Ï New Centre of Culture in Atamurat

New Centre of Culture in Atamurat

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The new Centre of Culture became a wonderful present to Atamurat city residents on the eve of the 24th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence. The magnificent building adorned the main street of the administrative centre of Atamurat etrap, Lebap Velayat. The building was erected by local entrepreneurs.

There are all necessary conditions created in the new centre to hold various events and organize groups of interest. There is also a special facility for bagshi. New artistic groups that will be created in the city in the near future will arrange concerts, performances and other events in the spacious hall with a comfortable stage. The new centre will also host theatre groups from Ashgabat and the regions.

The city of Atamurat (former Zemm, Kerkuh and Kerki) and its surroundings were known many centuries ago. Medieval mausoleums Astana-baba and Allam-berdar are located on the territory of the etrap. The route of the UNESCO international expedition "Great Silk Road - the path of dialogue" run there in 1991. Numerous exhibits, including old jars, agricultural tools and other exhibits kept in the museum of the new Centre of Culture tell about the rich history of this region.

This is the 15th cultural object built in Lebap Velayat within the framework of the National Programme for the improvement of social and living conditions in villages, settlements, towns in etraps and etrap centres for the period till 2020 by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.