Ï International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country

International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country

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International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
International photo exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality of the country
“Turkmenistan – Home of neutrality”, International photo exhibition and conference under this name took place in the capital. The exposition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality included works of Turkmen and foreign photo artists and journalists.

Famous art people, representatives of public organizations, mass media and students took part in the opening ceremony of the review, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the country.

The participants noted that this is peace-loving foreign policy of the Head of the State, equal international cooperation, on which Turkmenistan builds its large-scale plans, bold projects and grandiose programmes.

In this context, the presented photo gallery reflecting success and forethought of urban construction policy of the President of Turkmenistan aimed at improvement of life level of the population and making of all conditions for work and rest of people is very impressive

Photos demonstrating architectural symbols of the Monument of Independence and Monument of Neutrality, unique new buildings as well as image of prominent people also attract attention.

The exhibition demonstrates skills of talented photographs who are able to separate bright and special things, thousand years old traditions and life of the nation from everyday life and to present it in original format to the audience.

Unique landscapes and natural phenomenon, original phots of architectural monuments are among skilled works of talented authors. One is able to see unique photos, which reminds us how it is important to care of peace and harmony on the planet, which is one for all.

Bright colours of photo works united under natural series make special mood of the visitors of the exhibition. Photo collection again proves the epithets that are dedicated to our capital like the city buried in green, city garden.

Works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov occupy deserved place in the exposition speaking of the history of our nation, its riches culture and century-old traditions as well grandiose achievements of the era of independence.

Part of the exhibition is made up from picturesque works, samples of decorative and applied art, ceramics and sculptures, carpets made in the best national traditions by the famous Turkmen masters and young talents. All of them have become illustrations of modern history of the nation.

Photo exhibition was continued in the afternoon with video conference session, which was held in the afternoon with participation of representatives of Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, India, China, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Participants of the conference stated with delight that Turkmenistan proves by its activity that principles of neutrality, peace loving, good neighbourliness have always been and remain to be the basis of its foreign policy while friendship between the peoples is the main resources of prosperity, peace and stability, guarantee of progress and new achievements.

During video conference, its foreign participants have demonstrated their works, shared their plans and expressed sincere gratitude for high organizational level of International photo exhibition and conference “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality” and making of conditions for successful cultural cooperation.

The award ceremony of diplomas and valuable prizes to the participants of the exhibition has been held during the event.