds, wide streets, kindergartens, medical facilities, shops and other.

In other words, conditions for the population would have all opportunities to work, study, rest, go in for sports, use modern services of shopping, entertainment and health improving complex, which have to be located within walking distance, are made.

Having become a dominant of Ashgabat development, urban construction mainly determines economic borders of the city, its investment climate and business environment.

Contribution of the capital to solution of strategic objectives of social and economic progress of the country, its importance and role as major international political, business, cultural and tourist centre is growing.

Achievements and perspectives in urban construction sphere, architecture and formation of urban infrastructure in modern Turkmenistan were visually demonstrated at XVIII International exhibition “White city of Ashgabat” on May 25 – 26.

Today, Ashgabat is one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities of the world. many projects, which were presented at the forum for all these years, have been implemented in magnificent buildings and architectural ensembles decorating the city. Having become a ‘business cards’ of our motherland, these facilities, which are distinguished with original design and expansion, were registered in the Guinness Record Book.

100 representatives of local and foreign companies as well as ministries and departments of the country took part in the review. Leading partners of Turkmenistan Bouygues, NATA, Gap Inşaat, Rönesans, Altkom, Interbudmontazh presented models of construction facilities, innovative development and technologies including in such directions as water supply and lighting, road construction, active leisure industry and other.

Ground breaking ceremony of administrative centre of Ahal Velayat in Gyoktepe etrap, which took place in April, 2019 with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is among remarkable events of the year.

New city, which is built in picturesque valley, is designated for more than 70,000 people. It is planned to build more than 400 cottages and multi-storey apartment buildings, 10 kindergartens for 320 children each, 19 schools for 720 students. In addition, elementary and secondary specialized schools and two art schools are planned to be built.

It will have a network of medical facilities including the Centre of Mother and Child Health Protection and other facilities. It is planned to build the Ruhiyet Palace, drama theatre, circus and museum, two modern sport complexes in velayat centre. At the same time, it is planned to build International Equestrian School with hippodrome, training grounds, stables and arena as well as Scientific and Production centre of this profile.

In addition, construction of new villages has been launched in Turkmenkala, Sakarchaga and vekilbazar etraps, Mary Velayat as well as in Charjew, Sayat, Khalach and Kerky etrap, Lebap Velayat, which are the most populated areas in Amudarya Valley, according to the Resolution of the Head of the State. New settlement will be built in S. A. Niyzov etrap Dashooguz Velayat.

New multi-apartment residential comfortable buildings have been put into operation in Balkanabat, Dashoguz, Mary, Turkmenabat, Anau, Bayramaly and other cities.

Construction of large-scale social and production complex of new type in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake has been launched in Balkan Velayat in May last year with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

New modern village Rowaç has been opened in Serdar etrap in December. 268 three and four room comfortable houses with spacious rooms, equipped kitchens, garages and land plots were built altogether in new village.

Medical facility built in the village is provided with latest specialized equipment. It also has an excellent kindergarten for 160 children. The school , which is designated for 320 students, has all conditions for growing generation could get quality education meeting time requirements and would be able to grow being spiritually rich and physically fit.

Cultural house, shopping centre, service facility do not yield to their urban analogues. In other words, the village has all conditions for comfortable life of people taking into account such important aspects as education, health protection, working occupancies, cultural leisure and access to modern communication.

Together with construction of living, production of construction materials based from local natural resources received significant government support.

This is brightly indicated by powerful construction cluster built in Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat. It already has Тürkmendemirönümleri State Enterprise producing roll metal stock, big aerated concrete plant, marble and granite factory of Тürkmenmermer Closed Joint Stock venture producing tiling material from local natural stones as well as the biggest in Central Asia facility for production of glass.

Recently, the flagship of glass production industry has shipped the batch of sheet glass painted in blue and green colours. Ferro and cobalt oxides have been used for production of coloured stock as a dyer.

The facility also applies ion plasma and magnetron spraying, which gives an opportunity to apply alloys of various metals like aluminium, silver, titanium, nickel, chrome as well as their compounds on the products and make production with green, blue, silver, golden and other colours.

Today, facilities of the industry make wall panels and armoured blocks, extended clay, assembly Ferro concrete items, bricks, tiles, different types of construction putty, aero concrete items, non-ore building materials, pipes, rolled metal stock, plastic and fibre pipes and other.

Specialized workshop for production of thermal resistant bricks has been opened at the ferro concrete plant of Türkmendemirbeton Production Association, which is located in Byuzmeyin etrap of the capital, in 2019. This production is used for reconstruction and construction of industrial furnaces and fireplaces. Refractory kaolin clay from deposits in Balkan velayat is used as the main component for thermal resistant bricks.

Lebap cement plant has produced test batches of M-400-D-20 and M-500-D-20 cement with additives of basalt powder, which increase durability, density, frost resistance of concrete. Building material was developed together with personnel of chemical and organic material laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan.

At the same time, the work for opening of new facilities making production, which is on demand in local market and abroad, is continued. Geological surveys are carried out actively for finding of new deposits of natural reserves, which are used as a feedstock for production of building materials, facilities of metallurgic industry and other branches.

Project of construction of mining and metallurgic facility for industrial processing of iron ore, which deposits have been discovered near Gyzylgaya settlement, Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan Velayat, will be developed according to the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Initial estimates of reserves are 70 – 75 million tons per year. This raw material is used for production of cement.

Orientation to innovative development through study of advanced world practice and introduction of progressive technologies are the main line, which determined the character of International exhibition Turkmenstroy 2019, which was held in Ashgabat in August.

The forum has gathered representatives of national and foreign companies, enterprises and companies, business and entrepreneurs working in this sphere from Russian Federation, France, Germany, Austria, PRC, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece and other countries.

Digital management systems, robotized and intellectual networks, all of these would be put as a basis of organization of functioning of Ashgabat city, which model was the main exhibited of the review.

Conference “Development of Construction Industry of Turkmenistan” has also been held under the forum. The main subjects of reports included the compliance with requirements of ecological and seismic safety during construction of different facilities, special features of pricing in construction, formation of economically beneficial routes of transportation of construction cargoes.

Presentations about implementation of energy efficient systems in life and municipality management, application of fundamentally new methods of architectural design using special computer programmes as well as about production of different innovative construction materials raised big interest.

According to the Programme of social and economic development of turkkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, the share of construction in total volume of the GDP will increase up to 11.5 percent for seven years. Investments to the main capital will be 229.3 billion manats. It is planned to put 289 facilities including 36 after reconstruction and modernization in this period.

In addition, 13 hospitals, 20 clinics, 163 kindergartens, 201 schools, 16 cultural houses, 11 water treatment facilities, 13 sewage facilities as well as 1,896.4 square meters of living will be built in the region under National rural programme.

It is also planned to modernize 17 hospitals, 22 clinics, 2 kindergartens and 1 cultural house. Funds to the amount of 9,976.7 million manats (including 1,944.3 million manats in Ahal Velayat, 1,244.1 million in Balkan Velayat, 2,907.3 million in Dashoguz Velayat, 1,851.3 million in Lebap Velayat and 2,029.7 million manats in Mary Velayat) will be invested for the above-mentioned goals.

7 facilities are planned to be commissioned in power energy sphere in coming seven-year period.

As is known, the infrastructure of the industry has been supplemented with gas turbine power stations in Ashgabat, Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Dashoguz Velayats recently. First in the country combined steam and gas power station has been put into operation at Mary State Power Station.

At present time, another gas turbine with production output of 432 megawatt is under construction in Charjew etrap, Lebap Velayat. This project is implemented together with Japanese Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and Turkish Rönesans Holding.

Japanese Bank of Internatioanl Cooperation, which entered into Credit Agreement with the State Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of Turkmenistan, participates in financing of the project.

Consortium of Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş (Turkey) and Çalik Enerji Swiss AG (Switzerland) will build Service and Maintenance Centre of power equipment at Byuzmeyin State Power Station by the order of the State Corporation Türkmenenergo of the Ministry of Energy. In particular, the centre will serve gas turbines, generators, transformers of various capacity, distribution boards and other equipment, which are installed at the power stations.

Workshops, which are to be equipped with high technology machinery from the leading producers including General Electrics, will be built at the area of more than 4,000 square meters.

Project of construction of high-voltage powerlines Ahal – Balkan and Balkan – Dashoguz is carried out on beneficial credit of Asian Development Bank. 560 kilometres of 500 KV powerlines and 475 kilometres of 220 KV powerlines will be built under the project. In addition, two 500/220/110 KV and 2 220/110 KV substations will be put into operation.

The project provides installation of power transforming units, switches, breakers, relay protection and automatics – the equipment made by European standards. Facilities of circular energy system will be provided with modern computer programmes, which will provide remote operation and permanent monitoring of set working parameters.

It was mentioned that large-scale work in this direction would provide big industrial complexes and numerous social facilities, which are annually put into operation in our country, with stable supply of power as well as will allow exporting it to neighbouring countries.

Project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan (TAP) powerline, which will be built parallel to TAPI gas line, is very important.

International Exhibition and scientific conference “Main Directions of Development of Energy Industry of Turkmenistan”, which was held in Ashgabat in September, has visually demonstrated huge potential of energy industry of Turkmenistan and growing interest of the world business circles and investors in participation of joint projects.

Leading companies and profile structures from Russia, USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Turkey, Iran, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries were among numerous foreign participants of the forum.

Active work of the exhibition in Trade and Industrial Chamber was provided by its content – presentations, study of capabilities of partners turned into interested communication about use of new innovative technologies and equipment, advanced engineering and technical solutions in infrastructure of the industry, modern approaches in development of resources and potential of national energy sphere.

The same can be said about the conference, during which special attention has been paid to realization of big investment projects of construction of Turkmen and international powerlines, advanced technologies as well as to the subjects of alternative energy and establishment of innovative smart energy networks.

In general, the outcomes of 2019, which were summed up at extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 7, indicate positive tendencies in investment and construction activity.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted in his programme speech at the session that volumes of production have been increased almost in all branches. New high technology facilities were put into operation, enormous work has been carried out for turning of the country into industrially developed state.

Investments to construction industry were around 35 billion US dollars under the investment programmes. 1,704 production, social and cultural facilities to total amount of around 10 billion US dollars have been put into operation from all sources of financing.

During the session, the Head of the State has focused on large-scale programme of construction in 2020. It was mentioned that volume of capital investments from all financial sources is around 40 billion manats, which would be send for construction and modernization of plants and factories, hospitals and medical centres, kindergartens, administrative centres, new settlements and houses.

Therefore, rapid growth of production potential of the country including in construction industry and power energy are bright indicators of successful realization of large-scale changes.