Ï Leading players of petroleum and financial markets to discuss importance of TAP and investments to fuel and energy complex

Leading players of petroleum and financial markets to discuss importance of TAP and investments to fuel and energy complex

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International Conference “TAPI – Gas Line of Peace and Cooperation” and forum for attraction of foreign investments to oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan will be held in Dubai (UAE) on February 24 – 25.

Representatives of our country as well as big world oil and gas companies, financial structures, scientific and research institutes and international organizations will take part in the events.

The agenda of the forums includes such subjects as the role of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line in provision of peace and cooperation in region, perspectives of development of petrochemical industry in the country, attraction of investments to the projects of development of offshore blocks of Turkmen part of Caspian Sea, new mechanisms of cooperation in improvement of output production of oil and gas deposits, deep processing of hydrocarbons and marketing.

Round table session on the project of TAPI gas line will be held. Meetings of members of Turkmen delegations with representatives of foreign companies are also planned.