Ï Working Session: Digital transformation of mass media and development of electronic document management system

Working Session: Digital transformation of mass media and development of electronic document management system

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, who is in charge of cultural and informational policy of the country, and B. Ovezov, who is responsible for coordination of activity of transport and communication sphere.

Realization of the Concept of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 was reviewed, work for formation of electronic document management systems and relative reformation of national mass media have been discussed at the session.

The Head of the State set clear targets of transfer of the economy to digital direction making focus on use of online resources and electronic services.

For these purposes, legal base of the country is under improvement. Few days ago, deputies of National Parliament have approved and adopted the Law of Turkmenistan on electronic document, electronic document management system and digital services among new regulatory and legal documents at the session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation.

Unified internet portal of the government services, which presents automatic ‘single window’ informational system has been opened as per request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Contest of innovative projects in such nominations as health protection, science and education, industry, transport and communication, service sphere, small and medium business and smart city has been announced by Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency for stimulation of development of national software, innovative and invention activity.

These measures were dictated by digital agenda of Turkmenistan, which is expanded in all directions of the state and public life.

Opening working session, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Minister B. Abdiyeva. Having reported on work for transfer of mass media of the country into electronic format, the Vice premier also report on expansion of Turkmenistan presence in information and news segment of internet, opening of websites and other web resources.

It was mentioned that new instruments, models and technologies are implemented to work processes and organizational structures of mass media according to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025, which was developed by initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Local network has been made between art and production divisions of mass media during digital transformation, optimization of cooperation between editorial offices of newspapers and magazines and technical production is carried out.

It was informed that special printing software and modern solutions for digital printing proving high quality of printing media and its timely production are used in the system of the Printing Centre of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted that change of periodic printing media from traditional paper carriers to electronic format and electronic versions is one of directions of digitization of Turkmen mass media, which goal is to bring mass media to the level of modern standards.

In this aspect, it is necessary to study and adopt the best world practice, to use new media technology more actively and develop joint informational projects, improve qualification of Turkmen journalists, Turkmen leader said.

The Head of the State requested to accelerate the transfer to electronic system, which would increase the level of awareness of the world community about life of our country and its achievements.

After, the President of the country gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov who reported on work for implementation of the Concept of development of digital economy and relative action plan, formation of electronic government and digitization of all branches of national economy.

Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency works on development of draft Provision on Single Informational User Identification System and draft Provision on Formation and Maintenance of Database (ID) of Individuals and Legal Entities, Electronic Government System, Provision on System of Interdepartmental Electronic Information System.

Opening of IT platforms, which would be provided with modern server and other equipment necessary to specialists who are engaged in software, as well profile training centres is planned in Ashgabat and administrative centres of the regions of the country to fulfil the orders of the Head of the State.

It was mentioned that all physical and legal bodies, which are willing to present own development in contest nominations, would be able to participate in the contest of innovative projects “Digital Solution 2020”. The outcomes of the contest will be summed up at International exhibition Türkmentel 2020.

Specialists of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency also work on the project of publication of publication of all newspapers and magazines published in the country in the format of single internet site and mobile application, provision of separate electronic fund for each media, creation of opportunity of subscription as per the preference of readers.

Digitization is the main trend of the world development; it enters our daily life and professional activity, expands opportunity of communication and further, this processes are going to be increased, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said summing up the report.

New branches, markets and management methods appear on the background of such rapid changes. We pay special attention to the fact that our country would be able to keep pace with time and technological progress. Therefore, it is important to develop the system of broadcasting of information and communication infrastructure, the Head of the state highlighted.

The President of Turkmenistan pointed another topical reason for transit to digital system. It is related to the spread of dangerous disease caused by new coronavirus in the world. Viruses are able to be transferred through hard copies. The risk of infection is very high in the places of gathering of people, therefore, it is important to transfer to remote electronic system of communication and services as soon as possible.

The Head of the State noted this is a vital necessity and effective management tool today, which helps to organize and coordinate all processes and to control the efficiency and quality of works. In this context, it was requested to develop draft concept of development of electronic government and to make proposal on this account.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that large-scale integrated measures would be taken in this sphere and transfer of entire system of document management to electronic format would be one of the first measures.

Necessity of relative amendments of number of legal acts and change of work of the Government, Parliament, other government authorities, which in their turn have to be ready to digital transformation of activity, has been also noted.

Having highlighted introduction of digital system to administration of the velayats of the country, the Head of the State demanded to accelerate the rates of work in this direction. Hyakimlyks and other local administrative authorities have to hold this activity under strict control. In this regard, it is necessary to provide access to internet in rural areas, to develop relative infrastructure and service sphere for growing volumes of information.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State went back to the subject of electronic mass media and highlighted necessity of their orientation at requirements of readers. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it is important to use new approaches and solution, which provide their availability on different media from tabs and smartphones to TV, for dissemination of information.

As an example, the Head of the State demonstrated one of printing media in electronic format to the Vice-premiers, having drawn their attention to the convenience for users. The advantages of electronic media are not only that they allows saving time and money for printing production but also they do not occupy place and are available at any moment and allows tracking news online.

In addition, the President noted that electronic newspapers are more convenient for work with information comparing with hard copies. Search and browsing to related subjects and other web resources are available in electronic media. Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State ordered to make special time schedule for transit of newspapers and magazines to electronic format.

Formation of single informational space of the country is one of the main objectives in digitization sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of connection of organizations and facilities of cities, town, remote etraps to this system and to internet in order to the residents would be able to use the capabilities of modern communication technologies in educational, medical and recreation spheres.

The Head of the State has also requested to elaborate on the subjects of changing of structure of editorial offices in relation to change of media to electronic format, to set the cost for using of electronic newspapers and magazines.

The President of Turkmenistan specify the timeline for completion of work on transit to digital system until October 2020, having highlighted importance to make all conditions for activity of the electronic Government and wished success in solution of set objectives to the Vice-premiers.