Ï Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing

Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing

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Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
Dubai Oil and Gas Roadshow: new technologies, integration, investment, marketing
The International Roadshow "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2020" held in Dubai (UAE) has become one of the major and landmark events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of our country. The forum embodied the principles of economic diplomacy of the Turkmen state in the world arena and the readiness for multilateral equal dialogue in such a vital area as global energy security.

The Turkmen leader puts on the agenda the development of fundamentally new models designed to turn the global energy dialogue into a driving force of global development on the basis of a balance of interests of all its participants, responsible and careful treatment of natural resources, ecology, taking into account the broad public demand focused on the fair distribution of benefits.

All this was discussed at the representative event in Dubai, which gathered more than 300 high-ranking delegates from 113 leading companies, representing 42 countries. The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India transnational gas pipeline project and the investment potential of the Turkmen hydrocarbon sector based on the stable economic and political situation in the country and the relevant legislative framework were among the main topics discussed by experts.

The representatives of the leading international oil and gas companies expressed their interest in mutually beneficial cooperation in the oil and gas complex of the country and participation in the TAPI transnational gas pipeline project.

Among the promising areas of cooperation, considered at the Dubai International Roadshow were the attraction of investments into development of hard-to-develop fields, gas chemical projects, implementation of the next stage of industrial development of the giant Galkynysh field to supply natural gas to the transnational TAPI gas pipeline.

The round table "TAPI – the Gas Pipeline for Peace and Cooperation" and the seminar on legal and tax aspects became the agenda of the talks between the heads of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and top managers of a number of world-renowned companies.

The presentations have become an important contribution to the formation of the modern investment image of the country. As a responsible and reliable producer and supplier of energy resources, Turkmenistan is ready for close cooperation with the interested states of the world, international organizations and financial institutions in order to develop coherent, transparent approaches.

In this regard, the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is a real investment project, a fact of the growing attractiveness of which are the legislative guarantees, the state support and personal control over the TAPI construction by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Foreign experts spoke about the importance of the neutral policy of Turkmenistan, which uses its significant human and natural resources to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region and in a wider format.

Development prospects of gas-chemical and oil refining sector in Turkmenistan cannot be considered without environmental aspect. The high ecological compatibility of the world hydrocarbon production today becomes synonymous with its efficiency.

In this context, a number of foreign companies presented their technologies related to the reduction and capture of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere at oil and gas, oil refineries and chemical plants during the roadshow.

The plenary sessions of the Dubai Roadshow also considered projects to optimize mature fields, improve oil recovery, and discussed new mechanisms for cooperation in investment projects. Professionals exchanged views on global gas sector trends, oil product marketing strategies, etc. New proposals and solutions were voiced to bring Turkmen hydrocarbons and gas deep processing products to foreign markets.

In frames of the international field forum, the members of our delegation held meetings with the heads of foreign companies and discussed specific proposals from foreign partners who have expressed the interest in building up cooperation with Turkmenistan in the fuel and energy sector.

The heads of the companies “Total” and “Technip FMC” (France), Italian Marie Technimont expressed their interest in taking part in energy and gas chemical projects in Turkmenistan, including through raising funds from financial institutions from Italy - SACE, the UK – the UK Finance and Germany - Deutche Bank.

The UAE companies "Horizon Energy" and "Transpetrol", Romanian "Komet Group" initiated the proposals to to increase the productivity of long used oil fields based on new technologies and methods.

The UAE Petrofac company was ready to continue mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan in developing the Galkynysh gas condensate field. During the meeting with the heads of Dragon Oil (UAE), the issues of current and planned work on the contractual territory of Cheleken were considered.

Italian companies "Saipem" and "Pietro Fiorentini", as well as the Arab company "Dana Group" expressed the interest in participating in the oil and gas projects in Turkmenistan.

A representative of the British consulting company "Gaffney Cline Associated", well-known in Turkmenistan and in the world, informed that new geophysical data on the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea was currently analyzed, which will make it possible to formulate a package of proposals to expand investment cooperation.

The success of such a representative field forum "Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2020" in Dubai is another evidence of the high reputation in the international arena and universal support for the foreign policy of our country, the most important aspect of which is the international energy cooperation.

The high organizational and intellectual level of this large-scale event, in the opinion of the meeting participants, contributed to the fact that the forum not only met expectations, but also allowed us to take a fresh look at the role and mission of the Turkmen state in the context of sustainable development of the region and the world.

This is another bright indicator that the energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan, which has always been distinguished for its active position and interest in finding new and effective solutions in this area, is highly appreciated by representatives of the world business and expert community.

"The world's energy reserves are the wealth of all mankind. Today, they are not just fuel for the global economy, they provide an opportunity to confidently develop the world economic relations, serve as a guarantee of implementation of the goals of sustainable development, growth of welfare and quality of life of people, their inclusion in the benefits of civilization and progress", the Turkmen leader notes.

These positions, voiced from the high rostrum of the UN General Assembly, have received wide support from the world community and are actively implemented in life.