The exhibition was organized by Ashgabat city hall and Trade and Industrial Chamber, which brought together wide range of the capital social and economic complex including structural divisions of the government section of the economy and financial and banking sphere, education and culture, sport and tourism as well as private structures. This year, more than 70 exhibitors including dozens of companies presented their production at the exhibition.
Members of the Government and National Parliament, representatives of profile ministries and departments, diplomatic corps, public organizations, mass media, Turkmen and foreign businessmen, residents of the capital took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition.
The exposition has illustrated aspects of urban construction programme and input of various branches to realization of the government programmes. Models of administrative and office complexes, shopping and entertainment centres, high-comfort residential buildings have been presented at the review for visual imagination of scale of expanded works. Majority of presented innovative projects make have a new look at further functional and aesthetic development of urban environment.
The exhibition also demonstrates modern construction and decorative material, computer and communication capabilities, achievements in the sphere of food industry, success in solution of ecological issues, development of sports, scientific and cultural potential and many oother things, which form the image of big city.
Power energy and industry, oil and gas, petrochemical sphere, transport, communications, textile and carpet making industry, chemical sphere, agriculture and water management, agricultural complex, medical industry, education, culture, sport and tourism, printing, natural protection and planting of trees and shrubs – the steadfast development of these spheres was reflected in video and printing production.
Exhibition halls of the state concerns Türkmengaz, Türkmenhimiýa, Ministry of Energy presented dynamics of growth of basic branches of the economy using demonstration panels.
Achievements in construction industry and production of construction material were illustrated at the displays of biggest facilities of the industry. separate section is dedicated to high technologies as an integral part of development of modern city.
Dynamics of development of transport and communication sphere were illustrated by exhibition section presented by Türkmenawtoulaglary, Türkmendemirýollary, Türkmenhowaýollary, Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agencies and logistic companies.
Wide variety of production of all spheres of agricultural complex and private producers is in exhibition halls of agricultural complex.
Representatives of private sector take stronger positions in various production spheres. Turkmen entrepreneurs and producers specialize in different spheres from agricultural and food industry, textile and furniture production, printing to construction of modern residential complexes and industrial facilities
Famous private companies like Çigildem, Aýbölek, Ak bulut, Çaly, Rysgally zähmet, Ussat inžener and many other presented their products and services at current exhibition.
The Ministry of textile industry presented production of one of the leading export oriented branches. Wide variety of cotton and silk fabrics, sewing and knitted items are distinguished with high quality, excellent design, national colours. Items of decorative and applied art and souvenir production have been demonstrated at the exposition.
Display of Turkmen State Publishing Service attracted attention of the visitors. Books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which are very popular in the country and abroad due to translations to different languages, occupied honoured place at the exhibition.
The achievements of the country were reflected in specialized exhibition halls presented by the Ministries of education and culture as well as banking sector and insurance organization. displays illustrating sports and tourism have also attracted the visitors.
Organizations and companies participating in implementation of joint projects in urban construction and industrial spheres as well as in road and transport infrastructure were among foreign exhibitors. It includes Bouygues, Gap Inşaat, Rönesans, Vozrozhdeniye JSV, which presented innovative developments and technologies.