Ï World famous fashion designers presented in Ashgabat their new collections

World famous fashion designers presented in Ashgabat their new collections

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Fashion designers of worldwide reputation – Vyacheslav Zaytzev, Tatyana Parfyonova, Alyena Ahmadullina from Russia, as well as Muammer Ketenji (Turkey) and Kuralai Nurkadilova (Kazakhstan) presented in Ashgabat new collections of nifty clothes. Festive show was held in the capital’s exposition center “Sergi koshgi”, where international textile exhibition has opened today.

A large fashion parade familiarized the Turkmen public with development tendencies of fashion industry, new trends and creative findings of the artists, who won the authority in the world of cloth designing. Turkmen fashion designers, including designers of Ashgabat Fashion House and Salon “Gul Zaman” took part in the show.

Clothes designer from St. Petersburg Tatyana Parfyonova shared with her impressions about work of the Turkmen colleagues and told about own collection:

- Prior to the trip to Turkmenistan, I have conducted small “research” on topic of cultural heritage of your country, which richness has to be reflected in the creativity of the Turkmen designers.

Really, I saw here such style, where preference is given to the national color. And it is very interesting, because, in the case of its absence, the people lose the uniqueness, individuality, i.e. lose main thing – their roots. How much time can the cut flowers stay? Several days. But on growing bush, they will flower constantly, opening new flower buds. Therefore, it is important to be close to own sources, remember folk traditions. It is very demanded in modern world. It is also followed in the national cloth. This tendency not simply appeared, but it has strengthened and developed.

I think, in my striving for beauty, the fashion as the element of culture, kind of art can become original bridge for countries and people. Collection we prepared for demonstration in Ashgabat is devoted to gardens, flowers. Owing to it, we tried to express our attitude to Turkmenistan and its population.

…Name of Alyena Ahmadullina from St. Petersburg is famous in Russia. She brightly made herself known in 2007, having become the winner of contest for the best design of dress for Olympic team of Russian. She is owner of many prestigious awards in the field of fashion.

Every collection of A. Ahmadullina is devoted to some fairy tale, such is the brand concept. To Turkmenistan show A.Ahmadulina brought models from the autumn-winter 2015-2016 series, where the basic images have been borrowed from works of the well-known designer of the children's literature T.Mavrina, who is well-known for her illustrations of Pushkin fairy tales. The processed drawings of artist became prints of this collection, which has admired spectators with landscapes of Russian nature, which has decorated clothes.

- Today in many countries it is hard to meet women in national clothes, but in streets of your city, I have seen them much, and it admires, - Alena shares with impressions. – dresses are beautifully extended, similar to a "Gothic" silhouette, and incredible headdress which is hardly can be named a scarf, is harmoniously combined with a dress by colour and structure. Here one was able to keep the culture, to transfer to its following generations, and this process is constantly in motion, which is worth a big respect. Another thing I was admired is an integrated architectural style of Ashkhabad - the city looks like a grandiose ensemble of majestic structures of white marble, in the best way underlining the exalted beauty of capital.

I liked very much the fabrics of Turkmen manufacture. We have bought some kinds of a velvet which henceforth will enrich the assortment offered to the clients of our Fashion house, and also will make a basis of the autumn-winter 2016-2017 velvet collection.

... Each product of Kuralay Nurkadilova - the designer from Kazakhstan has its own character, brightness to which adds non-standard decisions in the field of a design, a decor, silhouette. In Ashkhabad Kuralay has presented a collection with the metaphoric title “Through thorns to stars”.

- Any collection, even the most extravagant, bears a semantic value, and the task of an artist consists of that this message is apprehended and understood by spectators, - says Kuralay. - Clothes after all, can also tell much about the owner, therefore in my models I try to transfer an idea of my work through melodics of colours, forms and decor. It is very important for me.

As I took part in creation of a series of clothes for large sports events not for the first time, including Olympic Games in Beijing and London, this direction in creativity of Turkmen fashion designers was especially interesting for me, which are now occupied by active preparation for the 2017Asian games. In the complete sets developed by them for a national team, the uniform for volunteers and personnel, I liked very much a considered use of traditional patterns, a combination of a thin knitting of national ornaments with dynamic cut.

... Turkish fashion designer Muammer Ketendzhi, as well as Kuralay Nurkadilova, appears with display in Turkmenistan already for the second time. The models developed by him, always differ with expressed national stylistics. Invariable “Ottoman motives” of his collections, whether it is evening dresses or casual clothes, have become a recognizable author's handwriting of Muammer.

- I am glad to see that Turkmen fashion designers do not forget about their national sources, use traditional ornament in their works, colour, texture of a national suit, - tells Muammer Ketendzhi. - Motives of a national suit are always actual in fashion, and Turkmen artists do it even more attractive, adding "exotics" through a combination of traditional with dynamic notes of the present. As a result it looks very effective and fresh. I have noticed that some elements of Turkmen embroidery are used in decor of the models by artists of America, Europe, and it is remarkable, it means that national Turkmen suit has stepped over country borders.


On June 8th, the display of models of Turkmen designers will proceed, and also competition “Cheper eller” (“Skilful hands”) for the most beautiful author's dress will be held among talented artists-skilled workers of fashion salons and Fashion houses of Turkmenistan.