Ï Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy

Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy

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Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: Vectors of development and effect of synergy
Turkmen capital hosted ceremonial opening of the exhibition and conference of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Large-scale review is traditionally timed to the anniversary of establishment of this large structure, which unites more than 24 thousand representatives of private sector who carry out their activity almost in all branches of national economy.

Members of the Government, leaders and deputies of the Mejlis, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, ministries and departments, public organizations, universities and mass media took part in the opening ceremony of the review, which was organized by the UIET together with the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Enhancement of the role of non-government sector in the economy was determined by one of the main vectors of the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025.

Entrepreneurship makes significant input to expansion of import substitution and increment of export potential of the country, development of competitive production. Small and medium business is an integral part of the formation of innovative economy. The state makes all necessary conditions and capabilities for this.

Just from the beginning of the year, representatives of private sector has increased the volumes of industrial production by 11 percent, agricultural and food production by 2.1 times. For 12 years since the establishment of the UIET, number of big projects, which allow speaking of success and future of the partnership between the government and private sector, have been implemented.

Platform of the current forum reflects not only achievements but also huge potential of business structures, which demonstrate activity in all branches. The focus was made on innovative technologies.

Familiarization with the exhibition starts in the hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber where large model of the main office building of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, monitors showing achievements of private business in different spheres, remarkable milestones of activity of this structure are installed.

Unbreakable ties of times are highlighted by the collection of artefacts in the beginning of the exposition, which were found by archaeologists during works carried out by initiative and under support of the UIET at Shehrislam settlement.

Today, more than 200 exhibitors present their displays in the exhibition hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber. It includes structural divisions and velayat branches of the UIET, individual facilities and production associations specialized in agricultural complex, food and processing industry, construction, production of building materials and electrical equipment, information technologies as well as in trade, tourism, education, service sphere, transport and logistic spheres, national applied crafts and other fields.

It has information about the Rysgal Joint Stock Commercial Bank, Entrepreneurship School, which implements educational projects in more than 50 directions of professional training, Bäsdeş Trade House and Birleşme gurluşyk Association, first private publishing media of the country – the Rysgal Newspaper. The Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, which representatives are the members of National Parliament these days, also has its informational section.

Majority of objectives set by the Head of the State for legal support of private sector was reflected in new edition of the Law on the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, which was adopted by the Mejlis in October 2019. This document, which is aimed at improvement of legal base for further development of non-government section, extends authorities of the UIET and specifies its rights and responsibilities.

Informational section presents date on National Barcode Organization SG1 Turkmenistan, which was established according to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and under support of the Union in 2014. The work of the organization supports active entry of national producers to the world markets.

Separate part of the exposition reflects work of regional departments of the UIET. Small and medium business is developed in all regions of the country, big enterprises and business associations representing the main sections of the economy implement large-scale projects both in the capital and velayats providing labour occupancy to big number of the population.

Presentation of the capabilities of the members of the UIET in realization of the Concept of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 was one of the focuses of profile review.

As is known, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has joined this programme actively last year. Members of the UIET proposed an initiative about the formation of IT cluster.

Opening of the Closed Joint Stock Venture IT-Park, which activity is aimed at development of small and medium business of innovative direction, strengthening of relations between science, production and investors, entry to international market of innovative products and in general at development of digital infrastructure in the country, was the first step in this direction.

An original cluster was formed today at the exhibition platform by big companies engaged in IT technologies spheres. The exhibition of Türkmen-Tranzit Company hosted presentation of the projects of makign websites as well as smart city, smart terminal, project for youth Zehin. The Centre of Progressive Technologies, Sanly Ulgam Business Entity, Imdat Elektronik Business Association and other companies have presented their developments for implementation of digital systems.

In this regard, contribution of private business to development of electronic industry and electrotechnical branches of national economy is worth to be mentioned. Displays of producers of local electronic terminals and educational computers, tabs, routers and other demanded high technology production are presented at the exhibition.

Visitors of the exhibition are able to see the work of facilities producing power distribution and regulating appliances. Today, private companies install high and low-voltage equipment, electrical appliances, make commissioning works and make tests of any profile equipment. Plants for production and maintenance of transformers of various capacity will be put into operation soon.

Construction direction of entrepreneurship activity is traditionally widely presented at the exhibition.

Today, local businessmen are entrusted with fulfilment of big work orders under the government programmes including projects related with development of Ashgabat, Avaza National tourism zone, cities and villages of the country, construction of roads, hydro technical and other facilities.

Members of the UIET work on multimillion construction projects, build entire ranges of residential estates, cottage complexes, parking zones, administrative and business districts, major infrastructural facilities of civil aviation. They include current exhibitors like Ussat inžener, Rysgally zähmet, Garadaşly gurluşyk, Gujurly binagär, Dowamat and other companies.

Construction of Ashgabat – Turkmenabat highway, new administrative centre of Ahal velayat, facilities of Ashgabat City are among the biggest government orders. Having received big experience in this sphere, Turkmen businessmen entry foreign markets.

Participation of representatives of logistic and transport companies, which work is very important in the light of realization of large-scale international projects in this sphere, is one of distinguishing features of the current review.

The exhibitors include Turkmen Logistic Association, Transport and Logistic Centre Joint Stock Venture, Türkmen milli logistik OJSV, Bir dünýä, Türkmen ak ýol, Ýük ulag merkezi, Amatly ýollar Business Entities, Penaly ýol, Aziýa ulaglary, Beýik Ýüpek ýoly, Halkara dostluk and other provate companies. Awtoýoly Business Entity, which advertise transport services, is represented at the exhibition. Many companies present their capabilities in transportation of oversized cargo using latest technologies.

Significant part of the exposition is dedicated to one of priority directions of development of national business – import substitutive industrial facilities based on local raw materials.

Visitors of the exhibition are able to receive information about contribution of entrepreneurs to new branches of the economy related to development of mineral and resource treasuries of the country. For example, number of exhibitors engaged in chemical production, which is developed based on natural resources of Turkmenistan including iodine and bromine waters, solutions of Garabogazgol, potassium ores and other, has significantly increased this year.

Last year, entrepreneurs has started production of iodine in Bereket etrap, Balkan Velayat. Output capacity of equipment, which allows automating entire complex technological process, is designated for production of 150 tons of export oriented and import substitutive production from local natural material resources.

Big facilities producing synthetic washing and disinfecting liquids, baking soda, paint, construction adhesives, hydro insulating materials, aerated concrete blocks and other product are among private production facilities. The production made in the country does not only satisfy local market demand but also is exported to foreign countries.

The exhibition presents achievements in realization of projects of construction of plants for production of potassium fertilizers ( potassium chloride and potassium sulphate) combined fertilizers, technical carbon, ethyl alcohol. At present day, facilities of private sector also develop investment projects for production of caustic and calcined soda, chlorine, sulphuric acid, sodium sulphate and other chemical products from local natural and mineral resources.

Attraction of investments for implementation of perspective projects is one of practical goals of the current review of entrepreneurship capabilities. Facilities for production of liquefied gas, carbamide and ammonia from natural gas, graphite electrodes are related to such projects in chemical industry. Projects in heavy industry, metallurgy, gold production , which are developed by private business, are also attractive from investment point of view.

Activity of the participants of the current review Ashgabat Carpet Facility Abadan haly, which presented various carpets and original rugs, is among the achievements of the members of the UIET. Annual capacity of this super modern complex is 1.5 million square meters of carpets and carpet items, most of which is made of polypropylene yarn based on local material, per year.

Carpet making is a beneficial export oriented business. Opening of specialized shop of the union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, which sells national carpets, textile and souvenirs, in Dubai (UAE) last year is one of examples.

Facilities making paper products, ceramic tiles, basalt fibre, pipes, bricks, Ferro concrete constructions, insulating materials, gravel, polystyrene foam, emulsions and paints, electrical cables and hoses, curb stones and tiles, dry construction mixtures as well as oil and air filters, batteries and other demonstrate their achievements in industrial section. The exhibitors include Erjel-Begenç, Mizemez gadam, Täjir ýoly, Gündogar ýoly, Rysgally ussat and other companies.

Exhibition hall of Derýaplastik Private Company making more than hundred varieties of import substitutive production demanded in construction sphere including bathroom ceramic, cable and hoses of various sizes, is traditionally distinguished with the variety of production. Significant range of materials made by innovative technologies by processing of recycled materials like plastic, paper, polyethylene, rubber and wood is presented by private companies such as Çaly, Ak hünji and other. Number of projects of facilities for processing of garbage and solid wastes are planned to be continued in the velayats.

The variety of local industrial commodities is increased. Activity of such companies as Türkmen şöhle, Begler ýoly, Saka and other producers, which make big variety of household items and appliances, is aimed at import substitution.

Displays advertising household chemical production as well as modern technologies in production of consumer goods are also very interested. Şatumar and Ýigit business associations presented their new products on local market of cleaning supplies and cosmetic production.

Batly gadam from Balkan Velayat demonstrates cotton yarn and knitted garments.

Traditionally, facilities of furniture making complex, located in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat, Aýbölek, Çigildem and Abraýly önüm factories as well as Durmuş dowamy, Belent akaba, Ak penjire, Agaýana, Nurana Türkmen presented their achievements and capabilities. The same section presented samples of household appliances, which production has been started by Turkmen entrepreneurs.

The role of manufacturers in provision of food safety of the country is big, which is indicated by numerous exhibition booths of agricultural and food producers. It is worth to mention that their number becomes bigger every year.

Big agrarian facilities, modern hothouse farm, production and processing poultry, livestock and fishery complexes, fruit and vegetable processing facilities are among the exhibitors.

They include Guş toplumy, Nurly meýdan, complex of breeding and processing of fish Hazar balyk, Ajaýyp ussat halal önümleri facility, Hoş zaman poultry farm, Bereketli business entity, Täze aý önümleri, Miweli ülke, Toý zaman and number of other produceers. Improving their activity, they are following the world practice and advanced technologies.

Nurly meýdan private company, which was the first in Turkmenistan that implemented the project on incubation poultry production allowing bringing the production of broiler chicken meat and eggs on industrial base using developed technology in modern poultry farming, is one of bright examples. The same company together with its foreign partner has arranged production of forage for animals, which was previously procured outside the country, in Bereket etrap, Balkan Velayat.

Today, the entrepreneurs make wide variety of children food, fruit and vegetable concentrate, juices, mayonnaise, ice-cream, canned food related to high-class products, fish delicacies, yoghurts, meat cuts, various confectionary and snacks.

The first in Turkmenistan laboratory centre for expertise of safety of food production, which was opened by initiative of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs by Hil Standart business entity, protect the safety of food production. Competency of this structure in expertise of food production is certified under ISO/IEC17025:2017 accreditation.

Representatives of private business continue developing new segments of market and technologies, which allows achieving improvement of competiveness of agricultural complex, satisfaction of the population demand in various eco-friendly food and vitamin production, which was tried by the visitor of the exhibition. Presentation of new products is usually timed to annual profile exhibition, which is an important reporting event for all members of the UIET.

For example, wide variety of canned food production under Nur trademark produced at Owadan ülke plant was supplemented with pumpkin and quince jam, tomato paste and marinated garlic, mayonnaise range was supplemented with product based on cotton oil. Sweets, corned beef and raisings under Noş trademark, tomato paste Duý were among new products on Parasatly Farming Entity.

International ISO and HACCP certificates received by these companies indicate high quality of production made by local food production facilities.

Rich variety of the products presented at the exhibition includes drinks and drinking water made by Akdaş miwe içgileri, Berk Akar, Ýakymly kümüş suwy, natural vegetable and fruit juices and nectars. The exposition of Parahat company includes popular juices Joş and Eçil, ice tea, cold cuts, children food (mashed fruits and vegetables), diary production, several varieties of ketchup and tomato paste all made from fruit and vegetable concentrates from natural local material.

Famous producers of diary production Aýaz baba, Elin, Sahabatly, Şawat and other occupy an important place on expositional ground.

Exhibition booths with favourite ice-cream Salkyn, Erteki, Täze aý, which is loved by children and adults, are very attractive for the visitors. Mountains of confectionary production are at the displays of Hasar, Misgär, Duýgy companies. The same exposition demonstrates popular bread and bakery varieties in celebration decoration.

Rich variety of fruits, vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops, which were grow on agricultural lands given by the states on lease terms to members of the UIET and in hothouse farms, which number growth every year, is in the exhibition halls.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov always urges farmers to use advanced technologies, quality consumables and specialized equipment in their work. At present time, such directions of agrarian business as vegetable production, flower growing and horticulture are actively developed. Production of Ter Business entity, Has, ATG Agro companies and other exhibitors is visual indication to this.

Certain entrepreneurs introduce modern technologies used in provision of hothouses and work in ecological sphere to the visitors of the review. Symbols of the year ‘Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality’ is widely used in decoration of different production of local manufacturers, which are distinguished with high quality and level of eco-friendliness.

Today, this production is on high demand not only in our country but also abroad. Activity of trade representatives of the UIET in the People’s Republic of China, United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Austria is aimed at realization of export potential of Turkmen businessmen, attraction of advanced world practice and foreign investments, use of formats of active international business cooperation. In addition, the members of the Union have opened trade representatives in Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Afghanistan and China.

Entrepreneurs provide wide spectrum of advertisement, publishing and other services, which was also reflected in the review.

Another feature of current exhibition is a participation of tourism industry companies. This is quite obvious in the context of denationalization of tourism enterprises taken in 2019, which were privatized in set order. Tourism agency Rowaçsyýahat, which is under supervision of the UIET, has been established for coordinated management of these enterprises.

Tourist companies Owadan syýahat, Durdynyýaz, Oguz abat, Güneşli syýahat, Rowaç-AW, Atlaz, Aýan, Dag syýahat, Halkaradostluk, Haryt syýahat, Nurana aý, Saada, Zehin presented their capabilities to the visitors of the exhibition especially to potential foreing partners.

Tourist operators present tours along historical and remarkable places of our country. this subject has defined the direction of remarkable fashion show under Ýasmin trademark from Anyk Individual company, which participates for the first time in the UIET exhibition.

Objectives of national business community in the course of the main government programmes, especially those which are outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2020 – 2025, were discussed during the conference held in the afternoon in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs main office.

During the forum, the participants have listened to the reports about work of the UIET and its regional branches, exchanged the visions on current business subjects including the subjects about the most perspective directions of increment of investment and innovative processes, import substitutive production and increment of export of national production.

Summing up of the UIET contest for the Best Entrepreneur of the Year in 13 nominations has been held under the forum.

Profile review will continue its work on the next day.