Ï Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country

Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country

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Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
Ashgabat hosts the forum timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of the country
The Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry of the country hosted scientific and practical conference “Policy of Neutrality and Culture of Peace”, which was timed to the Day of Diplomatic Personnel of Turkmenistan.

Personnel of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan, diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations accredited in our country, students and lecturers, scientists and mass medial took part in the forum.

The participants have listened to the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the forum with great attention. The message highlighted that Turkmenistan makes significant contribution to joint efforts for provision of peace and security making number of proposals for review at the level of the United Nations Organization.

Unanimous adoption of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on announcement of December 12 as International Neutrality Day is an evidence of recognition of constructive foreign policy of our country.

During the conference, the participants made special mention of importance of adoption of the Letter of the participants of International Conference “Turkmenistan and Internatioanl Organizations: Cooperation for Peace and Development”, which was held in the beginning of the year, to the UN Secretary General as a document of the 74th UN General Assembly as well as importance of initiative on development of the Code of Conduct of application of the principles of neutrality for provision of peace and security made at one of the sessions of the UN General Assembly.

It was mentioned that joint work for foundation of the Group of friends of neutrality would open wide opportunities for definition of the ways of integrated use of existing political and diplomatic methods in counteracting against modern challenges and threats.

The Concept of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023, which is to improve the authority of our sovereign state in the world arena and to support the expansion of international relations, has been developed and is successfully implemented.

Together with foreign partners, our country actively implements big projects in energy, transport and communication, water and ecological safety, high technology, ‘green economy, culture, science and education.

It was highlighted in the speeches of the participants of the forum that neutrality of Turkmenistan is an important factor of regional security.

Fundamental principles of neutrality fully meet strategic directives of the UN in Central Asia, which are aimed at turning of the region into the zone of peace and cooperation while initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for provision of global ecological and energy security, formation of continental transport corridors, peaceful political regulation of the situation in Afghanistan and development of important international legal mechanisms receive wide response and recognition of the world community.

Turkmen diplomats representing interests of the country abroad put promotion and successful implementation of initiatives of the Head of the State, who holds constructive position in solution of issues of regional and global scale, as their main objective.

During the vent, young diplomats and high-grade students of the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry were awarded with relative diplomas for active participation in implementation of foreign strategy of Turkmenistan.

Exhibition organized by the Foreign Ministry together with diplomatic corps accredited in the country in the foyer of the Institute of International Relations was supplement to the forum.