Ï US technological equipment is supplied to the State Circus of Turkmenistan

US technological equipment is supplied to the State Circus of Turkmenistan

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The Ministry of Culture hosted a virtual ceremony of presenting circus equipment to the State Circus of Turkmenistan on behalf of the government of the United States and the American people.

The U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan jointly with the International Center "Meridian" presented a gift of circus equipment to the State Circus of Turkmenistan in honor of the upcoming celebration of Turkmenistan’s Independence Day.

Speaking during a virtual ceremony, Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy, Valerie Chittenden noted that the event was a symbol of the strong bonds that connect the people of our countries.

As emphasized, within last years, the circus arts experts of Turkmenistan and U.S. have established close relations. This continuing exchange between U.S. and Turkmen circus arts experts opens up new opportunities to share experience, improve skills, ensure professional growth of representatives of various genres of circus arts, including acrobatic performances, given that fact that the gift includes such equipment as lyra, trapeze, climbing rope, and aerial fabric, among other items.

The established productive Turkmen-American dialogue in the sphere of culture is of particular importance in the light of the humanitarian aspect of the "open door" policy and broad international cooperation, which was widely supported by the international community.

The Turkmen circus, which has a rich history, has taken its niche in the rapidly developing entertainment industry and the diverse palette of the cultural life of the Turkmen people.

Traditionally, world-renowned Turkmen riders shine on the arena of the State Circus, demonstrating brilliant off horse riding skills on Ahalteke horses, the performances of artists working in different genres arouse admiration.

Thus, circus arts opens up new opportunities for international cooperation in the cultural sphere.