Ï Specialists of educational system discuss aspects of preparation of children to school

Specialists of educational system discuss aspects of preparation of children to school

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The conference hall of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan hosted the conference dedicated to realization of the Programme of improvement of activity of children pre-school facilities in the sphere of early development and improvement of preparation of children to school in Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025.

The programme approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will be logical continuation of National strategy for early child development, which was elaborated by the Government of Turkmenistan together with the country office of the UNICEF and other specialized agencies of the UN.

Specialists of educational system of Turkmenistan, personnel of pre-school and school facilities, representatives of health protection and medical industry sphere, mass media took part in the event.

The agenda of the conference included objectives of introduction of advance approaches and innovative technologies in educational process, modernization of kindergartens, improvement of methods of preparation of children to school and development of social skills, healthy life style and other.

Organization of methodological aid to parents in distant preparation of children to school has also been reviewed. It was noted that this direction of work would be reflected in new UNICEF country programme for Turkmenistan for 2021 – 2025. Medical provision, where vaccination of children is one the first place, will play big role in the Programme.