Ï Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO activity holds the first session

Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO activity holds the first session

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First session of Turkmenistan National Commission for activity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNSECO) has been held at request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with participation of the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads and representatives of profile ministries and departments of the country.

The Provision of the Commission and its composition have been approved by the Resolution of the Head of the State from October 23 this year.

Draft Joint Action Plan for 2021 – 2023 has been reviewed, matter related to nomination of dutar making craft, dutar playing musical art and art of bakhshy to the Representative Intangible Heritage List, which has been registered by the UNESCO Secretariat, as well as horse coaching art of ahalteke horses and breeding of Turkmen alabays have been discussed at the session.

It was mentioned that inclusion of Ancient Merv, Kunyaurgench and Ancient Nisa historical and cultural reserves to the World Heritage List as well as Gyorgly destan, kushtdepdy singing and dancing artTurkmen national carpet art to the Representative Intangible Heritage List are the results of cooperation with UNESCO.

Intangible cultural and historical heritage includes folklore, performance art, rituals, celebrations, traditional skills and knowledge related to the nature and surrounding world as well as unique ancient technologies and original crafts.

It was noted at the session that music and poetic art of bakhshy is one of the most ancient and original. It has a special place in the history of Turkmen nation. There are several traditional schools of this performance art, in which leading role is given to musician – storyteller.

Undoubtedly, detailed cultural and historical study in scientific and popular presentation will support to protection of succession and further popularization of national spiritual values including traditions of bakhshys, the participants highlighted.

Turkmen side has informed about the plans to enter UNSECO Art City Network, which is to support further strengthening of cultural dialog, development of international cooperation between cities, which are willing to invest to stable development of their territories.

Opening of the first in the country specialized kennel, which has been built by initiative of the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Ak Bugday District, Ahal Region, is an evidence of huge importance paid to enhancement of general dog breeding culture and its methodological provision, formation of valuable gene pool of Turkmen dogs in modern age.

This event has fallen on the publication of book of the President of the country “Turkmen Alabay”, which describes an important role of these wonderful dogs in life and destiny of our people.

Further popularization of one of the best watch dog breeds, which is our national heritage, has been supported by the foundation of Türkmen alabaý itleri Association, which first session was held on May 7 this year.

Improvement of the best traditions of national kennel school in the context of objectives set by the President of the country for breeding alabays on systematic base, application of methods of national selection and modern scientific achievements is among the utmost directions of activity of the Association.

Issues related to joint of the country to the UNESCO Conventions on combating discriminations in educational sphere, on protection and stimulation of variety of cultural self-expression forms as well as recognition of higher education qualifications have also been reviewed.

Opportunities of cooperation in digital projects, exchange of information and other current subjects have been discussed at the first session of Turkmenistan National Commission for activity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.