Ï Archaeologist Timothy Williams reads online lecture to Turkmen students

Archaeologist Timothy Williams reads online lecture to Turkmen students

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Lecture on the subject “UNESCO: Silk Road and place of Ancient Merv” was held in online mode in the conference hall of the Institute of international Relations.

Professor of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London, UNESCO Senior Advisor on Great Silk Road Timothy Williams, who took part in joint archaeological expeditions in our country, has performed for students and teachers of the Institute of International Relations and International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development.

For many years, Ancient Merv is under focus of scientific interest of the Professor. Special projects is implemented under his leadership the Institute of Archaeology of the University of London. It is worth mentioning that the Institute works closely with the Ministry of culture of Turkmenistan in protection and study of historical monuments.

Having noted that work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – Heart of the Silk Road” is on high demand among his colleagues and students, English scientist expressed gratitude to the Head of the State for large-scale activity for popularization of historical and cultural heritage of Turkmens and for the opportunities for development of international scientific cooperation.

Such subjects as attractions of Ancient Merv, its irrigation systems, role of Murgab River and other have been highlighted in the lecture. The Professor highlighted the importance of modern geomorphological studies, achievements in the sphere of palaeography, aerial and space mapping.

It was mentioned that archaeological researches prove the fact that trade routes connecting Margiana with ancient civilizations of India and Mesopotamia have existed in this place two thousand years prior the system of caravan network between Europe and China, which routes run across the territory of modern Turkmenistan.

After the lecture, the audience had a chance to ask questions to the scientist in online mode.