Ï Conference, theatrical and architectural new productions continued the Week of Culture

Conference, theatrical and architectural new productions continued the Week of Culture

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The Week of Culture is going on in Turkmenabat. Program of its third day included the International Scientific Conference “Spiritual and cultural values of the Turkic people”, first show of performance “Seydi” of the State Music and Drama Theatre named after S. Seydi of Lebap province, joint performance of folk musicians, as well as concert with participation of masters of culture and art of Ashgabat and Akhal province. Solemnities on the occasion of opening of new facilities of urban infrastructure introduced their colors into bright palette of the Week of Culture.

The day started with special event – opening of “Baydak” square and grandiose flagstaff set there. Under sounds of State anthem of Turkmenistan with participation of the governing body of the country, vilayet and etrap administration, social organizations, honorable elders, numerous participants of the Week of Culture and population of the city, the green cloth of sacred banner of Motherland was raised to a hundred-meter height.

In the morning, the opening of Scientific Forum “Spiritual and cultural values of the Turkic people” was held in the conference hall of the Museum of History and Local lore of Lebap province, where the International Art Exhibition continues its work in these days. Historians and culture experts, workers of the sphere of culture, representatives of creative intelligentsia from the USA, Russian federation, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Finland, Uzbekistan and other countries, as well as UNESCO became the participants of the scientific conference. At the forum, Turkmenistan was represented by the officials and employees of the institutes of humanitarian direction of the Academy of Sciences, cultural centers of the country, creative groups, as well as specialists of the museum and library studies, poets and prose writers, teachers of the higher educational establishments and secondary specialized schools, journalists and student youth.

In the course of conference, there was held an interesting view exchange on study and preservation of the spiritual heritage of the Turkic people, its wide popularization in the world. The contributors raised vital topics of reciprocal influence of cultures, study of national traditions, folklore, as well as considered the issues connected with conservation of nonmaterial cultural heritage.

Topic of succession of generations and national cultural traditions was reflected in new performance “Seydi” presented for spectators by the State History and modernity was harmonically connected in the storyline, which is underlined by the circular composition of performance narrating about fidelity and love to the native Motherland of the generation of Turkmen, honor and duty, moral purity and human dignity.

In the evening in the front square of the Lebap vilayet library there was held a concert “Shirin nagmalar” with participation of Lebap musicians - joined collectives of bagshis and tuydukchis - performers on gyrgy reed pipes and tuyduk flutes. Perfect possession of national musical instruments, knowledge of folklore, fidelity to traditions of ancestors and desire to keep them - these are components of performers’ success awarded by a burst of applause of numerous spectators of this bright and spectacular creative function.

The third day of the creative forum has finished with big joint concert of Ashgabat and Ahal vilayat masters of culture and art. On an open stage there sounded national and modern melodies and songs, and performed stirring dances. Grateful spectators have met each performance reflecting a diverse palette of the Turkmen art with a storm of applause. The concert has taken place on the festive square in front of the Ruhyyet Palace, and within the next few days "Bitaraplyk" city park reconstructed and solemnly opened today in Turkmenabat will also be involved in conduction of Culture week functions.

All conditions were created in renewed park zone for recreation and interesting spare time of citizens and guests of the city, particularly for children. Among sights of the park, it is worth mentioning dinosaurs and ground with models of the most famous historic-architectural monuments of our country.

There are various playing grounds and modern rides in the park, including forty-meter high roundabout with comfortable open booths intended for 204 persons. Therefrom it is opened amazing look to the city, which noticeably transformed for the welcome of the guests of cultural forum. It is particularly beautiful here in the evening and at night, when the park is in original light attire. Modern restaurant, café and sales outlets are at the service of visitors.

Artificial blue lake, occupying two hectares of park area, became a real zest of the city zone. It is possible to walk on catamarans along the mirror-like water surface.

Modern and technically well-equipped stage was created over the lake, where a large festive concert with participation of national and foreign artists – the participants of the Week of Culture will be held on the Day of workers of culture and art, being widely celebrated in our country.