Ï Seminar devoted to the national decorations took place at the State Cultural Center

Seminar devoted to the national decorations took place at the State Cultural Center

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The seminar devoted to traditions of national suit and culture of national decorations has taken place at the Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. Representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, heads of folklore-ethnographic dancing groups, teachers of Turkmen State University named after Mahtumkuli, employees of mass media and museums took part in it. Participants of the seminar raised very interesting and important topics related to good traditions of use of national Turkmen jewelry decorations.

The contributors repeatedly underlined that perhaps, nor any other people, who have so much fine female jewelry how many have created within centuries by Turkmen jewelers. It is enough to remind that once the weight of full jewelry wedding adornment of the bride reached to 36 kg. While motion, the bride sounded a silver ring, which drove away evil ghosts according to the belief.

Many centuries, the woman carried out mission of keepers of family treasures. In their forged caskets, valuable decorations accurately wrapped in cloth rag waited in the wings waited for the hour. In a significant case, in order to attach a special solemnity to the moment, the family relics were gifted to daughters and daughters-in-law. Within the last centuries, the infinite quantity of jewelry decorations of hardworking and skilful Turkmen jewelers was accumulated. The best samples of their creativity are kept at the State Museum.

Specialists of the museum collect data on mission and sense of those or other traditional ornaments. Today, this knowledge is also useful for participants of the folklore-ethnographic creative groups, which are using in suits for performances the national dresses and jewelry. And thus, they become not only carriers of dancing culture, but also culture of application of jewelry decorations.

After theoretical part of the seminar, it was held a round-table meeting in ethnographic department of the museum, where the seminar participants have got acquainted with magnificent exhibits of rich expositions. Employees of the museum gave to each exhibit the exhaustive characteristic. For example, the young girl in solemn occasions could wear a headdress “guppa”, which shape very much reminds a top of military helmet. And it confirms the belief that before, the Turkmen girls were like amazons and many details of their armor were kept in the form adornments.

The betrothed girls wore neck adornment - boyuntowuk. By the way, such decoration allowed the girl to hold a head only directly that considerably improved her bearing. Today, the fitness clubs and trainings in aerobics are accessible for us, but during former times, maybe even without realizing, the jewelers promoted not only external, but also physical beauty of women. For example, the young woman wore a high headdress – egme, which guaranteed majestic carriage of head. The decoration in the form of rhombus – gonjuk, which was attached on a waist, was widely used among young women. If the woman began to stoop, gonjuk forced her to be straightened again.

From dialogue with museum experts, the seminar participants have received a lot of valuable and interesting information, which considerably filled up their representation about national jewelry articles. The purpose of seminar organizers – the specialists of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and State Museum has been reached: each participant of seminar felt responsible for spread of knowledge about mission of traditional decorations and popularization of national jewelry art.