Ï Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words

Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words

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Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov: Magic order of words
Kurbannazar Ezizov is one of the brightest stars in the constellation of Turkmen poets of the XX century. He would be 80 on March 1. Uncharitable fortune gave his only 35 years. Is it much or little? According to human age it is not much, it is a bloom of life! However, for the poet who has natural gift, who managed to show himself and to enter into the history of literature and remain forever in grateful memory of people this is a different calculation. Ezizov has one ironic verse about relativeness of the poet’s life. The meaning of it is that people do not care was it a young or an old man who wrote verses that everybody likes. Having found out that famous master of word passed away, they feel sorry that he died so early event though he lived hundred years.

It reminds of another poetic genius, Russian classic Nikolay Gumilyev. He had the same short and rich biography and blatantly unfair and unjustified death from bullet. With all difference between these two poets who used to write in different languages and in different cultures, the period of their life and tragic final, scale of talent and the main themes of their lyrics are similar. Therefore, the successors do not care much about age of their age – they are alive until he loved, until the language he used is alive. In addition, in case of Gumilyev, we see how he was fantastically resurrected from oblivion, came back to new generation of readers and gain world glory almost after 70 years after his death and literally full obscurity when event his name was dangerous to be mentioned.

Fortunately, Kurbannazar Ezizov has escaped such cruel destiny. He was appreciated when he was alive, he did not know that disgrace and for all 45 years since that fateful day on September 29, 1975, when shots that ended up his life were fired, were the period of his canonization. In Turkmen school, his works are the art of literature programme, his books were published including two-volume collection, studies, articles about his art, memories of his contemporaries were published.

However, the time is not still and friends and contemporaries of Ezizov become less and less. It gives special value to witnesses of those who knew him personally, listened to his inspired reading and kept the memory of this unique personality in his heart. Below are some words, which help to imagine and understand what kind of person Kurbannazar Ezizov was.

Alexander Aborskiy, literary critic:

High demands on himself, commitment to poetry, rare ability to enjoy artistic success of friends… Nothing to show off, not a slightest shadow of an insincerity. Artistic development of Ezizov was rapidly going on by its own. Not just books but also an environment, relatives and mentors took major part in it. Talks in childhood and early youth with his father, who was a jeweller. Son had not only blood relation with his father but also some special and exclusive affection. The father was his close trusted interlocutor and advisor. The poet used to talk about it few times. Eziz-aga used to spent his free time with his son’s friends just like with the members of his family. Kurbannazar has poems about his father. Kerim Kurbannepesov has a primary role throughout the formation of young author as poet among literary teachers and godfathers who brought young poet to the world of big literature.

It is not a secret that Ezizov was a pride of Kerim Kurbannepesov. Mail communication of young poet with his mentor during army service goes far beyond regular exchange of news. Letters of tankman Ezizov from distant Harrison in Ashgabat are very interesting. It contains detailed thoughts of different ages of Turkmen literature, about current issues of young Turkmen poetry and its future.

Ezizov made big contribution to national poetry for that short period, which was given to him by destiny. The lyrics of his poems keeps true face of true poet. He used to always focus on face rather than on mask. From the first steps, his works are filled with serious thoughts about time and himself and includes response to many troubles and tragedies of the world. However, it is a life-affirming in its foundation, it breathes with health, call for goodness, work and honesty.

Kerim Kurbannepesov, poet:

Lyrical character of Kurbannazar is brave, loving, wise and courageous. His thoughts are independent and feelings are serious. He had a trustful conversation with you about meaning and purpose of life – in order to achieve the target, one shall not spare himself and put all efforts. His lyrics by nature tends to think, to sum up life observation philosophically. Despite its originality, this lyrics is closely related to national poetic tradition.

Annaberdy Agabayev, poet

Kurbannazar Ezizov had a subtle feeling of word. It was a living creature for him, it could be elevated and put down, to give new life or kill it. He was very critical to himself and worked on each line and word. But at the same time, he felt very disappointed when he saw poor selected word, old clichés, old stock metaphors, fainted images in verses of young poets. At literature parties, which we organized quite often in the 60s, he often shouted stammering from excitement “How you dare to use the words like this!” He used to say it such real anger as if his dearest friend has been offended. His attitude to the word is is clearly expressed in the words: “My words, I ain’t call you to visit me, you are myself, my soul and flesh”…

It was not only his excellent knowledge of native language that amazed but also the depth of words from other languages that he entered. Many people were surprised that he, who was brought up away from big cities (he grew up in Gyoktepe and Byuzmein, at Sulphur plan and in Tejen), has managed to learn Russian language, Russian words in details even though he spoke with accent.

Ikar Pasevyev, journalist:

He had blue eyes and shy child smile. I was kidding by calling him “a victim of a glaze”, although the name Kurbannazar is translated as “glaze dedicated or sacrificed to you”. Early spring 1957, Kurbannazar, a tall, skinny and deep in his though school student, was brought to the office of children newspaper by big connoisseur and lover of poetry Gurt Annaliyev. Future National Writer and our common friend Nury Bayramov, who was head of poetry department back than used to recollect how Gurt whispered in his ear, “This boy is from your tribe of poets, he is real!” Student shy poems attracted, it was felt that young author knows not only Turkmen but also the world poetry very well. Since then, he started visiting newspaper office very often and started publishing his works. After graduation of the Turkmen State University, he started working in this organization. Nury was closely watching his works and used to say that Kurbannazar is also a jeweller, a master in the poetry and hinted that Magutmguly has also been a good jeweller. Verses and poems of Kurbannazar have become a bright occurrence in young poetry of the 60-70s.


Cited words of four friends of Ezizova, who are no longer with us, were taken from memoir essays published in different years and undoubtedly deserving to be republished, same as many other texts written by contemporaries and spiritual successors of the poet. His close friendship and art cooperation with poet Yuri Ryabinin and composer Nury Halmamedov is a another story, which is yet to be spoken about. However, the main mystery of art of Kurbannazar Ezizov is similar to the mystery of any other big poet: how was his poems created? How did he manage to build that magic order of words, which makes a magic of poetry? Undoubtedly, he took his inspiration from native language, he felt himself as a shepherd at the pasture of words, this is actually his metaphor. No matter how sad from the thought that he could not manage to make many other things, the words of Vasyli Jukovsky, which was highly honoured by Turkmen poet, can be some sort of consolation:

“Do not speak with longing that they are not with us,
But with a gratitude that there were,
About dear friends who used to bring us back to life
With their light "...