Ï Session of Interdepartmental Commission for human rights

Session of Interdepartmental Commission for human rights

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The conference hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted regular session of Interdepartmental Commission for provision of international obligations of Turkmenistan in human rights and international humanitarian law.

Representatives of National Parliament, ministries and departments, public organizations as well as number of international organizations took part in the event.

The agenda included wide range of subjects on priority directions of cooperation with specialized structures of the UN and other competent structures in human rights and international humanitarian law as well as joining of Turkmenistan to international conventions and their optional protocols.

It was mentioned that the country has implemented and continues implementing measures aimed at democratization of society and strengthening of legal bases of the statehood. This is indicated by steadfast improvement of legal base, which takes into account the main vectors of social and economic development of the state and fundamental principles of international law.

In this regard, monitoring of national legislation and development of relative recommendations as well as improvement of awareness of the population about Provisions and Laws of Turkmenistan aimed at provision of human rights and freedoms are important directions of work of the Commission.

Being an active member of the United Nations, Turkmen state take active part in solution of current modern issues in regional and global scale. Resting on accumulated experience for the past period, bilateral partnership with the United Nations has received new content in the last years.

Special attention is paid in the government policy to expansion of cooperation with the Un agencies on range of subjects in human rights, gender equality, protection of mother and child health, provision of rights of people with limited capabilities, youth affairs and other spheres.

During the session, representatives of international organizations highlighted that constructive partnership has been established with Turkmenistan in provision and implementation of human rights in the past years. International organizations supports close cooperation with the Ombudsman office and render assistance in fulfilment of national action plans in human rights and provision of gender equality under humanitarian relations.

Circle of the utmost objectives of the Commission also includes development of National reports and their submission to the UN committees for review.

It was mentioned in the speeches of participants that proposals for National Reports on fulfilment of number of conventions and realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been implemented one of the first in the world on the government level and adapted in the policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan, have been presented.

Participants of the session of Interdepartmenal Commission for human rights have also discussed the Draft Law of Turkmenistan on International humanitarian aid, which is to set legal, organizational and economic bases for provision of international humanitarian aid during emergency situations.