Ï Translator of the book «On diversity of the world» by Marco Polo to the Turkmen language is awarded a prize

Translator of the book «On diversity of the world» by Marco Polo to the Turkmen language is awarded a prize

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Works by Marco Polo are counted among the rare medieval literature works which are read so far. Exactly for this reason “Dunya edebiyaty” magazine editorial office has decided to translate the book by Marco Polo “On diversity of the world” into the Turkmen language. Translation of this work was entrusted to the skilled literary specialist Charymurat Geldimuradov.

- First, as soon as I have plunged into work, my head has gone around, - tells the translator, - ХIII century …, so many unintelligible words, geographical names which do not exist anymore, a heap of former events which appeared impossible to be understood. But soon I have fallen in love with my hero and in the course of work have lived his legendary life about which I have told to my compatriots. As well as the writer, the translator should let the hero into his heart, get to like with him, and only then the work will become truthful and interesting.

In other words, mentally I have gone together with Marko, his father and uncle to open a way to China for continuation of successful trade with far-away countries, or as now would be expressed, for adjustment of international trading business. I invisibly was present at their travel that lasted almost for quarter of the century. At times, it was interfaced with extreme dangers and difficulties. With big risk for life, travelers overcame abrupt slopes of the Armenian uplands, rowed by boat across the Tigris river and have arrived in Ormuz, assuming from there to reach China by sea.

But travelers have been offered so shabby and unreliable vessels that they did not push their luck once again and joined caravaneers together with whom they have gone along southern foothills of Ginduke. Having successfully overcome Pamir, they have faced the greatest difficulties of the way. Suffering from scorching sun and intolerable thirst, they were to move by sands of Kumtach from oasis to an oasis while, at last, have not reached the first Chinese city of Chandzhou …

Further, it was even more interesting. What is actually Marco Polo - the historian, the traveler, the public figure or a merchant – it is difficult to say. One thing is indisputable: the map of the eastern hemisphere made by his stories, though abounded with a lot of discrepancies, was the first and unique one for a long time, and has brought huge advantage to seafarers of that time. Moreover, the book “On diversity of the world” written from his words has opened to Europeans the countries of Asia and the Orient.

I have got used to wanderings of Marco Polo so much, that when I have put the last dot in the translated book “On diversity of the world”, I have felt some kind of devastation within my soul. I was sorry to part with my beloved hero. However, the trade of the translator has placed all in its places: another book lied on the shelf - historical novel “The Country of Chagatays” by Yewgeniy Berezikov, and I, having put it on my desk, has taken up with other events.

For fascinating translation of the book “On diversity of the world”, Charymurat Geldimuradov was awarded the prize of the President of Turkmenistan in the “Golden age of Turkmenistan” competition.