Ï The best etrap of the country receives its award

The best etrap of the country receives its award

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The best etrap of the country receives its award
The best etrap of the country receives its award
The best etrap of the country receives its award
The best etrap of the country receives its award
The best etrap of the country receives its award
The best etrap of the country receives its award
1 million US dollars award ceremony to Gyoktepe etrap, which has become the winner of the best ertap contest in 2019, was held in Yzgant village.

Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, deputies of the Mejlis, heads of velayat and etrap administration, representatives of public organizations, farmers, best personnel, honoured elders, youth and numerous residents of the velayats took part in the events.

The results of the best etrap contest have been announced at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 7, which was dedicated to summing up of the outcomes of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2019. Having studied the presented information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on award of 1 million US dollars to the administration of Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat.

According to the terms of this annual contest, its winner is selected by such criteria as successful implementation of the Programme of regional development, fulfilment of contractual obligations on production of grain, cotton and other agricultural production, commissioning of social and cultural facilities as well as solution of objective of work occupancy, cultural leisure and involvement of the population in physical training and sports.

Celebration activities in Yzgant village have started at the square in from of Berdymuhammed Annayev secondary school No. 27 where the guests were welcomed by young drummers and singers.

The participants of the event have paid tribute to the memory of the grandfather of the President of Turkmenistan, having laid flowers to the monument of Berdimuhamed Annayev – warrior, patriot and outstanding teacher, which was built in the school.

The celebration was continued with theatre performance demonstrating beautiful ceremonies related to wedding. Good traditions and customs inherited from our ancestors have been seamlessly complemented with performance of united group of dutar players of Ahal Velayat. Participants of the event have looked around the expanded exhibition demonstrating works of the famous artists of the country with big interest.

Production made by textile facilities and agricultural complex like cotton and articles from it, seeds of cotton, wheat and other crops, vegetable and cucurbitaceous production, mineral fertilizers used in agriculture, leather and leather production, machinery and equipment including those necessary for irrigation, innovative technologies, silk cocoons, bakery have also been demonstrated.

Modern agricultural equipment – tractors from the world famous John Deere equipped with telematics sensors made special impression of the participants. The guests were introduced with the work for implementation of digital electronic management system in agricultural industry, advantages of digital technologies.

It was followed by song and music performances of art collectives, demonstration performance of sportsmen on the square in from of the sport school. Talented circus artists demonstrated complicated stunts on the tightrope strung across, which was another beautiful accompaniment of the celebration.

Big song and music performance has expanded at the square decorated with beautiful Turkmen carpets in front of the Cultural Palace named after Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov. Six-wing white Turkmen yurtas “ak oy”, lined cauldrons with various national dishes were the adornments of the event. Girls and women were making dough and baked traditional Turkmen bread and cooked national sweets like chelpek and chapady, which have become a favourite treat of Turkmen celebrations.

In addition, sport games and entertainment, which are integral part of big Turkmen celebration, have been organized. Elite representatives of the world famous Turkmen alabay have been demonstrated.

National wrestling competitions organized by the General Department of Sport and Youth Affairs of the velayat have gathered numerous spectators. The winners received baby camel and other presents.

After bright performances, the guests were watching performance of girls and women, who demonstrated handmade craftworks of decorative and applied art to the guests, in the Cultural Palace named after Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov.

After, the award ceremony of Gyoktepe etrap took place in the conference hall of the Cultural Palace. Greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to workers and all residents of Gyoktepe etrap has been read out in the beginning of the ceremony. It was mentioned in the message of the Leader of the Nation “We have set high targets, which solution would provide industrial development of the country and would bring it to the rank of advanced states of the world as well as would increase life level of the nation. We all have to work hard for successful solution of outlined objectives. We have to improve the authority of our independent neutral state on international level”.

Firm confidence that workers of Gyoktepe etrp would involve actively into solution of these important objectives and would achieve high results and success in all spheres, would make significant contribution to realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025 has been expressed in the message of the Head of the State.

Chairman of the National Trade Union Centre of Turkmenistan has handed over the award won the etrap to the Hyakim of Gyoktepe etrap and wished further success to workers of the etrap.

Having received the award presented on behalf of the President, the Hyakim expressed cordial gratitude to the Head of the state on behalf of all residents of the etrap and assured that all workers of the etrap would put all efforts for successful implementation of the Programme of social and economic development of the country, improvement of production potential and life level of the population.

It was followed by the speech of the Honoured elder of the people of the etrap, who expressed gratitude to the Leader of the Nation for care of comprehensive development of the regions. School teacher from Yzgant village was among the speakers who expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan on behalf of the youth. He highlighted that this award is high appreciation of work of people of the etrap and at the same time, it indicates the respect the Head of the State pays to working people. The speaker noted that current ceremony would be unforgettable event and bright page in the modern history of etrap.

The participants noted that owing to integrated reforms in Turkmenistan, objectives for industrialization of the regions, diversification and expansion of export capabilities of the economy, implementation of advanced, including digital, technologies, expansion of production volumes of various industrial and agricultural products on its base, provision of food abundance in the country are successfully solved.

New life comes to all parts of the Motherland, which are changing literally in front of us. This is brightly indicated by Gyoktepe etrap where new modern city – administrative centre of Ahal Velayat, is under construction in beautiful valley of the Kopetdag foothills.

Big investments are allocated for implementation of the National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions of the rural population until 2020. Construction of new modern villages has been launched under the Programme in Kopetdag and Ovadandepe Gengeshlyks.

Every year, thousands of families celebrate house-warming parties in new houses and comfortable apartments. high technology plants and factories, excellently equipped medical, cultural and sport centres, kindergartens, schools and universities are built and put into operation systematically. All of these are the results of creative strategy of Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who put prosperity and happiness of people and each citizen of the country as a main priority.

The speakers at the award ceremony congratulated residents of the etrap with deserved high title of the winner of the context, having noted that their work merits would be deserved example for all Turkmen nation, which improves prosperity and progress of beloved Motherland with its honest work.

The concert of art masters was held afterwards in honour of the current events in the Cultural Palace. Inspired performances of famous popular singers, young artists, famous bakhshys as well as dance and folk collectives have enhanced celebration atmosphere.

The participants adopted gratitude message to the President of Turkmenistan, having expressed big gratitude for high appraisal of their input into dynamic social and economic development of Turkmen state and assured that they would work honestly for prosperity of the Motherland and improvement of its glory and power.

Celebration sadaka has been given on occasion of this remarkable event.