Ï President of Turkmenistan inspects ecological situation in the Karakum Desert

President of Turkmenistan inspects ecological situation in the Karakum Desert

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to get acquainted with the environmental situation in the Karakum Desert.

Environmental protection, careful attitude towards nature, preservation of its beauty and wealth for future generations are prioritized by the state policy of Turkmenistan. Paying particular attention to environmental issues, the conservation of biological diversity, and the fight against desertification, our country makes a significant contribution to regional and global cooperation in these areas.

The constructive initiatives put forward by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the sessions of the United Nations General Assembly, the World Rio + 20 Summit and other major forums are aimed at solving the problems in this area.

... Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in one of the most beautiful corners of the Karakum Desert. While driving SUV during the trip, the head of state admired the picturesque spring landscape.

The President of Turkmenistan stoped his car near a saxaul grove. It should be noted that white saxaul is the most typical shrub in the Karakum Desert and, perhaps, the only tree plant that preserves the green color of its crown even in the hottest and most waterless summer months.

Saxaul forests, like the Turkmen nature, the Karakum Desert, their flora, which has been preserving its diversity for millennia, are an integral wealth of our country. Moreover, the world scientific community demonstrates the keen interest in the Karakum Desert.

In recent years, the planting campaign launched in our country has yielded meaningful results. In frames of this programme, a number of green areas have been created in our country. It has been scientifically proven that the creation of the “Altyn Asyr” Turkmen Lake in the Central Karakum Desert helps to improve the ecological situation not only in our country, but in the region as well.

Careful treatment of the Karakum Desert with its unique ecosystem, creation of favorable environmental conditions on its territory, effective and scientifically sound use of the wealth of the Turkmen nature rank among the key vectors of the environmental policy pursued by the head of the state.

The Turkmen leader stopped in one of the unique natural corners of the Karakum Desert, where Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiev, who is in charge of the agricultural sector, presented projects related to the preservation and enhancement of the local flora to the President of Turkmenistan.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed the relevant officials to continue the scientific work on improving the ecology of the Karakum Desert and combating desertification a systematic basis to continue, together with authoritative international organizations. The head of state emphasized the great role of the rich flora of the desert, not only in terms of ecology, but also for human health.

The President of Turkmenistan underlined that since ancient times, the plants growing on the Turkmen land had been widely used by people for various purposes. In particular, the Turkmens, living for many centuries in harmony with nature, took into account the characteristics of each plant as vividly proved by various works of the national art.

The President noted that today, the Turkmen people had the same opinion, emphasizing that all this was yet another proof of the continuity of the national traditions and customs.

The head of state also noted that in order to solidify theoretical knowledge in practice, the students of Myrat Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Agricultural University should study these natural features on a scientific basis, visiting the Karakum Desert.

This will be of great importance in terms of studying and addressing environmental problems. According to the President of Turkmenistan, the government should prioritize the preservation of the flora and fauna of the Karakum Desert, emphasizing that this work should be carried out in an integrated manner.

Harmonious coexistence with nature is an integral part of the fight against desertification. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined that since ancient times, the Turkmen people had followed this principle, giving it contemporary edge.

“Today, the research work should be continued to study the unique fauna and flora of the natural corners of the desert, which will determine the inclusion of the biosphere reserves of the Karakum Desert into the international system, as well as in the UNESCO World Heritage List”, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, instructing the relevant officials to intensify measures taken in this direction.