Ï Representatives of business community increase export of agricultural production

Representatives of business community increase export of agricultural production

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Around 6.5 thousand tons of tomato, 3.6 thousand tons of leguminous crops, 76 tons of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops as well as more than 180 tons of confectionary production have been exported by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in January – February.

According to the information of agricultural department of the UIET, the volume of export of ‘green production’ for two months of 2020 has exceeded the volume of supplies for entire 2017.

Due to integrated government support and acquired experience in agricultural production, private producers do not only provide local market but also increase export of production.

For three years, supplies of agricultural production to foreign countries has increased by five times. For this period, total volume of export was 72,000 tons to the amount of more than 68 million US dollars.

By the outcomes of 2019, around 40,000 tons of leguminous crops, fresh and processed fruits and vegetables have been sent to foreign market.

Turkmen entrepreneurs successfully works on increment of volumes of agricultural production. They develop hothouse farming segment, new irrigated lands for cultivation of agricultural crops and plantation of fruit trees and vine.

Around 300 hectares have been allocated only for hothouse farms specialized in all-year around cultivation of tomato. Last year, more than 21,000 tons of tomato to the amount of more than 23 million US dollars have been exported to Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation.

Supply of leguminous crops has increased significantly. For three years, their export volumes has grown by dozens of times. for the same period, export of cucurbitaceous crops and vegetables has increased by 2.5 while export of grape by 7 times.

Export supplies of vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops to the countries of the European Union, which are planned to be started this year, are also perspective for private sector.